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Today's rambling: Ta ta for now!
Written on Saturday, Aug. 23, 2003 at 2:41 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

At first, the pain this morning just made me curl into a little ball, hoping maybe that the smaller I made myself, the less my muscles would be stretched out and the more relaxed my lovely uterus could be. But that didn't work, and I was soon up and popping Tylenol. Usually, I like to take the medicine BEFORE I feel any real pain, so that way by the time the pain actually starts, the pills will have already dissolved into my bloodstream. The one sort of pain that immediately knocks me flat, unfortunately, is abdominal pain. Ever since I've been little I've dealt with stomach pains, usually in the form of nervous stomach spasms. So you'd think I'd be used to this. But I'm not. And so, at 10 o'clock this morning, I found myself with the startings of a buzz because I went straight for what I knew would make the pain stop.

I may be glad that alcohol is a brilliant muscle relaxer, but I'm not glad that I'm having to resort to using it almost every time I have my period. There have been instances where the pain was so great that I just curled up, crying weakly and asking God to just make it stop. Thankfully, those instances don't happen very often, but I shouldn't have to suffer through it at all. I really need to just break down and go to the friggin' doctor. Maybe I'll get buzzed beforehand so that I don't care who sees me. Ha ha ha....Kidding, there.

On a brighter note, Geoff came up tonight because Mom had asked him to help her remove the seats out of the borrowed minivan. Of course, she got temporarily grumpy because the seat was heavy and she didn't want to lift it anymore. She got over it, but I can't wait 'til later today when she gets bitchy from having to transport boxes upstairs. She gets bitchy, then I get bitchy...yeah, it'll be oodles of fun! But this is supposed to be a brighter note, right?

It was kinda silly for him to have even come up, because all he had to do was help carry that one back seat down to our apartment...something which Mom and I could have done. After that, he and I sat around watching the remaining two episodes of "I love the 70's". It was definitely more fun watching it with someone. Mom has seen a few minutes here and there, but she's so fidgety that she won't stay in one spot for more than 2 or 3 minutes at a time. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, since it's not exactly a great thing to sit in front of a television for long stretches, but she's not the best person to share funny TV-related things with...because she's never there long enough to understand anything.

Geoff told me over the phone that he'd taped the first few episodes for me, figuring that I probably wouldn't remember to watch them. When he'd told me that the other night, I thought he was joking. So I thought it was kind of sweet that he'd actually been serious and had taped them. But he forgot to bring the tape with him tonight when he drove up. *giggles*

Anyway, tomorrow's the day I pack everything up and move back! I have to admit that at this point, I'm really not all that excited to go back. But I'm sure after I've been there for a week or so, all that old enthusiasm will come back. I hope no one expects me to be overly social upon first coming back, though, because it's going to take me a little while to get used to being constantly surrounded by people again. I know that sounds odd, but that's what solitary people are like. At least, that's what this solitary person is like.

I'd put the Friday Five here, but this week's questions weren't all that inspiring so I'll just have to wait 'til next week.

Assuming I have my computer back by then.

This will most likely be my last entry for several days. Two, at least, because obviously this weekend is going to be a little busy! And until I get my laptop back, my only internet access will be down at the library, so I'll stop by there every so often (assuming I'll be able to find an open computer!). So, until long for now, Diary! :)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!