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Today's rambling: Making progress
Written on Thursday, Sept. 18, 2003 at 11:28 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I'm totally getting better at the running thing.

Or at least, I would be if my stupid shins didn't keep dragging me down. I'm really going to have to force myself to stop for awhile. It's becoming an agony just to walk from the Comm building to my dorm, and while it's always been a rather breathless walk, now I actually need to stop from time to time because those outer shin muscles are in searing pain. I couldn't get hold of Amanda at all today, so I just looked online for some stretches and things that I can do. A couple websites said that shin splints can be caused because one muscle is stronger than the other (so there's this snapping effect, or something of that nature), and I know I've got pretty strong calf muscles. I just need to do more stretching to get those lateral shinnyshinshin muscles into shape. :P

Still, I feel pretty impressed with myself! After 20 minutes on the elliptical machine (which gets me about 1.5 miles in distance), I stretched a bit and then went three times around the track, running only around the curves. But whereas before I could only do 4 before I literally felt like I was going to drop over, this time I managed all 6 times! I know that's child's play for all you guys, but considering that I have never been a runner, I feel pretty darned proud of myself! Granted, I thought I was going to suffocate after I'd finished, because I could hardly breathe, but that didn't actually start until I went around the 5th turn. So I'm definitely seeing some improvement.

Now, if only I could get rid of those darned shin splints!

The girl across the hall just slipped a note under the door for Kristen. Both those girls (across the hall) talk to Kristen all the time, yet despite the fact that I think I'm always very nice to them, they never really talk to me. Well, they're nice and all, but they make no effort to have a conversation with me. Which makes me feel awkward whenever we do talk, so then things just fall away.

I've decided that I'm going to bake cookies one weekend and take them in on Monday for the TV crew. Think that'd win them over? I mean, come on: how can you not like somebody who makes baked goods for you? I'd be happy. Then again, I'm not all that similar to most folks...Still. I'm going to do it. With any luck, they'll all be like, "Ooo!" and then feel more at ease around me and start talking with me and everything. It'll make working with them a lot easier, at any rate!

Maybe it's the fact that my period will be coming upon me very soon, but I'm feeling very irritable toward Kevin. He's turning into a mirror image of Frank, personality-wise, and it makes me want to hit him. Today he IMed me, and said something about how I've been too busy and he doesn't like it. Maybe he meant it in an "I'm worried about you" sort of way, but he didn't elaborate and so I took it in a "You're never around and I want someone to hang out with 24/7" way (since he'd just said before that that he hasn't seen me in 'ages'...which equates to a few days). I replied that I'd chosen at the beginning of the year to be busy like this, and he replies with "I see how it is..." If he was trying to start one of his babyish fake tantrums again, I was definitely not buying into it. So, since I didn't have anything to say to that, I didn't say anything. A few minutes later, and he goes, "well I can see you're busy so I'll talk to you later, have a good night!" I forget what I was something about talking to my roommate (which I was), so he goes, "well I'm sure you have mounds of homework to do though." Give me a break. I wish he'd go home this weekend. Actually...I think Becky's coming up to visit (she couldn't come back to school this year because she couldn't afford it), so he'll be occupied with her. I just need him to stay away from me for awhile, because I'm feeling very strangely intolerant of him. Grr.

Alright, I should go to bed now. It's 11:30, I have a Math test (that I'm going to fail) tomorrow...Fun times for me! *grimaces* I don't know what to do about the French test. That stupid girl never called me back, and I wasn't about to call HER again because I'd already left a message with her roommate (who said that she'd be back tonight)...! Why does this stuff always happen to me? Now I'm going to be stuck talking to the French professor, who always wears this smile as though she's nervous that a wild buffalo is going to charge at any moment and trample her!

Good night, Diary. XP

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!