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Today's rambling: Must have it!
Written on Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2003 at 5:53 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life" is being sold on DVD in the bookstore. Do you realize how much I want this DVD??? My copy is on VHS, and I've watched it so many times that the tape will probably wear out before long! XP And besides that, the DVD has nifty features on it. I must have this DVD. It is my destiny.

LOL...yay me for the movie quote adaptation! ;) 'Course, I had to ask Lola to remind me what movie it came from, but that's okay.

In half an hour, I'm going to dinner with Jess and her roommate, and then we're going to Phi Sigma Pi's little 'get to know us' meeting. This ought to be the deciding factor on whether I want to join or not, hehe...I have to keep in mind that this is more than just a spifty jacket! Actually, it's something that'd probably look mighty nice on a resum�. But I'm not going to do it if it doesn't feel right. We're not doing the Phi Sigma Sigma thing again!

Kevin has been all sad that he hasn't seen me every day, so when he asked if I was available for dinner with him tonight, I canceled with Jess and said I'd go. With any luck, he won't annoy me. I know, that's so uncharitable of me! I don't know what it is with me lately, I've just been feeling pretty good keeping myself separated. In reality, my circle of friends is now down to Jess, pretty much (since Amanda's always away too)...but for some reason, I feel like I've expanded it. Maybe it's just because I'm doing so much more. I definitely know a lot more people now than I did last year, it's just that I'm not friends with most of them. ;)

We had a fire drill right before Psych started today, which was fun. I spotted Kyle, but didn't say anything to him. It's too bad we run in different circles, because I think he could definitely rival Ryan in the looks category. They're both sort of the same...that is, they could fit into the same category as far as looks go. But Kyle's got thick, curly light brown hair (not curly in a 'white afro' kinda way, but just messy-curly), and these pale blue eyes...Yeah, if we were anywhere in the same league, I'd want to date him for fun. ;) LOL, how horrible of me does THAT sound? "For fun..."

I've decided that I'm going to give up the Music Director job next year. A good Music Director would actually know the songs that are in the charts, and would be able to tell whether they're format 1 or 2...and I just don't know this music. I programmed this song by Michael Buble, and today when I walked into the station someone had written a note saying never to program it again. Curious, I grabbed the CD and listened to the song...and yeah, it'll never be played again. It's really slow, and something they'd play on one of those doctor's office stations, not a college radio station. I was like, "Oops..."

So yeah, definitely not doing that for another year. I ought to give it up now, because I have no time to make out playlists 3 times a week, but I'll stick with it. Might as well, right?

I think that's it. The blue VW bus was back today, and I nearly went aquiver in envious excitement. Rick, a kid in my Writing for Media class, told me that there's a used VW dealer a few miles away that has a bunch of those buses, and I was like, "I MUST HAVE ONE!!" Mom keeps trying to dissuade me by saying that they drive really roughly, but I need to find that out for myself. Just let me test drive one (after I learn stick), and then I'll either get over my obsession or be even more firmly convinced that I must have a VW bus.

We made love in my Chevy van and that's alright with me...

Anyone out there happen to have one of these vehicles? I'd like to know how well they actually work, hehe...

Alright, people are IMing me incessantly, so I must go. It's almost dinnertime anyway. Au revoir, mes cheres!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!