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Today's rambling: Dream a little dream
Written on Saturday, Jun. 19, 2004 at 1:04 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I had this odd sort of dream this morning, but it followed along just like a movie, with only a few of those nonsensical sorts of things that tend to be prevalent in dreams. I was able to cut it for my LJ friends, so they didn't have to slog through it all, but...well, with Diaryland you can just click the X in the upper right corner if you don't feel like reading about it. ;)

I was in an upstairs room with an old woman, who I guess was some kind of occult follower. We were talking as she brought out these short, fat sticks that were some kind of divining tool. As she brought them out and started arranging them, I happened to look out the window and see this black-cloaked man with gray hair that reached his ears. He was standing by a lone grave, and his back was to the house I was in. I tried asking the woman who he was, but she was acting as though there was nothing out of the ordinary. She said he was skilled in Occlumency, which in my dream had something to do with spirits. When I said that I'd been told Occlumency was the ability to shield one's mind, the woman just chuckled in that "Boy, was that person an idiot!" kind of way.

Since it was apparent the woman wasn't going to tell me anything else about the strange man, and since he was walking toward the house, I decided to run downstairs and talk to him myself. I'd already gotten the feeling that he was no threat to me, so despite his somewhat ominous appearance, I wasn't afraid to approach him.

Somehow between the time I ran out of the room and the time I got outside, I somehow realized that he was a spirit himself and that he'd been wronged somehow in his past. I actually managed to get into the past, where I saw him as a younger man. There was a young woman walking with him, and it turns out that she was the old woman I'd been sitting with in that room. The odd part was, though, that they were wearing 1800's-era clothing. I don't remember what the man's name was, now, but I kept calling it out trying to get his attention. However, it was as though I was Scrooge looking in on Christmas Past, because nobody could hear or see me.

Frustrated, I walked away and was back in the present again. As I stood in front of a garage door (this house was almost exactly like my old house), I looked over and saw some sort of walking staff leaning against the wall. It hadn't been there before, and I recognized it as being the one that belonged to that man. When I picked it up, I saw that the knob on the top could be pulled away, revealing some sort of powder (in my dream I think it was bone powder, heh) inside. My younger cousin showed up at that point, I don't know why, and I was starting to show it to him when suddenly I began having other visions of this man's past. *laughs* My cousin asked what was wrong, and I replied, "Sorry, I was just having visions," all calm as though it was nothing unusual. The visions told me that the woman, who I think was going to be married to this guy, feared that he was starting to get involved in the dark arts, and in the end she killed him. And she killed him by grabbing a handful of sewing-type needles and stabbing them into his back. :P

At that point, some other girl showed up, and went into an admonishment for me having picked up that staff. She asked if I'd picked it up confidently or hesitantly, and when I said the latter, she asked if I was hesitant because I knew it belonged to someone else, or some other reason. None of it really made sense, but apparently if I'd picked it up in a certain manner, it would attract evil spirits. By this point, we'd walked into the garage (which was attached to the rest of the house) and just as we were walking toward the door to go into the house, everything started shaking as though from an earthquake. We opened the door and all this rubble started sliding into the garage...but then came in these lift cars, for lack of a better description. I had no idea where they'd come from, but I knew it had to do with magic. And not the good kind.

Holding the staff out defensively in front of me, I shouted out "BRING IT!" (LoL) and stood ready to battle off whatever evil being had caused this destruction. Sensing it was behind me, I spun around just in time to see a man only slightly older than me standing there, and he flung his hands out just as I brought the staff back up in front of me. We were both screaming defiantly as magic was flung at each other (even that sounds like something out of a cheesy fantasy movie, lol), but then suddenly he shouted to stop and lowered his hands.

"It's me!" he exclaimed, grinning. From what I remember, this was a really attractive man: tall, kind of broad-shouldered and clothed in khaki pants and a tan-colored sweater with some kind of stripe going across the chest, and dark hair that fell in messy curls to the tops of his ears. I suddenly realized it was the guy I'd been trying to save, only come alive in the present. But even as he was smiling at me, I got the feeling that something was wrong. When I voiced as much, his voice went soft as he tried convincing me that it really was him. I think he tried seducing me at one point, lol...However, I couldn't shake the feeling that it wasn't really the man I'd been trying to save, and was instead just some evil sort after the staff I held in my hands.

I tried asking him questions that would prove it wasn't him, and at one point I asked him what his name was. However, he'd just finished talking about some dissertation he'd been writing, and it was as if he thought I'd asked what the paper was called. So I never got that answer. And then of course...

I woke up.

I haven't been that irritated at myself in quite some time, lol! That dream was so interesting and involving, so it just figured that I had to wake up before it had even ended! I laid there for awhile and dreamed up my own ending, but it wasn't nearly as satisfying as the dream itself had been. I like dreams because it's as though you're living a story someone else created, not knowing how it's going to end. With daydreams, you plan everything out yourself so it's not always as exciting.

Anyway, that's it. I managed to stay in bed 'til almost 9 this morning, after waking up first at 6, and then again around 8. Of course, I'm still really really tired, but I couldn't make myself fall asleep again. Maybe I'll wander out to the fabric store after Mom gets home and see if I can find some stuff to make a costume for LOJ (because I'm unfortunately too fat to fit into my prom dress *frowns sadly*). I'm a bit panicked now as to what I'm going to end up wearing for that!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!