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Today's rambling: I never knew!
Written on Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2003 at 10:16 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Brilliancy! Pure brilliancy! Cathie pointed out that it might not be my running style at all, but my shoes! See, I never worried about shoes before, because my opinion is thus: If I can walk around places in them without being crippled, they are okay. I never had any desire to run before, so why waste my money on special running shoes, you know? But now...oh, now I will have to go out and buy super-duper (yet economical) running shoes. Shoes that will cushion my already-problematic feet, and keep my shins from aching painfully. Shoes that will speed me magically around the track!

Well okay, you can scratch that latter one off the list. But I'm definitely going to invest in a pair of running shoes. The shoes I have are Adidas, but I have no idea what type they are. I never paid attention to that before.

Unfortunately, I don't know if we have any shoe stores around here that would sell good-quality running shoes. I don't mean name brands, I just mean shoes that aren't Payless quality (y'know, the kind that look alright but don't hold up to much of anything?). There's a shoe store in the mall that I've never been to. I'll have to look in there. Otherwise, I'll either have to hitch a ride to the larger town about 45 minutes away, or I'll have to wait for a vacation so I can go home and buy a pair of shoes from Foot Locker! X_X See how dedicated I've become to fitness?

Kristen went with me tonight. It was fun, having someone there! We walked around the track a few times, then I grabbed a free elliptical machine while she went off and cycled for 10 minutes. She walked around for another 10 minutes, and then when I was finished we went to the weight room. This is the first time I've been to the weight room this year, and I'm sure I'm going to be aching tomorrow. *giggles* But I don't have the courage to go down there by myself. I can do any of the machines or even walk around the track by myself, but get me around all those big sweaty guys, and I suddenly feel very flabby and out of shape.

My foil, Cynthia, arrived toward the end of my workout on the elliptical machine. I could have growled; does the girl have to be EVERYWHERE I go?? This campus isn't big enough for the both of us.

Kristin, a girl from down the hall, was also there again tonight. I've mentioned Kristin before, probably last year, but she looks like she's about 300+ pounds (though she's shorter than me, so maybe she isn't THAT heavy, it just looks it) and I hate to say it, but she tends to smell very badly too. She's a nice girl, it's just so hard for me to be around her because she smells! And my nose is too sensitive. But anyway, she was there last night as well, and on Friday. I have got to give her SO much respect for that. If I weighed as much as she did, I wouldn't have the confidence to go anywhere near a gym. I have a hard enough time as it is with the way I look now! So you definitely have to give her credit for going out there and exercising. She was on that exercise bike for like 20 minutes or so, too! Cool. Ness.

Oo, someone else suggested that my leg pain might be due to lack of stretching. *blushes* I, um...don't stretch. Well, I do, just not a lot! Not nearly as much as I should. See, this is how completely ignorant I am about exercising! I don't do the running part 'til after the elliptical machine, so I always thought my muscles would be warmed up and all by then, but I could always be wrong!

So. Goals:

  1. Get spifty running shoes.

  2. Stretch more.

Pretty good goals, eh? ;)

Oh my goodness, Lisa and I were talking tonight (I hope you don't mind me linking you, hehe!) and she had me laughing SO hard! I wish I'd saved the conversation, but as it is all I remember is that she'd been listening to a classic rock station but there was a Christian station that kept fading in. So in the midst of the lyrics you'd hear things like "Hallelujah!" We started joking about that ("Sitting on a park bench, eyeing little girls with bad intent--" "HALLELUJAH! Praise the Lord!"), and then Lisa pipes up with "In my pink Cadillac...Genesis, Book One." At the very same time she sent that, I'd taken a sip of Snapple. And it was promptly spewed over the top of my keyboard. I have not actually laughed hard enough to spit out my beverage in years. Maybe it was a 'had to be there' situation, but man. It was hilarious.

Okay, I really need to go shower now. I didn't do my Math homework. And I have my French test tomorrow (where I'll probaby have to speak with the professor since that other girl wasn't in class the day our times/partners were assigned). The last time I had an oral French test, I was so nervous that I was physically ill. I have a feeling it's going to be the same this year, considering how much I dislike the class already. *sighs* Wish me luck, everyone!

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!