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Today's rambling: She's supah freakayyyow
Written on Saturday, Aug. 02, 2003 at 4:54 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Y'know what? That Janette is a cheeky little thing. I'm not sure I like her. *hees*

Oh, you know I'm just kidding. She's only one of my best online friends, hehe!

Anyway, can't stay here long. It's 4:30 in the morning, and I shouldn't have even come online to begin with (since it was 4 o'clock when I signed on!) but I was hoping to catch The Cheeky One before I went to bed. But she's not here, so I'll just announce this to y'all instead.

I finished my craft project (which is a surprise, hence its vague name) tonight! Well, I technically have one more tiny detail to make, but considering how I kept putting the whole thing off because I was afraid of this one part, I'm rather happy! That last little thingy won't be as difficult as the other stuff, thank goodness! Now all I'll need to do is find something to send it in, hehe :-P

Today was a whole lotta nothing. Not that that's anything new. But I like to make sure you all know how utterly boring my days are. Yesterday, Mom and I went out and did some college shopping. I drove a little, but I was too tired to even attempt parking (because I knew it would only make me cranky and frustrated and I didn't want to put myself--or Mom through that). So I did a little bit of driving, and then Mom showed me how to fill the gas tank (LoL, I really do feel like such an idiot sometimes)...and then we drove out to Bed Bath & Beyond.

I bought this wee cordless vacuum (the Eureka Boss Lite, just in case there are any other college folks out there who want a small--cheap--vacuum, hehe), and after charging the battery all last night I tried it out today. And it's absolutely perfect. Not for doing an entire house/apartment, of course, but Kristen and I are only going to have a 12x16 space (or whatever it is) to worry about, so this little thing is going to work wonders. No more of those dustbunnies the size of tennis balls! Oh no, my friends, I now brandish the Wonder Vacuum. At $39.99, I'd like to think of it as quite the bargain (and if any of you know where it's cheaper, you just keep your mouths shut).

I also bought...a Spongebob alarm clock. >_< I couldn't resist it! It was only 10 bucks, plays the theme song. What better way to wake up every morning than to the happy tune of "Ohhhhhh, who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants!" I just hope there's at least one day a week where Kristen and I have to wake up at the same time. :P She likes that show too, hehe...

My only other purchase worth noting is going to have me labeled as a freak, I'm sure. We were passing through the candle section, and as I have a candle-sniffing obsession I convinced Mom to pause for a few minutes with me. Last year, I'd bought this really great candle there (that's set, unburnt, on a shelf in my room, hehe), but apparently they're not going to be selling those anymore. The few that were left were all on Clearance, which of course is a sure sign that they're gone. Good thing I didn't burn mine, heehee...But anyway. I digress. The last wall of shelves in this section was comprised of Yankee Candles...which, as I'm sure most of you know, makes just about every scent imaginable. At least, they have labels for every scent imaginable. Some of them don't exactly smell like what they're supposed to, and that's exactly the case of this particular candle. It's called "Seaside Holiday".

Now, normally these ocean-themed scents tend to be really bad, and I don't like smelling them. However, Mom handed over one of the little candles, and when I inhaled the was Geoff. If you ever want to know what Geoff smells like, just go out and find the "Seaside Holiday" candle by the Yankee Candle Co. because I swear, it smells exactly like him. Well, technically it smells like his clothing. :P But y'know how I'm always talking about him smelling so good? Yeah, that candle just made me want to drive down to his apartment and throw my arms around him. Maybe the only reason I like it is because it's him (because now I'll probably have all these people sniffing that candle and thinking, "Gah, this is terrible!"), but...I don't know. Even Mom was like, "Wow, that does smell like him!"

So, um...yeah, I put one of the candles in my cart. But then we came across spray cans of "home fragrance" and one of them happened to be the "Seaside Holiday" I put the candle away and bought the spray fragrance instead! X_X First, I buy a giraffe because it has his name (well, and because it's cute to tease him about the name-sharing every now and then), and now I'm buying home fragrances because they smell like him. What's next?

Don't answer that.

Still, when we got home yesterday I sprayed it and couldn't help smiling as my eyes fluttered close and I breathed the scent in. Whenever he hangs out here, after he leaves I always like curling up in his vacated spot on the couch because it smells like him. I know it probably sounds really weird, but it's not like I ever really get any contact from him in person. Which is sad. And it's going to stop.

Diary, I know I've said it before, but he cares for me. I know he does. But is he still unsure as to whether we're right for each other, or is he just afraid to do anything? I ought to just keep waiting and let him finally make the first move, not just because I've been the aggressor up to this point, but because at least then I'd know he was ready for a relationship. But if I keep waiting, I'll probably be 50 before he does anything...and as much as I might love the boy, I am not waiting until I'm old and gray. :P No, it's time for me to step up and play Miss "Get What She Wants" again. Maybe after he's been given a larger push, he'll be able to go on his own.'s worth a try, anyway!

I'm going to bed now. I feel better now that I've written everything down, and considering it's almost 5 am, rest would be a good thing! I'm going out driving a little more later in the afternoon, whee! All I need to do is practice my parking, and I'll be a drivin' foo.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!