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Today's rambling: Trash :P
Written on Friday, Aug. 01, 2003 at 7:04 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I am getting more and more porn spam, and it's really irritating me. The worst of it is, the subject lines are getting cruder and cruder! If I could find those people and strip them of their genitalia, I would. Just because they (the people, not their nether regions) are so disgusting that they deserve it. Stop thinking with your privates, you nasty freaks!

*coughs* Sorry. I just happen to be one of those people who thinks porn is disgusting. No wonder people think sex is this horrible, demeaning, gross thing! When all they're surrounded with are images of men and women behaving like animals, using sex merely for physical gratification...

I'm not saying sex shouldn't be for that. If you and your boyfriend/girlfriend are in the mood and feel like getting it on, then go for it. I'm not your mother. But there is absolutely no reason to go posting images of yourself and another person doing these things. I don't want to see it. Thousands of other people don't want to see it, either. Sex is demeaning when it's used in such a way. And I don't care if such a statement labels me as a prude. Goodness knows the world is lacking enough in morals; I'm just glad that at least some people still hold on to their values.

So, since it's still on this topic, how about that Larry Flynt guy actually having the--ha ha ha--balls to run for governor. We've already got a wrestler in office, but I'd rather have him than some guy who's lacking in the class department. (I know, like a wrestler has class, right? hehe) The worst of it is, this guy will probably get the job because our political system is so screwed up. Which leads me to my third and final rant of this entry (I'll write a real entry later, hehe)...

Paranoid Republicans (*coughBushcough*) are starting to suggest that we put an amendment in the Constitution outlawing gay marriage. Once again, they're hiding behind the Bible as their reason for why this should not happen.

Allow me to say that I'm not saying anything against the Bible. But I am sick to death of people picking out bits that suit their views and then brandishing these pieces like some kind of invincible weapon. "The Bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman!"

Last time I checked, there were a whooooooole lotta pages in the Bible. Half of these people probably never even cracked the thing open, much less read all those pages. And do you really think our President is following everything the Bible says? No. Just what suits him. That's what really ticks me off about people who tout their religion like this. They're what dear Lola calls "salad bar Christians."

I know this sounds like preaching (hehe, how ironic), but I just get so sick of all the gay-bashing, especially when 'religion' is the reason behind it. If you think homosexuality is wrong, then hey, that's fine. But what gives you the right to treat the person like they're less than human? Religion is supposed to be something that brings people together, not something that causes everyone to hate one another. And now our government officials are trying to get a law passed so that gays aren't allowed to get married, all because gay marriage is 'morally wrong'?

If these men and women are sinning, then they'll go to hell. Whether the rest of the world harasses them or not, it's not really going to make a difference. So my view is this: why not let these people have their chance for happiness? It's what every person on this planet deserves, right?

I really am starting to get a little bolder in this diary, heh. Anyway, an actual diary entry is coming later. I think my dinner is ready.

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!