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Today's rambling: Oops?
Written on Saturday, Feb. 14, 2004 at 4:43 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Oo, I feel bad, LOL! I updated my website (finally!), and there's a part in the "About Me" section that's called "What Irks Me". I put down that the 'arrogant jerks at our campus TV station' are one of those things, but see, what I forgot was that I had also linked my website in my Kyle clicked on the link!

First of all, I would like to express sheer SURPRISE that he even looked at my profile. We only talk online once in a blue moon, and that's usually just school-related stuff. So when he IMed me and asked if he was one of those aforementioned "arrogant jerks", I was like, "WHOA!"

But he's probably like the only person I don't include in that, hehe! I assured him that it definitely wasn't him, adding that he's probably one of the nicest people there (which is true), and he replied that he tries very hard to never be arrogant or obnoxious and that if anyone ever thought of him that way, he'd be really upset! He then went on to agree that there are definitely some egotistical people down there, so that actually made me feel better. Even though he's super nice, he's still part of the 'in' crowd, so I never expected him to admit that anyone down there is less than perfect.

Even though I think we're okay, I still feel embarrassed for having put that statement in there, lol! I wrote it while feeling bitter, and it's not like it's not true, but I guess I just didn't expect anyone from there to actually care enough to go look at my website, hehe...

Anyway, I slept in really late today, and since then I've been lazing in my pajamas. I really ought to get dressed and grab some dinner. I'd like to ask Lisa if she could drive me to Walmart, but I feel bad, like I'm using her for her car. :P However, I've never asked her to drive me anywhere before, so I'm sure she'd never think I was just using her, lol!

I wish I had more food than these Hershey's kisses in my room! Chocolate is yummyful, but I'd really rather have substantial food!

I experimented with the Sims today, hehe...You're probably all going to think I'm some kind of sadistic freak, but they're just computer blips. It's not like I'd do this in real life. Anyway, if your two Sims have/adopt a baby, and you neglect it, a woman from Social Services appears and takes it away. I wanted to know what would happen if I moved the cradle to a doorless room. So I made one of the families adopt one, then stuck it in a little room I'd just made. I was very disappointed to see that she just teleports herself in and out of the room. However, after a little more experimenting, I have realized that babies and NPC characters are invincible in this game. I guess the realism of having people accidentally die only goes as far as adults, lol!

Anyway, now that I've admitted how retarded I am, I'm going to wander off and get dressed. Yes, it's nearly 5 o'clock in the evening and I am still in my jammies. I should traipse down to the dining hall and see if they have anything edible. And then I will eat by myself. *sniffle* I'd just order pizza, but I have no money. Hmm, maybe I'll go withdraw $20 at an ATM and order pizza would be so delicious! And I could eat it tomorrow, too! Bonus!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!