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Today's rambling: Worn out
Written on Wednesday, Sept. 24, 2003 at 10:30 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I almost killed Seamus the goldfish tonight. I was pouring out their dirty water, because they were both acting really listless (and their water was pretty gross), but as I was pouring, Seamus flopped out and landed in the sink! His tail went halfway down the drain, but luckily the drain plug doesn't raise up all the way so he didn't get completely sucked down. You can't imagine how upset I would have been had that poor fish been poured down the drain. I probably would have started crying.

Today was just a really sucky day. I skipped Math (as I have for the past 2 Wednesdays), and then I skipped French as well because a)I didn't feel like hiking all the way up to that building and then all the way back down again. So I stuck around the Comm building all day, and I felt so freakin' guilty for having skipped two of my three classes. I'm just so tired! My biggest fear is that I'll end up running myself ragged this semester, and that wouldn't be cool. I never thought I'd be stuck doing too much; I always thought I'd be teased for not doing enough.

Thankfully, Kyle told me tonight that I'll most likely only have to do Mondays now, instead of both Mondays and Wednesdays. There are a couple of seniors who need to get their co-curriculars in order to graduate (way to procrastinate, guys!), and so they'll probably get Wednesday night. Kyle asked me if that was okay, and I practically bowled him over with my exuberant, "That's great!" I had to explain that I'm just too busy this semester, but he said he understood.

I'm definitely befriending that kid, however slowly. Tonight he and I were doing these impressions, and I was laughing my ass off at him, and then at the end of the night he was holding the camera cords back for me so I could pull the camera back against the wall. "Oh no, oh no, the cord, AAAAAGH!" he cried overdramatically when I almost ran it over. I chucked my crumpled-up run-down sheet at him, and he ran after it as though he was about to hurl it at me so I ran. :P Anyway, it was just fun. I'm glad I'm getting along with someone, at any rate!

Ha ha, Kristen's learning what it's like not to get good grades. :P I know, that's mean of me! But it turns out that some of her professors have been giving her A's simply because she's an Honors student, and I'm sure you can agree with me that that's just really irritating. She was on the phone one day lamenting the fact that a certain one of her professors was going to be tough because they were actually going to give her the grade she deserves, blah blah blah. I hope she gets a B. LOL, ooooo, a big bad B! But for a girl who gets pampered with A's all the time, a lower grade might do her good. Maybe she won't be such a perfectionist anymore. *giggles* I'm so mean.

I was despairing of ever getting called about my interview tomorrow for Phi Sigma Pi, but I got called about half an hour ago, hehe...My interview's at 5:30 tomorrow in the library, so here's hoping it'll go okay! I tend to do well with interviews, but then again, I've only ever been interviewed by people significantly older than me. Who knows how I'll be around someone my age!

Urgh, it's aggravating in a really superficial way, always having to say the whole fraternity name. :P Like, with the sorority last semester we could just shorten it to Phi Sigs. There's a fraternity called Sigma Pi, and they're shortened to Sig Pi. Hehe...I'll just have to say Phi Sig Pi instead. I know, that's a big problem, isn't it? X_X Shut up.

Okay, I've talked myself out now! Pam's signed online, and she wants to tell me all about her ribbon ceremony at Alpha Sigma Tau (well, the non-secret parts, hehe), so I'll have to devote my attention to her! ^_^

OH! If anyone knows how to solve the following riddle, could you please let me know the answer? It's killing me! *giggles*

Your aid I ask, 9 trees to plant in rows just half a score. And let there be in each row three; solve this, I'll ask no more

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!