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Today's rambling: Yeah, great.
Written on Saturday, Jan. 10, 2004 at 7:56 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Apparently, the Steve Miller Band no longer exists in the eyes of music stores. I looked everywhere today that sells CDs, and not one place had anything by this band! I saw more of Rod Stewart than I ever would have liked to, though. *shudder* Generally speaking, it wasn't a terrifically satisfying day of shopping. Target was so FREAKING CROWDED that I seriously had visions of becoming violent. I don't really like people, have I ever mentioned that? And there were all these little kids running out in front of my cart, and weaving back and forth in the aisles...had their parents not been somewhere nearish, I would have knocked them with my cart. Bwe he he...I dislike kids even more than I dislike people in general!

Anyway, lets get out of the violent vein. I found a bamboo plant for Kristen's late Christmas present, finally found a larger container for my own bamboo plant, and then searched around everywhere for rocks to fill it with. Finally ended up paying more than I needed to in Petco. But it was worth it to see the adorable chinchilla perched on top of his water bottle, snoozing. ^_^ I also bought that new Reach tooth floss thinger, but I'd been under the impression that you needed to buy separate floss for it (and just thread it through the thingy). No, instead they have disposable heads that you're supposed to replace daily. Not that I wouldn't dispose 'em daily, because keeping them would just be gross, but come on. Like I want to waste all that money! So I'm going to try it out and see if it's any good. I could've just bought floss instead, but I can never reach my back molars...and the floss always ends up sliding off my fingers anyway. It's very annoying.

After searching through both Barnes & Noble and Best Buy for Steve Miller Band CDs, we went out and looked for new pajama pants for me. Since my others are kind of...ripped down the back. *giggles* I decided to go to the men's department this time, since I liked Geoff's lounge pants so much. Sure, they have the Easy Access flaps, but it's not like I have anything that'll pop out of them. ;) Unfortunately, all the cute-ish ones came in 3XL, which would have looked like a tent on me. So I'm not sure if the ones I bought will end up fitting, but hopefully they will! I'm going to be in trouble if they don't, since I don't know if the other pants up at college still fit! X_X

GAHHH! Nobody knows how to label mp3 files correctly! All the songs entitled "Space Cowboy" that I tried downloading have all actually been "The Joker"! Come on, people, get your filenames right! *steams*

Can you tell I'm feeling very impatient today? All I wanted was a simple CD! Is that so much to ask? *whimpers* Add to that the fact that I've decided not to bother with that 'hair integrating' thing, and the fact that I'm going back to college tomorrow, and you've got a rather unhappy Berry.

Have any of you ever heard of hair integrating before? Basically, it's like some kind of mesh thing that's custom made, and it's placed on your scalp. 2 or 3 hairs are tied in knots around the edge of it (all the way around), and then the rest of your hair is pulled up through the mesh. Oh yeah, and there's also hair glued onto the mesh thingy. The initial cost is ONE THOUSAND AND TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS. Can we all shout out 'ridiculous'? Apparently, this cost is due to the fact that each thingy is made by hand. I'm sorry, I don't care if each one is handcrafted by little nuns in Switzerland. I'm not going to pay over a thousand dollars for a crocheted rug. I'd cringed when I originally though it was going to cost somewhere in the 60-dollar range! And then there's the fact that it only lasts for about 4 or 5 weeks before you have to go back and get it redone (same mesh, just reattached). And that costs $45. Umm...? I just paid you over a thousand dollars a month ago, and now I have to pay you another 45? Every month? Heh! Yeah, that's going to happen.


Apparently, God is not on my side in this instance. I'm sure He has his reasons, but it's a little disheartening to not find any solutions to my problem. And wigs chafe at your scalp and actually tend to make your hair loss worse (same for wearing hats all the time), so if I ever went that route, it would be when I'm older and have so little hair that makeup doesn't do the trick anymore. X_X But we're not going to think about that right now.

I should probably be packing right now. Goodness knows I won't have time for it tomorrow! I just hope there's enough room in Cat's car with all this stuff AND an added person. Let's just hope Pam made good on her prediction to be wasted the night before, and has such a horrible hangover that she hardly talks during the ride. Yeah, that's mean of me to say, but it's also stupid for her to have plans to go out and 'get wasted'...especially the night before we have to go back to school! *sighs* I think that kiss last night was bad luck. LoL...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!