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Today's rambling: Is it supposed to do that?
Written on Saturday, Jan. 31, 2004 at 5:59 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

The roommate and I went out to Walmart again this weekend, and I finally bought some pajama pants, HOORAY!!! I haven't tried them on yet, so perhaps I shouldn't be cheering prematurely...but hey, they're 2X so they should be nice and baggy. ;)

I also bought (and this is going to be TMI for some of you, hehe) this new wart-removing stuff. It's supposed to freeze the wart off, instead of using acid like most of the over-the-counter thingies do. It's war between me and that thing on my foot, you see, because those acid things weren't working at all (and it's in such an odd place that I can't make those little patches stay on; they're always wanting to rub off. So anyway, I came home and opened up the little informational pamphlet to see how to use this stuff.

I got so freaked out by what they were telling me that I actually called my mother for moral support. How sad is that! *laughs* But this pamphlet was saying things like "you'll experience aching, stinging, or burning" and went on to say that later on, a blister might form...and they decided to include the fact that it sometimes might be filled with blood. I DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THAT!!! You didn't either, I'm sure. But all of these things had me fearing the thought of using this stuff. So I had to take a few minutes to finally decide to do it...and I swear I must have done it wrong or something because I didn't feel anything. Got highly freaked out when I stuck in the applicator sponge and it came out looking frozen (and steaming a la dry ice)...but no pain. There was a little discomfort like half an hour later, but yeah, I'm still wondering if maybe I didn't push down hard enough, lol! Oh well, we shall see. You're welcome for all this information about wart removers, by the way.

I also bought (even though I shouldn't have) the second DVD of Queen's Greatest Video Hits. I don't have the first one, and thank goodness Walmart didn't have it either, or I might have splurged on both. I can't help it, I adore Queen too much to pass up something like that! And it has videos on it that I've never seen before (but alwaysalways wanted to when I was younger), so of course I had to have it. *sigh* I heart Freddie Mercury. I don't care about sexual preferences, or any of his bad aspects...he was just such an awesome...entity, really!

It's cold in this room. It's not usually this chilly, but for the past half an hour my back has been aching from being all tensed up and shivery. I could put a sweatshirt on, but that would be admitting defeat. ;) appears I've run out of anything remotely interesting to say. Tonight, I have to start cranking out those journal entries for Relaxation Skills so I'm not bombarded with all that work at the end. This class is only half a semester long, which is fantastic. And oo, by Wednesday we should find out if the teachers are going to decide to strike or not. I wouldn't mind a couple of days off, bwe he he! *grins*

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!