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Today's rambling: Woo!
Written on Thursday, Jan. 15, 2004 at 10:40 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I didn't go to the TV meeting tonight, because I talked to Kyle and he said I could just come down to the station and fill out a form tomorrow or early next week. It's so snowy and slippery out that I didn't have any motivation to go back down to the Comm building, so I was just as happy to be lazy here in my room, lol!

Jamie IMed me later and asked for my schedule, and she said that Kyle had already talked to her. Well, I think he might have told her what I said about wanting to be able to do everything, because she asked me if I wanted to learn how to edit and stuff too! I'd get to go out on the field with reporters, film the stuff for them, and then we'd come back and I'd show them how to edit their stuff. And I might get to be floor director, too! How awesome is this?? Finally, no more hanging around just doing camera work; I'll actually be able to do other stuff!

I was sitting in Temporal Media this morning and Mary Beth was going over the different things that we'll be doing in this class, and the things we'll have to do with our video projects later in the semester. One of the things she brought up was that at least one person in the group would have to be the director, and somehow I realized: that's what I'd like to do when I get out of here! Of course, I'll have to actually get more experience with directing, since I'm sure it's very difficult, stressful work. But from the little bit of experience I've had, I think I might enjoy the job. When we were filming that little thing for French last semester, I found that I had very definite ideas for how I wanted each scene to look and how I wanted everything to be done. Obviously, since it was a group project, I couldn't push my will on everyone else, lol! But I'm such a perfectionist that I like to be in control of things like this. I enjoy being able to see things come out the way I'd visualized them. So yes, definitely going to look more into directing. Though I'll still have to look into other things, since it's probably not the easiest thing in the world to get a directing job...

I would like to happily announce that Jam finally got the parcel I'd sent out! Well, technically Mom sent it out, but I think it was back in October that she sent it!!! We had both despaired of Janette ever seeing it, thinking that it had been sent to the wrong address and someone else was enjoying everything I'd worked so hard to make. But it turns out that it was in quarantine in AussieLand. X_X Don't get me wrong, 'cause it's great that they're strict like that, but someone could have told me. Hehe...I'll bet they were just having fun playing with the dolls I made. I can just imagine a couple of grown men playing dollies:

Man 1: (girly voice) Oh, I'm so happy to meet you, Berry!
Man 2: (also in girly voice) And I'm happy to meet you, gypsy woman! That's a very lovely red dress you're wearing!
Man 1: Why thank you! I made it myself, and this belt is made of sacred, magical beads!


Yeesh...I bought a new container for my bamboo over Christmas break, not realizing until later that the inside wasn't glazed. So now the water is seeping right through the pottery, and I'm wondering how long that'll last...

Speaking of lasting, apparently the strike situation for all the state system schools is looking pretty bad...that is, it looks as though it might very well happen. Part of me wants to jump up and down chanting "Strike! Strike!" but at the same time, if they strike TOO long then this semester will be wasted and I'll have to either take a bunch of summer classes (which I don't plan on doing) or stay an extra semester. So I'd like it if they had a strike right up until the point where we'd have to make up everything, hehe...that way, I could go home! The cruddy part is, I'm not really going to be able to go home, 'cause the strike could only last a day or something like that. So I could go home on Monday and then find out that night that classes are starting up again on Tuesday! Soo, I don't know what I'll do. Just stay up here and work out a lot, I guess!

I went to the Rec Center for another hour today and did 2.5 miles between the elliptical machine and the track. Combined with all the walking I did yesterday and today just around campus, I added another mile to that total. I keep forgetting to wear my pedometer around campus, just to see how far I actually do walk in a day (because I think a mile over two days is a little bit of an underestimate), but oh well. I'm up to 13.67 miles now, whee! Granted, it's nowhere near the 500-mile goal I have, but if I go to the Rec every day, I should make up for all the time I lost in the beginning of January.

My friend-o-the-month arrived last night (you're welcome for the info), and of course today I was set back with cramps. I swear I'm going to just rip my uterus out. At any rate, I called up Geoff this afternoon and started telling him about it, lol (being an unusual guy, he doesn't even bat an eye at these stories)...All of a sudden Kristen turns around in her chair and exclaims, "Who are you telling all of this to??" When I told her who was on the other end, she just had this expression as though she couldn't believe it. He's the only guy I know of who can listen to these sorts of tales...and sometimes he actually asks questions, LOL! Frank used to cringe if I told him I was going to shower; I can only imagine his reaction if I was ever that open with him!

Oo, but back to Kristen! Hehehe...I walked into the room this afternoon after class, and when I looked over to her side of the room, I saw her CareBears in a most compromising position. I swear to you that I did nothing to them, and Kristen is such an innocent, righteous (for lack of a better word...I'm not talking slang, hehe!) little thing that I know she wouldn't have ever thought of it. Yet there are the two CareBears, going at it on the floor. I'm going to show you the pictures, but feel free to go away if you don't want to see them, since this is basically the end of my entry! ;)

Yes, I thought it was so funny that I took pictures. ;) That's her study area, and she uses all those pillow Carebears as...well, cushions. I just can't imagine how she got up and didn't realize that they were piled on top of each other like that, hehe! And that pink one in the second shot looks like she's thinking, "Help me, please!" Bwe he he...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!