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Today's rambling: Let's get physical
Written on Wednesday, Sept. 10, 2003 at 9:14 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at


I did not set foot anywhere NEAR my room (or even my residence hall) from 11 this morning until about 8 o'clock this evening. Would you like to hear what I did all day? Well, you're going to anyway. Ha ha ha...

I skipped Math today. Shhh, don't tell! It's our little secret. I just woke up this morning, thought about how I'd have to run from Math to the library to print out some stuff before going to work...and suddenly I was like, "Y'know what? Screw it. Viv isn't gonna teach anything anyway. And if she did, it would be a miracle." So I skipped Math. Went to the library around 10:45, then headed for the Comm building to start my first day of work. Two hours of sorting papers and putting them back into folders (because Mary Beth had accidentally dropped this box of folders when she was moving offices). I didn't finish during that session, and I ended up staying almost right up to one o'clock, when my French class started. X_X The Comm building is on the farthest end of one side of campus, and the building I needed to get to was sort of at the mid-point on campus. Not a big hike, compared to some campuses, but my legs were burning by the time I got there...two minutes after class had started. Luckily, the professor didn't even notice.

After French, it was back down to the Comm building (with less than 10 minutes to get there) for my Intro to Images class, and then I went to work for Mary Beth for another hour. Finished all the filing stuff, and then I had to go over to my advisor's office to find out when he wanted me to work. Let's just say that from this point forward, my Wednesday's are going to be sheer and utter hell. I'll be working an hour for him after the third hour working with Mary Beth, so I won't be done 'til 5!

So then I had a radio station meeting, which lasted pretty much the full hour. At 6, I went over to the TV station and stayed there until about 7:30. Then I hiked to the student center for dinner (my first meal since breakfast this morning), and I finally got to return home.

At least today I had about half an hour between working and my radio meeting. From now on, I will go straight from working to going to a meeting. Thank goodness they're in the same building, and only a few feet away from each other!

I still have to get to the Rec Center tonight. My roommate laughed that she had to give me credit for even thinking about working out, after everything I had to do today! But I need to go. Need to keep in the routine! If I break one night, I'll keep putting it off and then I'll stay overweight and that just wouldn't be cool.

My foil, the Snobby Miss Cynthia, was at the radio station meeting tonight. Turns out, she's now a DZ pledge, so yeah, she's just conforming more and more to the blonde/snobby stereotype. And she just had to join the radio station, didn't she! Thank goodness, I think she's gone from the TV crew. At least, I haven't seen her at ALL over there, and if she'd wanted to be an anchor again, she would have had to be at the audition thingy. Jess was telling me that the other night, all the veterans in the control room were calling Cynthia the devil child and something about making sure she didn't come back. Hehe..I'm glad there are some people in this world that don't think she's Miss Perfect!

Our radio station is finally up and running again, so I'll be doing my first show on Sunday! Eeee! I hope I can find enough stuff to play! Amanda, make sure you call and request tons of stuff! I'd tell all of you to call in and request, but...well, you don't live around here. ;)

Geoff called last night whilst I was at the Rec Center, so when I got back around 10 I talked to him for about an hour. He's been going out walking for the past 3 or 4 nights, hehe...So who knows, the next time we see each other we might both be like, "Wow, you're a sexy beast!" Hee hee.

Okay, enough procrastinatoring. It's time to go get fit. HOO-AH!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!