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Today's rambling: Magic Shoes my ass
Written on Sunday, Sept. 28, 2003 at 10:42 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

*whimpers dejectedly*

My Magical Shoes didn't do a darned thing to help with the shin splint problem! I did stretches before I went running, and I could definitely feel the difference between these shoes and my other ones...but my shins are still aching right now! Is this something that will go away the more I run, or am I just never going to be able to run? *weeps*

I did another 3 laps of walking the straightaways and running the curves. 6 curves. All of them jogged. And I wasn't even all that winded! I could have kept on going...if it wasn't for my damned shins! I swear, there's got to be something I'm doing wrong. Am I just doing too much? Should I forget the elliptical machine on the nights that I decide to jog? I'm not doing that every night; I need to give my muscles some time to relax. But is elliptical (for 20 minutes) plus jogging too much?

I need a trainer.

Anyway, my show tonight sucked. I got about as many calls as I did during my first show, and someone called in to hear a song by System of a Down...and that "song" SUCKED. Can you even call a bunch of screaming "singing"? I will conveniently not have enough room for that song if it is ever called in again. I tried calling Geoff to leave a message with "My Love is Like...Wo" on it, because he and I both think that's a ridiculous song (with lyrics lacking in the creativity department). But I don't know the song well enough to get the chorus on his answering machine, hehehe...

I had my first DJ trainee come in tonight to do a sit-in! I thought that maybe I'd be one of the ones named to the trainees, but I wasn't sure...but this guy came in a little after 8 o'clock and asked if he could do a sit-in! Hehe...I don't think I did a very good job, but he was super nice (and funny, too!) so at least it wasn't very awkward. He said he was going to come back next Sunday, so I feel special! ^_^

Tomorrow night is my pinning ceremony thing for Phi Sigma Pi. I can't wait!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!