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Today's rambling: Two firsts
Written on Monday, Feb. 09, 2004 at 9:25 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

The first night of "Meet the Brothers" was tonight, and we got about 3 girls and two "Hey, I'm a hot guy" guys. X_X Hopefully more people will go tomorrow night...though I won't know, since I have to be at the STUPID TV STATION!!!

At the end of the whole thing, Karen sidled up to me and cooed, "Amberrrr, what are you doing at 8 o'clock tonight?"

"Going to the wrap-up meeting," I replied cautiously, thinking of the free yummy pizza that would be present at said meeting. Karen waved it off.

"You're not a chair, you don't have to go," she continued, in that serpent-tricking-Eve sort of voice. "Come to Quiz Bowl with us!"

Kristen tried getting me to join her Quiz Bowl team last year, and I refused because I'm no good at this kind of stuff. Karen had mentioned last night that they had one more seat open, but I still had no interest. But at the same time, I thought, "Heck, what could it hurt? If you don't know the question, just don't buzz in!" So in the end, I agreed.

On the way out of the student center, Mike asked me to walk to Founder's with him. Well, he asked Karen too, but Melissa was driving Karen there. She would have driven me as well, but I decided to take pity on the poor boy and walk with him. And I got a nice ego-stroking for my efforts, ha ha! But here's the funny part. I was turned slightly as we walked to talk with Mike, and finally I turned to walk straight again...and ran smack into a wall. Most of the brotherhood was there to see that. It was pretty amusing. Have any of you seen the Lipitor commercial with the two twin men who are identical in almost every way except one has really high cholesterol? He runs right into a glass door. Yeah, that was me. Only the wall was completely opaque. Mike grabbed onto my jacket and decided to guide me out of the building, lol...

So anyway, as for Quiz Bowl. I buzzed in for only two questions, one which I got right and the other which I got completely wrong. The funny part is, I never would have gotten the first question right had Callaghan not showed us that Jackson Pollock movie last semester! If I see him at all, I'll have to tell him that the movie actually came in handy. ;) The other one irritated me because it was about the whole Greek/Troy war...and my mind went back to that TNT (or whatever station) presentation of "Helen of Troy". I guessed wrong, but the correct answer was Hector...who was played by Daniel Lapaine in this particular presentation...who was the only reason I'd even decided to watch the miniseries! X_X

Anyway, we won 23-18, but neither one of us were doing very good, heh...We missed more questions than we answered! Last time the PSP team played, it was a virtual landslide...and only two girls had shown up out of the four! We had four tonight, and did much worse. But we still advance to the next round, so woo hoo! I don't know if Karen will be silly enough to invite me again. ;)

Alright, I'm not sure if I'm going to bed now or if I'm just going to stay up and cough for awhile longer. >_< I've been sleeping terribly for the past two nights, so maybe I'll take some NyQuil now. On the other hand, maybe I shouldn't; goodness knows it'll probably make me groggy as heck tomorrow morning!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!