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Today's rambling: Tributes and censors
Written on Saturday, Sept. 27, 2003 at 2:07 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Geoff, as usual, was the one to inform me of a certain celebrity death. Frickin' ROBERT PALMER! Dude, how did THAT happen?? Well, I know how it happened, but still! Dude, I had such a crush on that guy when I was younger, LOL! I've decided that on Sunday, I'm going to do a mini tribute to him on my radio show. Ah, the powers of being a DJ. ^_^ I just hope we actually have some Robert Palmer songs at the station!

I talked to Geoff for almost another two hours last night. Kristen and Tom, when they talk every night, usually only talk for about half an hour or so. Somehow, no matter how often we talk, Geoff and I always manage to talk for upwards of two hours. And yet, when people ask me what we talked about, I can never think of anything significant that they'd be interested in! The conversations are always entertaining, and we usually get into several interesting conversations, but it's never anything particularly newsworthy. Which I suppose is one of the best kinds of conversation, the kind where you can talk for hours about nothing in particular.

Last night's conversation, unusually, actually had a topic. Sex. *laughs* Yeah, I have to apologize for this one, 'cause I know there are some who don't enjoy reading about that kinda stuff (which is fine, of course! I'm just gonna warn now, hehe).

***IT'S YOUR LAST CHANCE! LOL...I make this sound like it's gonna be so bad...***

It all started because he got that little thingy I sent him as a joke, but then I got to asking him about certain things. LOL, so when Kristen returned a few minutes later from her conversation with Tom, I looked up and said, "Kristen! Condoms are not conducive to pleasure during oral sex!"

See, we'd both been wondering about that the other night, when the topic of flavored condoms somehow came up. We were both like, "The purpose of them being flavored is for the girl during oral sex, right? But can it really be that fun for a guy to wear one during that?" Surprising talk from her, hehe, but it was funny.

So anyway, when I made that statement to her, she looked at me, eyebrow quirked, and said, "And how does Geoff know this?"

"Well, duh," was Geoff's reply, though I didn't repeat this. I already knew awhile ago that he's not a virgin, but last night was the first time we actually got onto the topic before. It was interesting. I mean, considering his age, I would have thought him somewhat weird if he'd never had sex before, but I still felt cheated, lol...I was definitely born too late. ;)


*giggles* Those little warning tags look so stupid. Anyway...Pam's got me irritated now because she's suggesting that Geoff and I just get married and have a 'physical marriage' and that's it. And now she's saying stuff like, "u know u wanna share the bed when u sleep over..." Augh. Of course I think sometimes about sleeping with him, it's a natural thing. But that's not top on my list of priorities! Above all else, Geoff is a really good friend, and if we never end up dating, I'll be sad but at least I know I'll always have a friend, and that's way more important than sex any day. All she thinks about is having sex, though...and she's never had it before! I think she's just obsessing over it. The first time it happens, she'll probably be like, "Well, that wasn't so great." Hehehe...

Okay, I need to get a shower and get dressed now. Jess and I are supposed to brave the wilds that is ALF and observe the hundreds of people milling about Main Street. Then we have to find someone doing something interesting/stupid and write a paper about it for Psychology. Fun times. *rolls eyes* I was pretty much hoping to avoid the start-of-ALF madness. The good time to go out would probably be tonight, lol! But oh well. We shall see.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!