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Today's rambling: Defending thy honor
Written on Sunday, Oct. 26, 2003 at 11:34 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Aww, thanks for defending my honor, you guys! ^_^ I actually thought I'd erased those two stupid comments before they even showed up on the site, but apparently part of D-land's screwiness yesterday included comments not being deleted. So I'm only sorry y'all had to see them! But oh well, we all know people like that aren't worth the time of day. Like Amanda said today, his mom probably has to pay his friends to talk to him!

I wrote my "resignation letter" for the radio station today. It's kind of a sad thing to quit, but at the same time I'm not really enjoying it. Even though I was laughing hysterically while Kevin and Jess were both there, by the last half-hour I was just counting the seconds 'til I could get out of that place. It would have been different if I was only playing classic rock or oldies or something like that, but I was playing all sorts of stuff. Nobody called in to request anything, so I was just playing what Jess and Kevin were pulling out of the CD drawers. Some of it was good, but most of it was just stuff I'd rather not listen to. The two guys that have a show right before me play all sorts of really good stuff, and I was enjoying listening to it. BUT, they also bring in their own CDs. Because our station doesn't have ANYTHING worthwhile. They don't even have Michael Jackson's "Thriller". I mean, come on! That's one of the most classic Halloween songs!

I can't believe how well these pajama pants are turning out so far. The only thing holding me up now is making this stupid drawstring, hehe...the directions said to sew it up but leave an opening so you could turn it inside out, but do you know how insanely difficult it is to turn something this small inside out? I'm about ready to give up, rip out all the stitches, and then sew it with the right sides facing out...and just leaving it like that.

My roommate is getting preachier and preachier, and it's really getting on my nerves. Our RA (try saying that out loud) has one of the bulletin boards set up as a "Question of the Week," and this week she asked what our biggest pet peeves are. Kristen was the first one to right up there, and it was something about people who brag about drinking and other "sinful things." And she's constantly putting up Bible quotes for other things...I mean, I'm not saying it's bad that she's so "on fire for God" (as Kevin puts it), but she's really getting to the point where she's trying to shove it down people's throats. I don't mind the fact that she has religious stuff on her door, because she's just expressing her opinion. But when you go posting stuff on other people's doors, and blah blah blah...That's where I get irritated. You're not going to convert them by chastising them and saying they're going to hell. Urgh.

In brighter news, it's just 2 more weeks 'til I go home for the weekend (again) and have my dermatologist appointment! I really hope this guy can do something for me. The day I can just roll out of bed a few minutes before I have to get to class will be one of the happiest days of my life! And that's kinda pathetic, but yet it's true!

Amanda had invited me to go see "Riverdance" during the first weekend of November. When she first said it, I knew that was the weekend I had to go home, but she said it was this weekend coming up (Oct. 31 - Nov. 2). So I said I could go, and then Kevin said he could go, and we were all excited to go to Pittsburgh this weekend. But then it turns out that the event IS two weekends from now, which means I can't go! I was so disappointed! I feel guilty, too, because her mom paid for the tickets and everything. I think Irish step dancing is so neat to watch...and to actually see it live? That'd probably be awesome! But every time I get a chance to go to Pittsburgh, something always throws itself in my way. LOL...Well, Amanda, I hope you have fun when you go! Buy me a souvenir! ;)

I think Kristen is going to make me vomit. I hate being in the room when she talks to her boyfriend! I sometimes wonder if I'd turn that pathetic if I got a boyfriend. Let's hope not. Because if I do, I'll want someone to shoot me. Pronto. Hehe...Geoff and I like to laugh over the way they're always like, "I miss you" every night on the phone. Ya just talked to each other the night before. Suck it up already!

She's decided that she's just going to live in the dorms all 4 years. While I don't have any particular issues with living in the dorms, I would really love living on my own next year. So I think I might just look into getting an apartment for myself. Kevin joked that no one would ever see me, because I'd be a hermit, but I'd probably be MORE willing to do social stuff because I'd be home by myself all the time! And I know Cat wants to find a place next year, but I don't think I'd want to room with her. Kristen, at least, likes some of the same music that I do...and neither of us listen to "c"rap or hard rock or anything, so we always get along on that front. Other than her "TV evangelist" tendencies, we're actually pretty compatible roommates. The only reason I can see myself getting along with Cat is because she likes to sleep late as much as I do. So I wouldn't have to worry about her making fun of me for sleeping late. *le sigh* I think I'm just gonna see about finding something for myself. Worse comes to worst, I'll ask Cat. It's not like we'd start lunging for each other's throats or anything. At least, I don't think we would. :P

Alright, I'm gonna go now. I should go to bed, but I'll probably wrestle with this drawstring for a little while longer. Even though I ought to be working on my Writing For Media paper. Urgh, I don't even want to think about how I haven't started on that yet!!!

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!