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Today's rambling: High school journalist
Written on Thursday, Jul. 10, 2003 at 3:54 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

During my senior year of high school, I worked on the school newspaper. I can't remember anymore what prompted me to take Journalism ('cause I'm sure I didn't have a crush on the teacher at that point, lol), but that year ended up being a lot of fun. Very aggravating at times, but fun and satisfying nonetheless. Of course, not having an ounce of journalistic writing talent to my credit, I decided to write horoscopes instead. ^_^ My column was entitled "Mind's Eye: The Mystical Madame Maia Tells All".

At any rate, I just came across copies of all the old newspapers, and I was reading through I felt like sharing a few of my horoscopes. :P The funny part was, if one of my friends were doing something that I thought was rather silly, I'd make up a horoscope for their sign that was just a lot of veiled advice. *giggles* Most of the time, these bits of advice were directed at my friend Sally. She seemed to have a new boyfriend every week, and each one was the love of her life. It got pretty annoying after awhile. Since she and I were in the same homeroom, though--and since homeroom was where I wrote my horoscopes half the time--she got lots of advice from me...and I always had to pretend to be shocked that my horoscope fit so well with what was going on in her life. ;)

So anyway, here we go!

From November, 1998:

Pisces - Don't allow your daydreaming to get in the way of your work. "There's a time and place for everything," and this month, work comes first!

Taurus - If you have some free time and don't know what to do with it, try doing something constructive, like cleaning all that junk out of your closet!

Libra - This new "love of your life" may not be all it seems. Before you decide that this person is "right" for you, wait it out a little longer. Your opinion might just change!

Yeah, that was my 'advice to Sally' horoscope. ;)

From December, 1998:

Cancer - Luck is on your side! Don't be surprised if suddenly everything is going your way!

Virgo - Be careful this month--trouble seems to be drawn to you like a magnet! It would be a good idea not to take any unnecessary risks!

Libra - Time for justice! After discovering that someone close to you has been treating you unfairly, you'll be looking for revenge. Don't be too severe, but make sure they get what's coming to them!

I think that was another one directed toward Sally, but I can't remember. At any rate, it certainly sounds threatening: "make sure they get what's coming to them!" Eee... XP And don't you just love how I made my own sign (Cancer) have that lovely horoscope? *grins*

And finally, from February of 1999:

Gemini - Being ruled by the astrological sign of the twins gives you the privilege of having two separate personalities. Why not give your not-often-shown side a try this month!

Cancer - Thinking of spring may have you in the mid-winter blues. Relax, and think of the things you can do in winter that you can't do in any other cozying up in front of the fireplace with a nice cup of hot chocolate!

Leo - It's time for you to go after your interests! You may be an ambitious person, but the lack of support from your friends could have you wondering if it's all worth the effort. It is!

Virgo - Watch out for falling objects!

Sagittarius - If Cupid never appeared on Valentine's Day, maybe it's time to play the role yourself. It may sound silly, but if you never face anything, how do you expect it to change?

Erm...yeah. I don't really understand that last one, either. I'm sure it must have sounded good at the time, though! If you couldn't tell, I had no idea what to write for Virgo. *giggles* And once again, Cancer was written like that because it's my sign. Bwe he he...oh, as if those fancy syndicated folks don't do the same thing once in awhile!

At any rate, I guess I was just looking through those to psych myself up for the fact that I'm going to have to spend a semester on the Clarion Call, as part of my major's requirements. It hasn't been a chore at all to do the broadcasting co-curricular, but I just can't stand journalistic writing! It's so rigid and unimaginative, and I don't relish having to go out and interview folks just to make an article (unless, of course, I got to interview the tennis team or something because Amanda's on that, hehe). There's a horoscope column in our paper, but this thing comes out weekly. If I thought it was hard coming up with horoscopes every month or so, it'd be hell trying to churn them out every week!

I can only hope there'll be a position that doesn't do too much. If I could get a job proofreading or helping with the layout or something, that would be fantastic! But Amber told me that virtually everyone who's doing their co-curricular tries to get a proofreading job. Thus, I'll probably end up with the task of writing articles. And I know I won't be very good at it!

But hey, it was fun traipsing down ol' Memory Lane with ya, Diary. :) I think I'm going to bed now.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!