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Today's rambling: Happy June!
Written on Tuesday, Jun. 01, 2004 at 7:12 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

There's a woman on the message board I frequent who's been having all sorts of really bad stuff happen to her all at once. There must be a black cloud of phenomenal proportions over this woman's head. She's seen a guy jump off his balcony and commit suicide, she's gotten bronchitis and had to have a polyp removed from her throat, which means she can't sing at her brother's wedding, and she had to have a mole looked at by a specialist because it had changed shape/color. That was last week, and apparently it looks as though she'll be fine as long as she gets them removed quickly.

But then just a few days ago, her 1-year old daughter was admitted to the hospital because she was really really sick. Apparently, it's something only like 10% of children are susceptible to, which is rather ironic. Poor Rebecca; you can't help but feel sorry for the poor thing, having all this stuff happen to her all at once!

Anyway, another friend of mine from the boards said she was going to send a little care package to Rebecca, and I suddenly thought: "I could make a Mini-Buddy for her daughter!"

I haven't made one of these dolls since the two I made for Jam and Ngoc (by the way, Jam, were you able to send that one? I'd forgotten to ask you awhile ago, lol!), but I used up the rest of my material last night cutting out the pieces. I'm still not sure what I'm going to make as far as clothing goes, but I'd like to be able to finish it and have it sent off as soon as possible, so it doesn't arrive after all the bad stuff is over! :P

I used to be one of the sorts that liked buying things for people, but now I'd much prefer making things. I know they don't look quite as nice as something you could buy, but it means SO much more! It makes me feel great the entire time I'm sitting there crafting, almost like I'm putting part of myself into the gift. And even if the final product doesn't look exactly perfect, I still feel really proud of it and really excited to give it away!

That being said, I suppose I should go sew these pieces together now. :P And I really need to get to Walmart to buy some material from the remnants bins...I'm thinking I'm going to dress the dolly in pink, perhaps a sundress like the one I made for my Mini Berry doll. Of course, THEN I got to thinking, "Oh, wouldn't it be cute if I could make mini wings for it and turn it into a faerie?" But since it's going to a 1-year old girl, I reckon wire wings probably wouldn't be the best idea!

I hate going out by myself, lol...Tiff, tie your dad to his chair for a night so you can have the car! *giggles* ;)

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!