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Today's rambling: I'm causing a mild sensation
Written on Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2003 at 12:11 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

When I talked to Geoff on Thursday, he said that we could hang out on Monday or Tuesday (since at that point, Mom and I were supposed to be going to Maine this Wednesday and Thursday). Yesterday was the worst of my cold, and I was afraid that I'd still be bad I figured that if he called today, I'd ask if we could postpone 'til Tuesday so that way I had a better chance of being recovered. Unfortunately, it turns out he'd promised his friend that he'd go out Christmas shopping with him on Tuesday, so it was either today or next week.

There was no way I was about to wait until next week. You know how impatient I am, Diary.

Surprisingly enough, however, I was actually feeling much better today. I wasn't coughing every 5 seconds, and my nose wasn't in faucet mode, either. Not to say that I was completely better, because I still had to carry around tissues, but it was MUCH improved from yesterday. Kind of odd, actually, how quickly I recovered. I mean, yesterday I was totally miserable. Maybe it's one of those examples of how mind power actually exists. :P

At any rate, he drove up here after work and I gave him his Christmas present. Unfortunately, my mother was home at that point so it wasn't the 'private' little thing that it usually is. I kept waiting, hoping maybe she'd go into another room or something, but other than a brief foray into the kitchen she stayed out and chatted with Geoff. It's not that I don't like her being around at all, but it would've been nice if I could've had some time with just he and I. Ah well, he was happy with it anyway. The only down side was that I didn't get a hug like I usually do! *sniffle*

We went back down to his apartment to collect Tim, because we were going out for dinner. While Geoff went back outside to clean out his car, I sat down by Tim and said, "If I ask you something, do you promise you won't say anything?" (LOL...That looks like I was asking him to just keep quiet, period, after I asked him a question...)

"Yeah," he replied, looking very solemn. Soo...

"Do you honestly think I'm wasting my time with him?"

Oh, how good it felt to finally be able to ask that! Even though I didn't really get a good answer (he said Geoff doesn't really talk to him about it, other than saying I'm a 'cool girl' or something like that, heh), it was still nice to be able to ask. I'd like to think that he would have told me "Yes, you are" had he really thought I should give up.

I got to see Geoff's oldest brother too, hehe...well, a picture of him, anyway. It wasn't the best of pictures (either he or his wife had made these REALLY silly Christmas cards), but he still looks quite a bit like Geoff. Not at all what I'd expected him to look like, considering he's...50, I think? Somewhere in that arena, anyway. But in the picture, he looks younger. Which is always good, right? :P

Anyway, we ate dinner at this new restaurant (Lola, it was in that same area that you, Benj and I ate dinner...which I know doesn't help anyone BUT her, heehee), and I had this really yummy drink that had Malibu coconut rum, pineapple schnapps, and pineapple juice in it. Mmmmm, it was so good! I have a thing for pineapple, hehe...After dinner, we went over to the mall and got ice cream (Bailey's Irish Cream flavor...yummyful!), and then finally he drove me back to my place. It was 10 o'clock by that point.

I'm really feeling guilty about making him drive so far all the time. It's not fair that I have a license, yet Mom won't let me borrow the car for the evening to go visit him! I mean yeah, he must not mind it TOO much if he's always offering to come up and get me--and we always go back to his place, it's not like he wants to just hang out up here for awhile--but I still feel really bad. It's like 45+ minutes up to my place, and then another 45+ back to his apartment. I'm going to beg Mom to let me drive her car, hehe...It's not like she goes out anywhere! She goes to bed by 8 (which is because her job sucks, but that's beside the point), so it wouldn't be that bad, right?


On a higher note, I saw...Gah, it seems like I saw 3 things I want for Christmas, but I can only remember two. One is the brand new Monty Python book that just came out--Little sections about each guy! They were such cute babies!--and the other was a collection of Queen music videos on DVD. Some of the videos on there are ones I've never seen before, and had I not been afraid that Geoff would snatch it up and buy it for me, I would have gotten all squealy and annoyingly excited. I guess I'll let Mom know about that one, hehe...But of course, now I don't know what Geoff's going to end up buying me, and it's weird that I even need to be worried. With most friends, I can rest assured that if the thing is above a certain price level, they won't buy it (which is understandable; I'm just stating the facts, hehe). And even though Geoff wouldn't go out and buy me a DVD player or something really expensive like that, a great big expensive hardback book like that Monty Python one certainly wouldn't be out of his range. I mean, he was offering to buy me a CD stereo-ish thing, so a book definitely wouldn't be out of the question! :P But now I can't tell Mom I want those things, because I'm like, "What if he buys them for me, too?" XP

We might not be going to Maine after all. The hotel that Mom wanted to stay at is closed until March--it's literally right along the ocean, on a rocky 'cliff' sort of thing--so she left me a note saying that we could still go up there (but maybe not have a place to stay), or we could go to Virginia, or we could just stay here and shop. I didn't really want to go to Maine, but at the same time I would have felt bad if I'd just said, "Okay, we won't go there, then!" I don't really want to go to Virginia, either. The thing is, I've been going back and forth between here and Clarion so much recently that I don't feel like driving for hours, you know? Maine would be like 7 1/2 or 8 hours (maybe even longer), Virginia would be about 4...I just want to stay here and be a bum. :P But I feel bad for Mom, because I know she really wanted to go out and do something with me. So even if we stayed here, I'd still be hanging out with her...which isn't anything odious, of course! I don't know. All I've felt like doing since I got home is hang out with Geoff, lol! Which is normal, I suppose, I just know she'd feel bad if I blew her off for these two days and hung out at his place. She and I will talk about it tomorrow when she gets home, I'm sure.

As I got out of the car tonight, Geoff said something like, "So I'll see week?" I asked if I could call him if I didn't go to Maine, and he said yeah, but...I don't know. It's probably something that's only special to me because I'm the one in this situation, but I just love the fact that he asks to see me again, and so often! Just a year ago I was only starting to see him outside of work, so even though in some ways it feels like it's been a painfully slow process to get to this point, in others it seems like it was a pretty fast progression (considering the fact that we barely knew each other back then). *shrugs* As long as it makes me happy, that's all that counts! ;)

Okay, I think that's about it for the evening. I'm going to go take out my contacts and play some fun games before I finally go to bed!

Grosses bises (or something like that)! ^_^

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!