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Today's rambling: Hypocrites Suck
Written on Friday, Jan. 16, 2004 at 10:30 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Y'know, I'd like to know what all the shit was about last semester when the same thing is happening again and it's definitely not due to anything on this end. I shouldn't let myself stew over it. I mean, obviously it's not worth it. And yet I do, because if I'd known this was going to happen, I wouldn't have let myself get all worked up about it last semester. I would have given a hearty "EFF OFF" to the entire situation and let it go. I guess this kind of stuff just never ends, does it? So I give my hearty "EFF OFF" now, and maybe that'll make up for wasted time.

I'm also rather peeved about the fact that our snack bar will no longer be open on weekends this semester. Considering the dining hall literally serves nothing on the weekends, this means I'm going to have to scrounge around for stuff. Besides that, the snack bar is nice because I can just run in, get my food, and then leave. The dining hall requires me to sit down and eat, and I don't like eating by myself. But unfortunately, I have no one to go to dinner with me. Or at least, I have to pull teeth to get anyone to go with me, and I'm certainly not doing that anymore. Maybe I'll see when Jamie and her boyfriend go, and just beg to tag along with them.

Bleh, it's a 3-day weekend and I can already see what's going to go on: nothing. I'll have to force my lazy ass out to the gym every day, and maybe I'll just force myself to stay there for a couple of hours (instead of my usual 30-minutes to an hour) so that at least I'll be doing something. I wish I had people to hang out with, heh! But nobody's ever home, and I don't have that many friends on campus anyway. I'll have a committee meeting on Monday, but other than that nothing else is going on. And I think half the campus went home for the weekend anyway.

I think I'm dehydrated. I've gone through so much water that it's not even funny. The worst of it is, half the water I've drank has been the flavored water Kristen bought, so I feel kinda bad about that. It's the orange-flavored water, which she said is all mine because she doesn't like it, but still. If I can get a ride out to Walmart with Cat this weekend, I'll see if I can pick up some more of well as a big case of plain water because I ran out of all mine.

Speaking of running out of things...I've run out of money. Seriously. I'm a bit panicky right now, because I've got another month of tuition to pay (which is late already) and I think my credit card is nearly maxed out. My credit card that had a $7500 limit on it. I never, in my lifetime, thought I'd rack up that much money on one credit card. As Geoff would say, "Welcome to the real world," but up until I started college, I never had more than $100 at a time on that thing! But now that card's nearly maxed out, and I have over a hundred dollars on a different card...this sucks! Stress not needed...maybe I should go practice that breathing/meditation stuff that I've been learning about.

The nice thing about this being the weekend is that people went home...and so the dorm is finally QUIET. I was so sick of hearing stupid girls thundering around screaming and shrieking at 10 o'clock (and later) every night! It makes me wish I had magical powers, so I could make their vocal chords useless. Oh, how I'd love to have a completely quiet building...I know, I'm a freak. It's not that I want total SILENCE, I'm just tired of hearing people screaming and yelling all the time!

Maybe part of my mood is caused by the fact that I slept through class today, hehe...I would have gone if I thought I'd learn anything, but we're learning about Windows 2000. And you want to know how stupidly basic it is? The book talked about how to left-click, right-click, and double click. And it described the different parts of a file window, like the drop-down menu, the scroll bar, the status bar, the TITLE BAR...*slams forehead on table* Remind me why I took this class, again? Oh, that's right, because I was hoping to learn things I didn't already know. I can't wait until we get into Excel and all those other things to that I'll actually learn something!

I watched some Flying Circus episodes today. I'd suddenly remembered the one with some sketch that had Oscar Wilde in it, so I went searching for that. I think that was one of the very first MPFC episodes I'd ever seen before, over at Geoff's apartment. And ironically enough, I had to ask him to look it up on his digital cable thingy so he could tell me what episode that sketch was on! I want to watch the "Mr. Neutron" episode again, hehe...It was kind of weird without John Cleese in it, but to be honest, he's not my favorite person anyway. I'm not saying he's not funny, but I don't think he was the most brilliant guy of the bunch, either. So while it was weird that he wasn't there, I didn't exactly miss him. And Graham cracks me up as Mr. Neutron, hee hee...

Grrr...KaZaA decided to go gung-ho on the spyware, so I had to get rid of that. I downloaded Ares instead, and now I can't get any songs to download 'cause they're all like "Connecting" and "Searching" but none of them actually connect! X_X It's tempting to re-download KaZaA long enough to get a few more songs, then delete it again. But I don't want to deal with that retarded spyware stuff again.

Anyway, I'm going to go find something else to do. So au revoir, Diary!

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!