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Today's rambling: Handwriting analysis
Written on Monday, Jul. 14, 2003 at 3:53 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Lola always finds the most interesting stuff. ;) Here's my handwriting analysis!

Regarding letter size... you clicked "Medium". Because your writing is neither really tiny or really large, this aspect of your writing is not a significant piece of your personality puzzle. We know you are not as intense as those tiny writers and you aren't as "flighty" as some of those really large writers. So, you fall into the middle-of-the-road on this character trait.

Concerning the letter slant of your sample (slant reveals emotional outlay)... you chose "Vertical". You use logical sound judgments to make decisions. Youre ruled by your head, not your heart. You tend to be cool, calm and collected and are good under pressure. In a situation where other people might get hysterical, you have poise.

Some may see you as "detached" or "unemotional". It's not that you don't feel emotions, you just have more discernment when and with whom you express your inner most feelings. You keep them inside longer than most people do. (If your writing is very large you can be very social, friendly and talkative, but still emotionally logical.)

The first time someone makes you mad, you probably won't say anything. But, you'll mentally put a mark on the wall and keep your mouth shut until they piss you off again and again. Then, BOOM! You'll explode, all that pent-up anger comes pouring out! And, you won't feel any regret at all, because you know they deserved it.

It may sound harsh, but you're ruled by self-interest. In emotional situations you ask yourself, "What's best for me?" And, unlike others, you actually have the discipline to follow your logic rather than your emotional whims.

In a relationship, you tend to show your affection by the things you DO rather than the things you SAY. The only exception is if your mate has expressed a need to hear "I love you" on a daily basis, then you'll gladly express this out of respect for your partner's needs.

Relating to the letters "d" and "t", your selection of "A loop in the stem"... indicates that you're very sensitive to criticism from others. This trait is both a "fear of disapproval" and a "desire for approval". It can be seen as a weakness, because you might feel physical discomfort in your body when you're criticized. At the same time, a sincere compliment can make your whole day.

If the loop in the "d" is so large it looks like a hot air balloon, then there are times when you IMAGINE that you're being criticized, when in reality, you aren't!

P.S. I'm not being critical... you're just imagining it. ( See what I mean??!! )

Looking at the letter "i", you chose "i-dot is just about normal". This is a good trait to have, because it shows loyalty... a true commitment to stand by those people or ideas that you truly believe in.

Looking at the letter "i", you also chose "Combination... some dots, some open, some circles, and some slashes". This combination means that you don't just display one character trait or the other... you exhibit all of them at different times.

When your i-dot is slashed, you are experiencing some irritation (who were you peaved at when you wrote this?). When the i-dot is a bubble or circle, it shows your creative side and deep seeded desire to be different. The closer you dot your i to the stem, the better your memory.

So, if you have all three, conceivably you could be an attention seeking artist that notices every little detail in life that pisses you off!! No? Yes?

Oh boy... the letter "o"... this is a very insightful letter. When you picked "No inner loops, letter is clean and crisp", that told me that you are very blunt, candid and brutally honest. You are also very straightforward when asked your opinion. You find secrets and deceit just unnecessary. But, most people are not as revealing as you tend to be. So, just a suggestion... if your significant other asks, "Do you think I need to lose a little weight?", just pretend that you have to go the bathroom and leave the room. And remember the deadly question... "Do I look fat in this dress?" Hint: LIE!

Excellent characteristic!!! When I asked about the shape of the tops of the humps in the letters "m" and "n", you chose "Vary between rounded and pointed". This is the best of both kind of thinkers. You can process information both in a cumulative/procedural fashion and also in a comprehensive/fast fashion. This means that you can adapt to the people around you. If you're with a slow talker, you can slow down and explain every detail. If you're talking to someone who only wants the "bottom-line", big picture facts, you can speed up your thinking.

This is an important trait! When I asked you how high the t-bar is crossed on the stem of the letter "t", you chose "Midway up the stem". This tells me that you set goals that are realistic, practical, and obtainable and that your self-esteem is good, but not super high. I would suspect you still have an aversion to taking too much of a risk and you'll hedge on the side of security.

The good news is your confidence is strong enough to leave a really bad situation and take those first key steps toward living your dreams. People that cross their "t's" in the upper middle are pragmatic and secure with themselves. But, there are still more dreams to achieve... so stretch yourself even more!

When asked how the t-bar ends, you chose "Knife point toward the right". This tells me that you are a bit of a smart-ass. Uhmm... sorry... the politically correct term is "sarcastic".

You see, sarcasm is a wonderful means of defending your ego. Often this sarcasm comes out as a wry sense of humor. People love that. But, if you're at all insecure, it can be directed at others and be a bit caustic and hurtful. Might I suggest that you bite your tongue next time you want to pipe in with a smart comment.

Concerning your y's and g's, you chose "Medium loop". This tells me that you have healthy physical drives... yes, that means both sexually... and in your ambition. So, you aren't a prude but you're not a slut either... you just "like" it.

Wow!... Concerning your y's and g's, you chose "Extra LARGE loop"... which tells me that you have a very active imagination.

Character traits associated with large loops include: gullible, great story tellers and big sex drive! You like variety in your life and you get bored very easily.

And, if you press really hard on the paper, then you do have a very strong sex drive! let's review... a need for variety, big imagination, AND a strong sex drive. I hope you can find a partner to keep up with you in the sack. If not, you'd better have a spare waiting in the next room!

When I asked you if the first letter of your signature was larger than the other letters, you indicated that it was. This tells me you have a strong sense of who you are and a healthy "ego". I mean ego in a good way... it takes an expanded sense of self-importance to get things done and demand the world give you what you deserve.

So, your larger letters in your signature indicate a tendency to show the world your self-assured and confident side. The larger the letters... the stronger the ego.

I don't know about the 'brutally honest' part. Well...I definitely don't resort to lies and such, but despite those big words, I still find myself telling white lies to make people feel better sometimes. Though...when Mom came home the other day with her hair cut to just below her ears, I didn't hide my initial dislike of the style. *blushes* I didn't mean to do that, though! It's just that she never said ANYTHING about getting it cut, and all of a sudden she walks and the door and her hair is reallyreally short! X_X

'The first time someone makes you mad, you probably won't say anything'...That paragraph is sooo right, except usually I do feel guilty. Even though my logical side says that the person deserve it, I keep thinking, "I shouldn't have just exploded like that! It was so mean!"

So anyway, that was fun! Go ahead and give it a try! ;)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!