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Today's rambling: August of Anticipation!
Written on Saturday, Aug. 02, 2003 at 10:35 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

It's almost 10:30 on a Saturday night, and nobody's online. How can I be the only one without a life right now?

Bwe he he...Anyway, you know the drill. I say nothing happened today, then go on to detail exactly how much nothing went on. Except today, thank goodness, something actually happened! It came in the form of a telephone call. From You-Know-Who (no, not Voldemort!).

This computer monitor is yet more proof that 'Demon' was the perfect name for the contraption I've had to use since my laptop was lost in the wiles of...somewhere. It keeps...I don't want to use the word 'flickering'. Maybe 'bouncing' is a good term. I can't even explain it, but it wreaks havoc upon the eyes and I feel sure that at any moment I'm going to go into an epileptic seizure. And I don't even get seizures.

As to that phone call, it was another one of those spontaneous sorts, not the "just returning your call, whenever it was that you called" call. :P And better yet, he was calling from his new cell phone, so it was almost as if he couldn't wait to get home before talking to me. *laughs* I know, I dream a lot. ;) Anyway, he asked if I wanted to do something either tonight or tomorrow, but I opted for tomorrow. As much as I would have liked to see him tonight, all we would have done was sit in front of my television (where he would have teased me for watching ABC all the time). So I chose tomorrow, and he's planning on being up here around 10. But he'll be bringing me back around 3:30 because, being a Sunday, he's going over to his mother's house for dinner. *le sigh*


I think since nobody's online, I'm going to sign off. There were a couple of other things I wanted to get done, namely writing a couple of letters to Kevin and Amanda. Cecilia's story needs to draw to an end by the 24th, and since it's already August and we won't have time for more than another letter or two, I've had to plot out the rest of the story myself. Up until this point, there was no real plot; each person just made up a few facts and made sure they didn't conflict with what anyone else said. That way's fun, of course, because no one ever knows what's going to happen...but eventually there's got to be SOME kind of resolution! And since I started this idea, it's my job to finish it. :P I just wish there'd been more time, so that Amanda could have gotten the chance to send/receive a few more letters! But there's always next summer!

I can't wait 'til the 13th! Jethro Tull in's gonna be a blast! I don't know if Tim has anything else planned after that, but he only requested off for 2 days so I think it's just the concert, a sleepover at their apartment, and then back home for me. But they're coming out to Clarion with me on move-in day, so that'll be fun. This year's move-in day ought to be a lot less stressful than last year's! I mean, the car Mom and I drove in last year (which belonged to Toad) broke down and we were stranded for over 4 hours, and it was my first time being away from home for so long so that was upsetting...but this year should be great! I know, famous last words, right? *giggles*

last or next

Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!