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Today's rambling: No more pizza
Written on Thursday, Jan. 29, 2004 at 1:06 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Note to self: stop eating the snack bar pizza. It inevitably makes you feel like vomiting later.

Actually, it's more like a game of chance. Sometimes I can eat their pizza and it's the tastiest stuff ever, and then other times (such as today) it's just greasy and disgusting and it makes me sick to my stomach. I guess the fruit punch probably didn't help. The breadsticks, for a change, were lovely and soft...but they were also a bit on the greasy side so all in all, I'm really not doing myself any good on the weight loss track.

Then again, I haven't really been trying for a diet. I don't believe in them, to be honest. Well actually, I believe in eating anything you want, but keeping the portion sizes small. That's my philosophy, I just don't tend to adhere to it (because I have no self-discipline).

Would you believe it? Kristen took her breadsticks over to the girls next door as a "peace offering" (as she put it), and the one girl who lives there apologized for being loud! She said she's even had to knock on someone's door before to tell them to be quiet, and she said that if they're ever being too loud, all we have to do is knock or go over and tell them. She was so nice about it that I halfway feel sorry for putting death wishes on them, hehe!

I got to thinking about Mel (the original one, not my new friend) the other day, and so I decided to send her an email. Except I didn't know what her email address would happen to be now, so I tried searching for her...and ended up finding a couple of pictures of her standing with Weezer. To be sure, had I been gifted with cartoon abilities, my jaw would have hit the floor. I'm not exactly sure why she was there playing games with them, but the way they referred to her almost made me think she was in a band or something. At any rate, that was from back in July of 2002, so who knows what's going on now. I forget when I last talked to her!

Blehhhh, I have to get changed so I can go to relaxation class. The sun...was out just a few minutes ago (after finishing with another flurrystorm this morning), but now it's clouding up again. Oh my goodness, do you think it might SNOW again??? X_X

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!