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Today's rambling: Let-down
Written on Saturday, Sept. 06, 2003 at 5:32 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Blahhhhhhhhhh. So much boredom! Last night, as I'm sure you all could have guessed, I was majorly psyched up to talk to Geoff. I was even more excited to talk to him yesterday than I was last week, because things have been going so terribly for me over the past week and I knew he could cheer me up. What I didn't account for was the fact that he might not be home. And he wasn't.

Considering that phone call was the only thing keeping me upbeat yesterday, I suddenly felt very left down and depressed. Of course, I always get really down whenever something I've been anticipating a lot doesn't work out. I wish I could be the sort of person who just let things slide, but I rarely ever seem to just be in the middle. I'm either one way or the other. Which kinda sucks sometimes. So at any rate, I wasn't in a very good mood last night. And the problem was only exacerbated when my computer decided to misbehave again. I had to leave it alone for the rest of the night, because it wouldn't stay connected for more than a few minutes at a time...and then finally it only made it to the Welcome screen before it froze up and died.

Thus far, as long as I leave it alone for a full night and then turn it on again the next day, I can get several good hours from it before it dies. Maybe I'll just deal with it until break or something, so that way I don't have to worry about postage costs and all of that. Besides, I only need a few hours on it each day. So long as it keeps this up, and doesn't start back to the "I'll never stay on more than 10 minutes" mindset, I should be okay! *crossing fingers*

Tim called me this afternoon, so I chatted with him for about an hour. He volunteered to deal with Gateway, and I know for a fact that he can get really in-your-face if the situation requires it, so those Gateway people wouldn't be able to take advantage of him! And also, as much as guys probably hate to hear it, women really DO get taken advantage of in situations like this. The tech guys think, "Oh, she doesn't know anything about computers, we'll just feed her a line and she'll accept it." And, judging by all the varying stories we've been getting, that certainly seems to be the case. They're all denying now that they ever lost my laptop, despite the fact that we read correspondences at the Gateway Country store talking about how it must have been lost somewhere in Tennessee because the serial number was different. I wish I'd demanded to keep those printouts, but the guy had said that he couldn't let us keep them because they were interdepartmental things and blah blah blah. Yeah, buddy, sure they were. And they've probably also been conveniently lost from record, too.

I'll have to call Timmy back later tonight and give him the necessary information so that he can call up and raise a ruckus. See, despite the fact that he gets on my nerves rather often with that personality of his, sometimes it comes in useful! ;)

At my request, he wrote a note for Geoff to call me...or at least, he said he wrote it, hehe..."Can I say that our woman wants him to call you?" he asked me.

"Well, if you have to," I mock-sighed. Surprisingly enough, he understood that I was sighing over the 'our woman' part...I didn't think he'd get that. :P He pretended to be all offended, exclaiming, "Oh, she's not OUR woman anymore, she's just YOURS!"

Darn straight, buddy. :P

Anyway, hopefully he actually wrote that note and posted it where he said he would. I'm still calling later on, though. Heehee...

Kevin and I are going to watch the A&E version of "Pride and Prejudice" tonight (the one with Colin Firth in it) and I'm all excited because I'd wanted to see that last year. We didn't know the library had a copy on DVD back then, though! So we'll be watching it--or at least part of it--tonight, and then if we don't watch all of it, we'll finish it tomorrow. The only unfortunate part of all of this is that Cat just knocked on my door asking if I wanted to go with her to the Clarion football game! Afterward she was going to Walmart...and granted, I've already been to Walmart and I don't have much interest in football, but this is our first game of the year, AND for the first time ever, our stadium has lights! So we can finally have night games! It all seems so historical and special for some reason, so I almost feel like I ought to go and be a part of Clarion history. *giggles*

I ate Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips for 'breakfast' today, which wasn't the best idea in the world. But the milk Kristen and I bought last week had a sell-by date of the following day (we forgot to look at the date before we bought it *blush*), so I didn't really want to risk poisoning myself just to have cereal. :P I should really try rice milk. I mean, I tried it while I was down in Florida and it was good at first, but it got nasty rather quickly. I never tried it in cereal, though, and adding some sugar might help the flavor a little. Soy products, on the other hand, always taste gross to me. Mom had bought one of those new V8 Splash Smoothies for me, and I didn't like it at all. I didn't find out until later that the reason it tasted so bad was because it had soy in it, but yeah, I won't be going the soy route any time soon.

Grr. I've been trying to get two Emerson Lake & Palmer songs since yesterday, but they keep getting 'remotely queued' on me! And then when the one starts up again, it starts from the very beginning, which is hugely aggravating. I guess I'll have to content myself with "Lucky Man" and just copy one of Geoff's CDs the next time I see him. Before long, I'm going to end up copying all of his CDs, lol!

Alright, guess I should post this now in case my computer decides to stop working...

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!