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Today's rambling: Needy much?
Written on Monday, Jul. 21, 2003 at 10:59 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Y'know how I was complaining about Kristen's boyfriend because he's such a clingy, needy thing? I was so happy to get away from that...and yet I've come home to find the exact same situation (only this time it's in the form of a rotund, toad-like man named Charlie). Yesterday, Mom came home for a few minutes to pick up a few things before going back up to some kind of party at...well, I don't know where it was. Anyway, she hadn't been there more than 5 minutes when Charlie called her up on the cell phone! She'd JUST been there! And this afternoon when she finally came home, we were just starting to talk when her cell phone rang.

"J* Ch*!" I blurted incredulously (I never really use that phrase, and don't feel comfortable repeating it here, hehe). Can the man not stand to be alone for more than 3 minutes??

Mom laughingly told him what I'd said, and I think she said something about how she'd just left (which was why I said what I did). "Charlie said that was good!" she told me.

"It's not good," I replied testily. "The man has a problem!"

Honestly. It's one thing to call every night (something which I'm getting used to now since Tim's been calling me every day lately, heh). It's another thing to call the minute you've been separated. I would get SO sick of that! I need my personal space! Which is why I'm glad that Geoff's the independent sort. As much as that trait aggravates me at times, I'd much rather have someone who understands the need for personal space than some clingy little BABY who has to be in constant contact. I wish that man would be abducted by aliens. I really do.

My mood has been in a slump because it appears that Geoff and Tim did, in fact, take their mini road trip. I mean, it's not like I was seeing him that often anyway, but now to know that he's not there (and having no idea where he is, other than that he's not in the state) makes me feel rather lonely! But don't worry, I won't be calling every day and leaving messages. ;)

Hehehe, it's amusing how many people are cooing over Johnny Depp after this latest movie of his. No, I'm not making fun of anybody, I just think it's funny. 'Course, he's always been something of a heartthrob (if that's the right word), but I never thought much of him. He always seemed like such a gaunt, hollow-cheeked, unattractive guy. BUT, I will freely admit that that eye makeup they used on him for "Pirates of the Caribbean" did wonders. I haven't seen the movie (yet), but I've seen behind-the-scenes thingers on Disney, and of course I've seen the commercials. The first thing I noticed when I saw the mini interview with him (on the Disney Channel) was that his eyes sparkled. I've never seen them do that before. It added a completely different element to him. If Johnny stayed a pirate, I'd definitely be a fan. :P But don't expect me to wallpaper my room with his pictures any time soon, heehee...

Hey. That just leaves more of him for the rest of you. ;)

There's a Sprite Remix bottle on the desk, and it's filled with water...but I wish it was filled with tropical-flavored Sprite instead. That stuff was pretty tasty. I'm getting a little tired of drinking Sprite all the time, but that flavor was nice. I need to find some new sodas to drink, though. Actually, what I'd like to do is stock my refrigerator with fruit juices. I looooooove fruit juices. V8 Splash is my favorite (I've got citrus pineapple right now, or whatever it's called....yummmm), but I won't complain about any of them.

Tomorrow, I'm taking that test to get my permit. I'm going to set a date for my driving test too, if they'll let me (assuming I pass the permit test, of course). Cross your fingers for me! *laughs* I sound like a nervous little 16-year old. Instead, I'm a nervous little 22-year old. ;) Ah well, I think I'm finally prepared for all this. Just because I take a little longer to do things than everyone else, that's not a BAD thing! Just means I'm definitely prepared for it!

Lately, whenever I watch TV the only two channels I watch are ABC and Disney (I wish, by the way--and I realize this'll sound hypocritical--I wish that that ABC had never been taken over by Disney because...well, it just seems too evil). Anyway, late last night I decided to do some true channel surfing, but I only got as far as Cartoon Network. By that point, Adult Swim was on, but I've never seen any of those cartoons before. I happened to catch "Lupin the 3rd" just as it was starting...and it was a terrible cartoon, yet I couldn't help sitting there and watching it anyway! I think this marks the first time I've seen a cartoon say "dammit!" and "Stop touching my nipple!" *giggles*

Anyway, that's it. I can't think of anything else to say, but the news is going to be on in another few minutes and I feel like watching it. I don't usually watch the 11 o'clock news, but...tonight's just going to be different. Yeah.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!