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Today's rambling: ROAR!
Written on Sunday, Sept. 12, 2004 at 8:31 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I'm feeling exceptionally ornery today, so you're going to see generally cranky stuff in this entry. Starting with the oh-so-(NOT)-funny "prank" pulled over at the message board.

A bunch of girls in the New England area (and a Floridian) went to the RenFest up there a couple days ago. And apparently, it's a tradition that they post on the message board and say horrible things about each other and what a terrible time they had. However, only the older board members knew this had been done before. A lot of us had NO idea what was going on, and Katy was so irritated by it that she locked that thread down. So then the one girl who started the thread started ANOTHER one to be like, "Oh! Sorry! It was just a joke!"

I was in stitches, I tell you. I mean, it must have been a 'had to be there' moment, because I certainly didn't find anything amusing about it. "Oh, har har, let's make everyone think we hate each other!" *rolls eyes* I'm feeling slightly confrontational, so part of me just wants to post, "Hey, not funny." But I don't need to go starting anything, so I'll keep my mouth shut. But that doesn't keep me from ranting here, does it? *pets diary lovingly*

In other rantingness, our fraternity now has a trial-basis "Cheer Committee". Which I think is crap. They're doing stuff that the entire fraternity should be doing anyway! Birthdays, cheering people's pretty sad when we need a COMMITTEE to be doing that kind of stuff. Mike tried saying last Exec Board meeting that the sending of stuff to alumni would be up to the Cheer Committee, too. I'll be damned if THAT'S gonna happen. Alumni Committee already gets mocked because it never does anything. Well no wonder, if all our duties are shoved off on committees that shouldn't even exist! X_X

I'm the sort of person that, thanks to my quiet nature, gets stepped on and treated as invisible. And, like the pansy I am, my methods of retaliation are done in the form of passive-aggressiveness. But I'm tired of it. I'm tired of people treating me like I'm invisible, and this year I am going to do my best to put a stop to that. If I have to turn into a bitch every now and then to get my point across, then I'll just have to suck it up and turn into a bitch. But there's not going to be any more of this nonsense!

I'm also the one paying for all the main food items here at the apartment. Because my roommate is the Biggest Penny-Pincher In The World. Out of the two of us, I'm the one that ought to be pinching pennies, because I only have...*looks in checkbook*...$44.52 to my name. And a credit card, which is what I've been using to pay for food. Because while she might be happy eating soup every night, I've got a full kitchen and I want to eat real food this year. Yet all the main food we've been getting, like the hamburger and a few other things, have been paid for by me. I managed to make her pay for the chicken (only because she had to run back to get something while we were checking out, so I left that in the cart...see what I said about passive-aggressive?), but still. And this is a prime situation for me to stop letting people do this, right? But I already know what would happen if I said I wasn't going to pay for everything: we just wouldn't eat.

Blah. It's that time of the month, I can tell. I never turn into this "I want to pick a fight with everyone" monster until 'that time'. So anyway, I'm going to go listen to my Traffic/Cream tape again and relax. Geoff made me this tape last year, and I never listened to it until now. And now I love these songs so much that that's pretty much ALL I've been listening to. Oh, how he'd gloat if he knew...

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!