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Today's rambling: What a display!
Written on Thursday, Jul. 31, 2003 at 3:44 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

So how about that new ABC show, "The Family"? These guys are supposed to be an all-American family, and instead they're just about every stereotype that the rest of the world can pin on us. They're loud, they're obnoxious, the uncle guy is in the mafia...

Well, he's not admitting he's in it, but for goodness' sake, the way everyone was all, "Ohh, I didn't want to vote against HIM..." You know he's packing some serious weaponry. If he loses, the family and all the servants are going down. But I hope he takes out that Hamilton guy first.

I'm not really sure why I sat through that disgusting excuse for a television show. Most likely, it was a combination of our remote being broken, boredom, and gruesome fascination. It was like watching a train wreck. And it's so nice that they're positively reinforcing lying and backstabbing amongst family members. As if society isn't full enough of that already. Great show, ABC! Even better than "The Chair"! It's like "The Bachelor" meets "Survivor" or something. And the worst of it is, people are getting paid to come up with these shows! I'm totally going into the right profession, majoring in Communication. If there's money to be found in something where any idea can be used...I'm there!

"Hey everyone, just wait until you hear my latest idea. Picture this: each week, a group of friends is duct-taped, blind-folded, and dropped in the middle of nowhere. Armed with nothing but whatever they find in their surroundings, they have to somehow fight their way through a pit of fire ants; a mob of angry protesters outside a political convention; and then try to knock each other out to win a prize of ONE MILLION DOLLARS! But little do they know that watching them the entire time are a tribe of pygmy farmers who will ultimately decide who should get that money!"

You'd all watch it, right?

Anyway, rant over. I drove more today, for about an hour this time, and I wound up taking a road that neither Mom nor I had ever been on before. It's amazing how you can live in a place for so long and yet not know about half the stuff around you. This particular road was one that Mom had wanted to travel down for ages, but apparently never had a reason to turn onto until today. Little did we know that some of these roads would have so many twists and curves that it was almost like being on a slalom course. :P The area was so pretty though, with plenty of foresty areas, adorable country houses, and even a few barns. It was so peaceful and quaint in this area, except for that one blemish in the form of a new housing development full of large, cookie-cutter homes. How can people bear to live in one of those neighborhoods, where every single house is identical to the one next to it? Yeah, obviously the people who live there have money, but I think I'd rather build my own house and make it something that I liked. Ugh. I get so sick of these new developments, coming in and ruining the simplistic charm of what USED to be a lovely rural area. But again, I'm ranting...and digressing besides!

Mom and I were both convinced that we'd become lost at one point. Usually, the trick is that if you keep turning left you'll end up back around where you started from. But today it felt like we kept getting further and further into unknown territory, and I joked at one point that we'd probably end up in Pittsburgh eventually. We came across this cute little park-type area right next to a creek, and I'm hoping that I can find my way back there again because I plan on taking Geoff there. :P It doesn't matter who it is that's driving, but we're going. Not long after that, we realized where we were and so it was smooth sailing from now on. Of course, she just had to make me take a certain road that, from where I entered, was full of really sharp curves. X_X But the great thing was, I didn't feel out of control at all. Well, maybe twice, but one of those times was when this huge RV came rattling down the road from the opposite direction. This road was rather narrow, and the RV was a little over the center line so I got skittish...but obviously we came through alright since I'm sitting here typing this entry. ;)

It was a great hour of driving! I was listening to "Days of Future Passed," I felt completely in control the entire time...I mean, considering that I wasn't at all familiar with most of the roads we traveled today, and how nerve-wrackingly curvy many of them were, I think I did really well! Had we taken those roads two days ago, when I first got into the car after a couple of years, I think serious problems would have come up. Hehehe...but yeah, things are going swimmingly and tomorrow I'll get to practice nearly all day (since Mom is off). We're going to start the parking stuff again tomorrow. I've never been good at parking. >_<

Every time I write stuff like this, I feel so juvenile. I mean, everyone else my age has already gone through this! You'd think I was 16 and not 22! And I know that everyone has their own pacing with things, but I feel like I'm late with everything. Started college the same year my contemporaries were graduating, started really trying for my license years after everyone else...It's stupid for me to even be dwelling on this kind of stuff. There's nothing unrespectable about doing things later than everyone else. I mean, I'm still a virgin too (you're welcome for sharing), and I'm not feeling silly or juvenile about that! Then again, I think it's the men who typically feel pressured to lose their virginity before they're 20, hehe...

I confessed to Geoff the other night that I felt like such a baby, because I'm so late starting everything. Even when it comes to breaking free from parents! Most kids seem to start their independent streak well before now, and I only just started breaking away from my mother about a year ago! That's not really a bad thing, I know. I mean, I'm sure a lot of people would be envious of the close relationship Mom and I have always had. Not everyone can say that their mother is also their friend, you know? Maybe it's just the fact that I hang out with people who are older than me, and that's making me feel young. Whatever the reason, Geoff quickly and firmly told me to stop with that line of thinking. :P So at least I'm sure now that he doesn't think of me in that kid sister sort of way!

Mom said she'd go see "Pirates of the Caribbean" with me tomorrow, unless I wanted to go with Geoff. I meant what I said about not making him go, however, so I'm going to take up Mom's offer. As much as the idea of sitting in a darkened movie theater with him thrills me, I'll just have to forego that pleasure. It's not like we'd hold hands or anything anyway. XP And besides, whenever I talk to him again and tell him that I've been to see it, maybe he'll feel almost like I did yesterday when he told me that he'd seen the movie with his family. LOL! What a silly wish! Actually, it's just that I feel as though I guilt-tripped him into offering to go with me. I mean, he very firmly did not want to go that first time I tried persuading him. Short of nagging him to death, I don't think I would have been able to get him into that theater. But on the phone, I was lamenting how at this rate I'll probably never get to see the darned movie, and then I mentioned that I had no qualms about going by myself...which was the complete truth, but combined with the other stuff I'd said...well yeah, you get the idea. And some of you *looks pointedly at Jam* are probably rolling your eyes. But I can't help my misgivings, illogical as they may seem! Besides, maybe he'll want to take me anyway (to the movies, that is), and then we'd both be seeing it for the second time. Heehee, both Geoff and his 'step-nephew' thought that Johnny Depp's character acted as though he was gay. The 10-year old, upon exiting the theater, asked, "He wasn't supposed to be gay, was he?" *puts up walls to shield her from any angry females* If nothing else, I want to see this for myself, hehe!

Well, it's now 3:40 in the a.m. and I had been planning on waking up early, because Mom said she'd rather get an early start than be out late. We're going out to Bed Bath & Beyond to look at some college-related stuff. Unfortunately, she has all her energy in the mornings, whereas I'm at my best in the afternoon/evening hours. Believe me, I wish I was a morning person! The world is so much prettier and fresher in the morning! But somehow I was built to be nocturnal...and unless you sit outside to look at the stars, there just isn't enough light to see pretty things at night. XP

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!