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Today's rambling: A special birthday!
Written on Friday, Sept. 05, 2003 at 11:13 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Today is Freddie Mercury's birthday! Or at least, it would be if he was still alive, heh. At any rate, I always like to recognize it each year and think, "I'm so glad he was born; the music world woulda sucked without him!" So if any of you are fans of Queen, take a moment to sing Happy Birthday to Freddie. ;) Makes me wish I'd remembered all my posters, since I have one of him! The thing has never really left my wall since I bought it back in...'94 or '95? That's a long time to have a poster. And yet I love that thing. Queen has been my favorite band for soooo many years, and their music helped me get through a lot of crappy stuff that was going on back then. So no matter what bands worm their way into my affections now, Queen'll always be Number 1.

And there is my mini-tribute. ;)

Regarding the mutiny that I'd planned to start in Math today, it didn't happen. Because I was weak (and late) and didn't try to truly organize anything. In my flustered state, though, I forgot to bring my calculator and had to run down to the secretary's office where she let me borrow one...that had apparently been soaked in vinegar. *shudders* I hate getting smelly stuff all over my hands (unless it's something pleasant like my Blue Ridge Wildflower lotion), and so throughout the quiz I had to use my pencil's eraser to push the buttons because I refused to touch the thing more than necessary. Ick. I was in the science building, so for all I know the thing coulda been dunked in formaldehyde...though that would have smelled quite different, I'm sure. One reason I never want to take biology is that the smell of those classrooms literally makes me feel ill.

Anyway. When I handed in my quiz, the professor asked me (as she did the others) how I did. I was the only one who was honest and said "Badly."

"Oh, honey!" she exclaimed. I merely shrugged and gave a soft, bitter laugh. Then walked away. I was almost at the door when she told me to come see her during her office hours because she'd help me, and I whispered "Yeah, right" as I left the room. I hate this class. And I'm peeved at myself for not raising more of a ruckus.

Well. Next week when she assigns us homework, I will demand that she go over it each day. That won't be bitchy of me.

The Led Zeppelin songs I've been trying to download for the past couple days have finally finished, and now I'm on to Emerson Lake & Palmer. I want to get as many of these particular songs downloaded so that I can burn a CD and erase them before I have to hand this computer over to Gateway again...assuming I can ever get it back to them. I've left this on today for about...two hours or so now, and it's been functioning fine. I don't know what it is that makes it work sometimes and then not work at all other times, but I wish someone could figure it out!

Tonight is my "call Geoff" night, for which I am profoundly thankful. I need some cheering up, and he's quite good at that. ^_^ I had a dream about him this morning, right before my alarm woke me up, and it mainly consisted of me not getting to see him before I came back to I called him up while I was riding the bus and told him to meet me somewhere. I don't know, it was weird, hehe...

Anchor auditions last night ran from a little after 8 until 10 o'clock. I didn't think it'd go past nine o'clock, so it was rather surprising when I looked at my watch and saw that it was nearing ten. It was fun, though. The "talent" might have fun being able to show themselves off in front of the camera, but the tech people have fun talking and joking through the headsets...and sometimes making fun of the "talent", ha ha. The sucky part about being a camera person is that I can't really talk unless we're not filming, so while everyone in the control room is making jokes and stuff, I have to press my lips together tightly to keep from laughing hysterically. The headsets we have are in need of replacement, and occasionally they get this sound in them that literally sounds like the noise of a helicopter. So last night when it started, I made a crack about us doing the traffic report, and after that the floor director and producer would make random comments like, "As you can see, Main Street is backed up, so take this street instead..."

As I've said before, the thing that amuses me to no end about on-camera people is how they're always trying so hard to look 'perfect'. Especially the girls. Perfect hair, lots of need lots of makeup when working in bright lights, since the lights make you look washed out, but I don't think most of these girls think of that. One of the girls was like a Barbie clone...and at one point, Kyle (the producer) mentioned that he didn't like her for some reason. "I don't want to say that she looks fake," he said through the headset, "but...there's some adjective I'm looking for."

"Doll-like?" I murmured as softly as possible, so as not to be heard by anyone in the studio.

Chris, the floor director, thought I made that word up, so he said it ranked right up there with 'funner' (which I'd used earlier). But Kyle was like, "No, it's a word! Doll hyphen like." And he thought it described this particular girl, hehe...

I'm trying very hard to be amiable and...not fit in, exactly, but...Well, of course I want to fit in, but I don't mean that I'm trying to be someone different in order to do so. I'm just being very friendly and trying to make jokes and things since that's usually what makes people feel more at ease. It's worked with Tom, aka Shy Boy (the other camera guy that never spoke last time). And I know I'll get along swimmingly with Chris and Kyle, but some of those people are just so arrogant and superficial! I marvel sometimes at how simple it is for me to get along with adults (well, people older than me; I technically am an adult now!) yet I struggle to get people my own age to like me. And I don't feel that I come off as a snobby person. Not so much anymore, that is, since I'm less hesitant about making jokes or talking to people I don't know. Urgh, it's so annoying!

At any rate, I had fun last night. I was implied-invited to a party tonight, which I guess is over at Kyle's apartment, but I'm not going. I say 'implied-invited' because Kyle was giving directions on how to get to his apartment and he said that anyone who wanted to come could come. However, he was looking more at the trio of girls next to Jess and I (he knew 2 of them back in high school), and as I don't really know any of them that well yet, I'm not going to just show up at this party. Besides that, it's kinda far off and I wouldn't want to walk there alone. Still, maybe by the end of the year I'll actually get directly invited? That would be kinda cool!

Oh, man! *rolls around giggling* The secretary from the Comm office called to tell me who I'd be working for (as far as being a teacher assistant), and I'm being split between 2 professors (as I already knew)...and one of them is my advisor. LOL! Jess and I were just saying that if we got assigned to him, we'd die! It's not that I don't like him, because I wouldn't have asked him to be my advisor if I disliked him! But I'm not really sure how to take him, you know? He's a nice guy though, so I'm not compolaining. The other professor is a younger woman, who was one of the people in that panel interviewing me for the scholarship last semester. She's really nice, so I'm sure I'll have fun working for her. I want to call up Jess now and find out who she was assigned to, LOL!

Okay, I think I'm done talking now. I have to get all this stupid French homework done before class at 1. Ugh. Je deteste la classe de francais maintenant!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!