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Today's rambling: Goin' to California
Written on Saturday, Oct. 04, 2003 at 11:39 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

AOL 8.0 (Plus)'s background is nifty! It's like a cartoony mountain silhouette with a sky that changes depending on the time of day. Right now it's a gradient of dark blue into light, with a big ol' moon that moved from the upper left corner of the screen down into the center. I'd take a screen cap for you, but...well, I have no program with which to do so. :P When I get home in 2 weeks, I'll have to search around for my Paint Shop Pro CD.

Anyway, I'm sure you're all thankful that I wrote an entire paragraph about AOL's desktop background.

I had a very cruel dream last night. Well, the dream itself was pretty cool, but then I woke up and realized it wasn't true. *sniffle* I was finally able to go to Australia to visit Janette! And somehow at the airport, I met up with Michael Palin and John Cleese. John was going to South Africa, and I was all sad that I wouldn't be able to go there as which point Michael Palin was like, "Why don't you ask him?" followed by some stuff about how half the time all they ever talk about is me. LOL! So apparently I was friends with them! Anyway, yeah. It was going to be a really awesome vacation. I got as far as reaching South Africa, at which point Janette was somehow there and was touring me and some other girl around a grocery store (they were selling ferrets--as food--there, heh). But that was the end. And when I woke up, I was like, "Aww, I didn't really get to go!"

The rest of my day has been phenomenally boring, and I wasn't even going to write an entry if it wasn't for the fact that at least now I'm doing something. :P I cleaned my side of the room and vacuumed the carpet, and now I'm just sitting here listening to one of the tapes that Geoff made for me. I listened to the ELP tape earlier today while I cleaned, and listened to most of the Rush tape, but then I stopped for a little while to listen to some of my Queen tapes. And now I'm listening to Led Zeppelin and discovering that I like them much more than I used to! Even when I'd downloaded 3 of their songs, those were the only ones that I really cared for. But this tape's pretty good so far. And there'll be more on the way eventually! Hehehe...Tim mock-complained on the phone tonight that there were like 20 blank tapes strewn about the floor at one point.

I'm going to have to use myself as the basis for my Psychology paper. I was supposed to go to ALF and observe people "having fun" (or not, as the case might have been). Then I was supposed to write about it. However, I haven't gone out to the ALF festivities either year that I've been here, so it was kind of a silly assignment. I guess the professor figured that everyone goes, but I really had no interest in getting there. It's just a bunch of food stands and a couple cheesy carnival rides. Yeah, I'm sure it would have beat staying in my room all day, but all of my friends are gone, and this isn't really one of those things you go to on your own. So yeah, I'm going to use my little drinking stint from Thursday and use that instead. I think I can come up with what she wants, so it should be okay.

Of course, this is only if we even have classes, heh...The schools in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher education have been dancing perilously close to a strike, and none of us knows what's going to happen. As of right now, they've all voted to authorize a strike, but that doesn't mean they're actually going to do it. If they decide to, however, and they stay on strike for at least 2 weeks (from what I've been told), this semester counts for nothing. I'm kinda hoping they strike for as long as they can without the semester being wasted, because I'm sick to death of this place and would like to go home for a week or so. The only good thing that could come out of a longer strike is the fact that I could get myself another Math professor. One who can actually teach. Dotty old bat...I can't stand that woman!

The uni network is apparently down, because none of the university webpages are coming up...and I had to switch over to dialup because I couldn't get IE to load any pages at all. Thank goodness I still have a dialup account, otherwise I would've just gone to bed at 8 o'clock to get myself away from the boredom! :P

I wish I owned the Indiana Jones movies. I feel like watching them. But it's almost midnight, so maybe I finally will just go to bed.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!