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Today's rambling: Of Bradys and Partridges
Written on Thursday, Sept. 30, 2004 at 12:21 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Emilily: Yes, the Indians!!! And Bobby stuffed baked beans into his flashlight for the Indian boy to eat. *giggles* Oh, the good times.

Y'know, I wish Mike and Carol would've gotten well and truly pissed off at one of the people that screws with them. Like the guy who locked them all in the jail in that ghost town. I don't care if he came back with the car; I'd have beaten his ass for locking me up in the first place! And then Vincent Price, when he tied up Greg, Peter, and Bobby. Mike was all, "Well hey, why don't we help you out?" I'd have been like, "BITCH! Your ass is grass!"

*cough* Anyway, enough of that. We all know that The Brady Bunch was somewhat less than realistic. ;) Now, the Partridge Family, on the other hand...*grins teasingly* Speaking of that, though, I wonder how the VH1 search thingy went. Probably has the crappiest bunch of folks on there. But at least Lucais was voted off. *shudders just thinking about him*

I...don't even know what possessed me to write this entry. I just felt kinda bad for abandoning my Diaryland account for days at a time! *reminisces* There used to be a time when I'd write in here once a day...sometimes MULTIPLE times a day! Ah, those were good times... :P

Oo, rock on! They didn't keep that really old kid that was trying to be Danny! He was WAY too old for the part.

Alright, I'M GOING NOW! The fact that I'm talking about a stupid VH1 show (again) is just too sad. I'm going to go stare at The Pants now. LOL

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!