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Today's rambling: They're GRRREAT!
Written on Sunday, Sept. 07, 2003 at 2:23 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

"Pride & Prejudice" (the A&E version, with Colin Firth) was soooooo good. I really liked the book when I read it last semester, but the movie was just so great! Colin Firth is so great in those kinds of roles. He's not the sort of actor that I immediately think, "Wow, he's hot!" but he has such an endearing way about him that I think it's very near impossible for anyone not to be won over by him. I would put a little collage of pictures of him on my walls, except...I like to watch him act better than I like just looking at him. You don't see any of his characters' personalities with just pictures. But yeah, cannot say enough good things about Colin Firth and P&P. Both are grrrrrrrreat!

Our football team lost tonight. So I'm glad I didn't go, because what fun is it to go to a sporting event you're not interested in if your team doesn't even win? Yeah, that's what I thought. It was a 10-point difference, too. So at least we didn't suck THAT badly. Maybe next time, guys!!!

Kyle, the TV station producer, wore John Mayer tour shirts both times I saw him, and it reminded me of Cathie. Except I kept forgetting to tell her that, hehe...

WHY does KaZaA keep "remotely queueing" my songs??? It makes me sad. I almost contemplated buying an ELP CD today from CDNow (or Amazon, though now I think CDNow is affiliated with Amazon), but I really don't have the money yet. But just you wait until I start that job as a teacher's assistant! I'll have ELP, Zeppelin, Rush...Man, I'm going to be the Classic Rock QUEEN! Anyone who wants to rock to some good ol' music, you can come on over to my place!

Yesterday, I realized that our MicroFridge temperature was set too cold because Kristen's unopened can of soda, which she'd shoved all the way in the back corner of the top shelf, had frozen and consequently burst a tiny hole in the top. Oh, and it had fallen over, too. So while the hole was about the size of a small pin, the mess it created within the refrigerator was quite large. Tim teased me for finally having to clean a refrigerator. Yes, I'm experiencing the joys of living on my own. X_X

Did I ever write about the little bat that was living in our dorm? Well, not IN it, really, but right outside on the front stoop? The one day, Jess saw him hanging against the wall in the "fishbowl" (I always call it a vestibule, but whatever). She was freaked out by it, but I really don't understand how. He was only about 3 inches long (if that...probably more like two) and he had this golden brown fur and little cat-like ears...His wings, which would have been the only unattractive part about him, were curled around his wee body as he slept. I wanted to pluck him from his resting place and cuddle him, he was so cute and tiny! But of course he would have bitten me, and that would've been uncool.

Everyone, it seems, was rather freaked out by this tiny little critter. Yesterday, I think it was, I came back from class and saw the two "cleaning women" (who don't clean very well) sitting outside. The bat, several days prior, had been released outside but was still hanging just outside the vestibule. Anyway, this maintenance guy came up with a leaf blower and was prodding slightly at him, and I thought for a couple heart-pounding seconds that he was going to suck the poor bat up (that was before I remembered it was a leaf BLOWER, and not a vacuum, hehe). I prayed that no one would hurt the poor thing because really, what harm was he doing? It's not as though he was flying out and attacking anyone! He'd just decided to make his little home there. And to be honest, I don't know why people were freaking out. I guess it's the same thing as when a stereotypical female sees a mouse scurrying around. Gah. I understand it would be more than a little gross to have a mouse in your home (because of the disease thing), but they're really not such freaky little creatures otherwise. And bats aren't that bad, either! Especially when they're as wee as this one was! Grr. The little guy isn't there anymore, and it makes my heart sick to think that someone might have hurt him. So I won't talk about it anymore.

I didn't call Geoff after all, because I was too engrossed in watching P&P. It was nice to finally be occupied with something, but on the other hand...he didn't call me, either. So either Tim didn't really leave that note (and I confess I had my doubts), or Geoff got home too late and was afraid of possibly waking me up. Urgh. What does it take to talk to that man? Maybe he's avoiding me on purpose. Ha ha ha...

Part of me wants to ask Tim if I'm wasting my time. I could ask him without feeling as nervous as if I was asking Geoff (obviously), but I don't know if it would be a forward thing to do. But I'm curious! Tim, as the roommate, would know more about Geoff's feelings in that respect than anyone else I know. And if I'm wasting my time, I do want to know. It's not that that would dissipate any feelings I have for him, but at least I would know that I shouldn't be keeping myself exclusively for him, you know? I very nearly asked Tim that today when he called, because we'd gotten onto some topic and I glibly remarked, "Not that he'll ever go out with me anyway!" Tim kinda laughed and exclaimed, "Oh, stop it!" and it was on the tip of my tongue to go ahead and ask him if I was wasting my time. I think he would have answered me seriously. Not at first, maybe, but when I made it clear that I really wanted to know, I think he would (though I'm sure he wouldn't elaborate, hehe!). Ah well, one of these days, maybe!

I'm not so sure that anyone I know is having a really good year thus far. Well, maybe Kevin and Amanda are. But Kristen's been having some difficulties, I think, and Pam and I were talking today about how we just wanted to quit and go home. Kinda funny how last year we were all enthusiastic and everything, and this year it's completely different. The only things that will probably keep me sane are my extracurricular activities. Goodness knows my classes won't help me at all!

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. It's almost 2:30, and I ought to be going to bed. But I slept late today (since I had no roommate around) and I'm feeling slightly wound up, so I guess I'll find something else to do in the meantime. :P

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!