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Today's rambling: Sick!
Written on Sunday, Feb. 08, 2004 at 12:36 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

So yeah, I've definitely come down with something. I don't know quite what that something is at this point, but it's come with a sore throat-y thing (which is progressively getting worse as we speak), a sporadic earache/headache, and I think I've got a slight fever as well. I can't be sure about that last bit, though, because I don't have a thermometer. Out of all the drugs (legal, thankyou) and other drugstore items I remembered to stock up on, I forgot a friggin' thermometer. Kristen said she'd get me one tomorrow on her way back from church, but by then I probably won't even need it. Oh well, it'll be good to have for the future.

This is the second time I've gotten sick in a two-month period, which is HIGHLY unusual. Bah, I say! Bah!

We walked down to 7-11 a little after ten o'clock tonight, just to get ice cream. The funny thing was, it was so bitterly cold outside that I just knew it would look odd for us to go into a convenience store solely for ice cream. I saw an issue of Rolling Stone there with the Beatles on the cover, and I very nearly bought it...but unfortunately, I'm still exceptionally low on funds right now and the ice cream was already spending more than I should have been spending. So I had to leave the magazine alone. Of course, had it been Queen on the cover, I'd have been right there to buy it even if I was dirt poor. ;) But we all know I'm a Queen freak, right?

It seems REALLY hard to believe that 40 years have gone by since the Beatles first appeared on American soil. I mean yeah, it was 1964...but still, somehow that doesn't seem quite so long ago! Maybe it's just because I live a bit too much in the past, hehe...and the sad part is, I wasn't even alive back then! Too bad; I probably would have had more fun back then! Except I would have been more confined to the traditional 'female' roles, so that would've sucked...but I guess you have your drawbacks to everything. I wouldn't have had the Internet back then, either (or even a computer, for that matter), but at the same time I think I probably would have been more of an outdoorsy type. I love being outside now, it's just that I hate being around people, lol! If I could go sit under a tree for hours with hardly a soul going by me, I'd love it.

But anyway, I'm hoping that tomorrow will be the worst of my sickness, whatever it may be. I seriously think I have something wrong with my ears...I'm not going to go any further, because it's kind of gross, but yeah, there's definitely something going on. They itch constantly now, too, and I know I shouldn't be sticking my fingers in my ears, LOL! But I can't help it! (preciousj, are you sure you still want to read my diary? Hee hee ;)

Blah. Kristen walked out of our room like half an hour ago, at least, and I'm a little worried about her now. Where on earth did she go? She told me she was going to bed, and then she left (I assumed to brush her teeth and whatever). Even if she went to shower, she doesn't take long showers (*coughlikemecough*) so unless someone swept her up in conversation, maybe she got abducted or something. Some random guy got into our dorm last night and pulled the fire alarm a little before 3 am, so it's not such a far-fetched idea...but I'm going to use Occam's Razor and take the simplest answer (that she's just talking to someone). Still, I think I'll go investigate. :P

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!