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Today's rambling: Here Comes The Sun
Written on Friday, Feb. 13, 2004 at 4:51 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Yeesh, when I sent away that card for a free temporary subscription to the Wall Street Journal, I never expected to be so inundated with the darned things! For whatever reason, I'd expected to get one issue a week. How can they fill up SO MANY PAGES with stuff EVERY DAY?? It just doesn't seem like there's enough going on in the world for that, lol! Important stuff, anyway. Obviously there are always things happening.

I only got the subscription because I have to review articles for my Macroeconomics class. I like to read the newspaper, but of course the WSJ is focused more on money-related matters. Still, I just spent the last hour and a half going through today's issue (the first time I've even read one of these things), so I guess there's enough to keep one occupied on a lazy Friday afternoon. Maybe I should sift through all the other copies laying around my side of the room, since there are some good articles to be found.

Of course, mentioning to anyone that I just read a good article in the Wall Street Journal is sure to up my IQ points in everyone's eyes. ;) Either that, or cause them to wonder if I wear pocket protectors when nobody's around...

This afternoon has been just beautiful. Bright, golden sunshine, chilly-but-not-too-cold temperatures...and I have no guilt on my conscience because I went to my CIS class and then worked for Professor Freeman from 10 o'clock until about 2 o'clock. I refused to leave until I got all that work caught up, and it only took me a couple hours to do! One hour of that was spent battling the crowd of people at the Stuff-A-Plush event in our student center, hehe...But I informed Freeman that I'd be leaving at 11 and coming back, and he said it was okay (after joking that he was going to lock the room behind him so I couldn't leave).

If any of you guys have seen the "Build A Bear" stores around, that's pretty much what this thingy was like. Our University Activities Board set the whole thing up, and best of all, it was free! Unfortunately, they didn't order enough of everything (which is understandable, because we so rarely get large turnouts for anything), so I didn't get the stuffed animal of my choice (which would have been a giraffe, hehe). Still, I got this really cute horse, who has been dubbed Chevalier. He looks very cute in his "Clarion University" T-shirt, hehe!

Man, right now I could just sprawl out on the floor, resting against my spring green beanbag chair, and let the sunshine just pour over me while I listen to some good music. It's like an early case of spring fever, but can you blame me? This is the first time the sun has shown so beautifully in weeks! And as long as I stay inside, I don't have to be reminded of the wintry temperatures, lol! If I'm feeling this happily lethargic now, I don't want to think about what'll happen when spring actually does arrive! I'll be skipping classes all over the place! ;)

Last night when I walked into the student center to go to our PSP initiate voting meeting, I saw Kristen and one of her friends in the 'rotunda' (aka the main area). I went over to talk to her, and of course had to get in a bit of complaining about the TV station. All of a sudden, I see her friend Gavin handing over a Ziploc bag with two cookies...he said something like, "Here, have some cookies to cheer you up." I don't know this kid at all, and he knows even less about me, so I was extremely touched that he would do something that nice. His church had sent him a big old box of goodies, so it's not like he didn't have some to spare...but even so, I tend to be a greedy bitch when it comes to sweet confections! ;) The cookies were homemade, too, and soooo good...He has forever endeared himself to my heart. *grins*

I got a bit miffed when one of the brothers said she didn't like Kristen at all. I'm not sure why, since everyone is entitled to their own opinions (and goodness knows I don't always have 100% fond thoughts of my roommate), but it just irritated me. This girl had a class with Kristen either last year or last semester, and I guess Kristen's religious views and whatnot just rubbed her the wrong way. I can see how Kristen would be annoying in the academic setting, because she's very arrogant (in a naive way) and goody-goody-ish, but still. Maybe it's just because I live with her and see what a good-hearted, caring individual she is. It's like having a sister; despite knowing her irritating faults, you also know all of her good aspects, too.

And besides, Lord only knows how many things I do that grate on her nerves. I know there have got to be several. But if she can live with my faults, I reckon I can live with hers. ;)

I wish I could give banner rotations away. I now have 33,000 since I just renewed my supergold subscription. But I'm not real big into advertising my diary anymore, since it's mostly just daily stories that newcomers wouldn't really be into. I think you have to be reading a person's diary for awhile before you can really get into the daylogs, because then you kind of feel more like you know the person. Does that make sense? At any rate, any newcomer would just be bored here. I'm surprised I have you few readers! *pets each of you fondly*

Anyway, for the moment at least, that's all I have to say. I was going to decorate my diary in black hearts with the heading "Death to Valentine's Day!" but y'know what? I'm feeling entirely too good right now to worry about being all dark and depressed. ;) So Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! That's my early greeting. You might not get one tomorrow, hehehe...

Edited to add...LOL!! I just went to imood and looked at my history thingy, and up at the top it says, "You currently feel fantastic. You normally feel sad." That's encouraging, isn't it? Over the course of my participation with imood, I've chosen 'sad' about 6 times. Which isn't a whole lot, considering I've been there since 2001! Oh well, I guess I'll just go emo or something...get ready for my next entry, in which I whine about how I wish my life would end...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!