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Today's rambling: Survey, courtesy o' Lola
Written on Friday, May. 30, 2003 at 10:50 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

If Lola thinks she's dull and predictable because of her surveys, then I'm even moreso because I'm always copying off of her. ;) I'm a sheep, y'know. Always following the flock. :P

1. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?:
It sounds so trite, but definitely eyes. Especially the ones that are so oddly contrasted with the rest of the person's complexion (like light eyes with dark hair, etc)

2. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?:
After the attack I got from Amanda's mother, I'm half afraid to answer this one! ;) I wouldn't vote for her just BECAUSE she's a woman. She'd have to prove herself to be levelheaded (cattiness not needed, though it would be amusing to see her going head-to-head with, say, Saddam Hussein), intelligent, and caring. The latter of which you CAN do without being emotionally unbalanced. :P

3. Would you marry for money?:
Only if he was a sexy beast.

4. Have you had braces?:
No, but I'd kinda like to have those invisible ones. My teeth really aren't that bad, but they could be a wee bit straighter!

5. Do you pluck your eyebrows?:
Yes. Because otherwise I'd have two caterpillars on my face. Honestly, I've got hair growing everywhere I don't want it to! Wait...that came out all wrong...

6. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?:
I'd never disrespect my body like that.

7. When was the last time you had a hickey?:
LOL! Have you ever, when you were really little (before you knew what a 'hickey' was) put them on your forearm or whatever? �_� What? I'm not that weird. :P I think some kids used to do it with the little hose part of the vacuum cleaner, hehe...

8. Could you live without a computer?:
My social life is sick, sad, and pathetic enough as it is. Take away my computer, and I really WOULD go insane. Oh, I'm sure I could live without just wouldn't be pretty.

9. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc..?:
Waaaaaaay back when, I used ICQ. Now I use AIM and MSN. AIM more, I think, just because more people have it.

10. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?:
43 or 44...some of those are people with more than one sn though, hehe...

11. If you could live in any past time period, which would it be?:
60's, definitely! As if any of you had any doubts about that. ;)

12. Do you drink enough water?:
Probably not.

13. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?:
I'd go barefoot everywhere if I could.

14. What is your favorite fruit?:
Strawberries. And pineapples. I just can't pick between the two.

15. Do you eat wheat bread or white?:
I just started eating wheat bread this year. And I'll never go back to white bread!

16. What is your favorite place to visit?:
I'll opt for Lola's answer, which is "bed".

17. What is the last movie you saw?:
Uhhh...."Kingpin", I think. I'm not a big movie-watching person.

18. Do you kiss on the first date?:
That would require one to date, right? Or date enough that you could say, "Yeah, I usually do" or "No, I usually don't". In my One And Only experience, I didn't. And I'm not getting any younger, so if I ever get to have another first date, we're skipping straight to sex. Forget the whole "Can I walk you to your door?" bit. For me and my guy, it's gonna be, "Can I undress you as I walk you to your bed?"

(I'm kidding, by the way.)

19. Are you photogenic?:
I won an award once for being most photogenic! And after that I was never able to look good in a picture again. *le sigh*

20. Do you dream in color or black and white?:

21. Are you wearing fingernail polish?:
Nope! I pick at my fingers too much when I'm nervous or bored, so fingernail polish is kinda pointless...unless it's the clear/tinted stuff where you can't really tell when it chips...

22. Do you have any dimples?:
One on each side! *beams* Seee? And I've heard alll the "Do you poke your cheeks each night to get those" cracks, too.

23. Do you remember being born?:
Oh, yes. I'll never forgive that doctor for spanking me and starting me on my road to S & M.

24. Why do you take surveys?:
Because they're harmless addicting fun DOYOUHAVEAPROBLEMWITHTHAT?????

25. Do you drink alcohol?:
Who, me? Never! ;) But at least I learned my tolerance levels, heehee...

26. Did you like or do you like high school?:
Basically, I wish just about every last one of the kids I went to school with would spontaneously combust in the most painful way possible.

27. What is the most beautiful language?:
French. ^________^

28. When you are asleep do you like being kissed awake?:
HA HA HA HA!!!!! Don't torture me so.

29. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?:
I like the idea of sunrises more. However, that would require waking up early enough to see one, and so I'll opt for sunsets.

30. Do you want to live to be 100?:
If it means I have to be all hunched over and decrepit, and living off machines, then no. The minute I can't truly live, that's when I want to go.

31. Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?:
Absolutely not! We were given all this hair for a reason...and granted, in certain places it's just a breeding ground for bacteria (think about the male underarm area *cringe*), but it's a shame that our society kinda forces us to do it. If you choose to, that's fine. I know I have no interest in letting the hair under MY arms grow to such lengths that I could braid it. ;)

32. Do you like salty food or sugary food the most?:
Both. How can you choose?

33. Is a flat stomach important to you?:
I don't want a REALLY flat stomach. But flatter than what I have now? Heck yeah! I'd like to be a little more proportionate, thank you! But I think a completely flat stomach (like the one Miss Aguilera has, or that skanky blonde on "8 Rules For Dating My Teenage Daughter") just looks unnatural and ugly.

34. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?:
Lauren bought me one for Christmas, and when I was little I did want one for some reason, but I just can't bring myself to touch the thing now...even if it DOES glow in the dark.

35. Are you loyal?
Like a dog.

36. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?:
I like to think I am, yes. Doesn't mean I agree with them, but I'm not one of the sorts who tries to push my beliefs off on everyone else (y'know, like my roommate. ha ha ha)...

37. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?:

38. Do you believe in magic?:
I like potatoes!

39. Do you have nightmares frequently?:
Not the true "Monsters wearing underwear on their heads are chasing me" nightmares, but really pathetic ones like "Oh no, I forgot to go to my first day of classes!" nightmares...

40. Do you like your nose?:
It's too big. And it slants upward a little too much.

41. Do you like abstract art?:
Not really, no. I like art that's about something.

42. Do you think you can draw well?:
Uh...If the inspiration hits, I'm an average amateur...cartoonist. X_X

43. Do you listen to music daily?:
Of course!

44. Do you like to watch cartoons?:
Sometimes...not as much as I used to

45. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?:
*looks around nervously* Umm...*whispers* eleven. Yes, I held on to the delusion longer than most. :P But I don't think I'd ever tell my kids that he exists, not because it was particularly traumatizing for me, but because there doesn't seem to be much point in it. I mean, with my luck I'd be like, "Now Little Johnny, Santa isn't really real" and he'd kill me as I slept.

46. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?:
I don't have a closet. And I've only got about 2 pairs of shoes (if a pair of flip-flops count).

47. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?:
Shoes is shoes to me. I mean, I'm sure if I had the money to buy more I'd enjoy wearing different ones, but as long as my feet are decently clothed, I'm fine with it.

48. Do you write poetry?:
In those angsty moments, sure. And it all sucks.

49. Do you snore?:
If I've got a cold...otherwise, I don't think I do...though occasionally I'll snort and immediately wake myself up, hehe...

50. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?:
A little of all of 'em.

51. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?:
I'd love to have a Rottweiler!

52. Do you lick stamps?:
When I can save spit by using self-adhesive? Come on. ;)

53. Do you use an electric can opener?:
I haven't even had cause to OPEN a can in ages!

54. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?:
No. That whole lack of anchor, being a slave to wind terrifies me. Literally.

55. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?:
I don't think anything can hurt more than emotional pain. I mean, the physical stuff might hurt when it happens, but you heal. Sometimes you just can't heal from the emotional stuff.

56. Do you think balding men should shave their heads?:
LOL! Isn't that a little pointless? I mean, they'll be bald soon enough anyway; why waste money to speed the process along?

57. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?:
Hmm...There was a girl in 10th grade who might have turned out that way, had I stayed at the school longer than a year to find out...Not that I wanted her to, but she had some signs of it...

58. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?:
Piano, definitely

59. Are you a sex addict?:
Just because I have a few boxes of condoms and other assorted toys, that does NOT make me a sex addict.

60. Do you know someone who has cancer?:
My grandmother did, and she died from it. :(

61. Do you hunt?:
Yeah, right. And go through the emotional scarring of "I killed a living creature!"? I've gotten somewhat used to other people doing it, so long as they actually do it for food and not sport, but doing it myself...Uh, no.

62. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?:
Some people (like Geoff) are convinced that I don't like food at all. And they'd probably be right. :P

63. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?:
Ooo, an art museum would be fun!

64. Do you have a middle name?:

65. Are you basically a happy person?:
Moreso than I used to be! Still moody, though!

66. Are you tired?:
Of all these QUESTIONS! And would you get that light out of my eyes??

67. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?:
Not that I'm aware of!

68. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?:
Just The Amazing Lola! ^_^

69. How many phones do you have in your house?:

70. How long is your hair?:
Shoulder-length, and I can't wait for it to get a leetle longer!

71. Do you get along with your parents?:
Well, my father's an ass who hasn't spoken to me in over a year...but I never got along with him that well when he was around anyway. I love my mother to pieces, but lately some of her habits kinda irritate me. It's that whole 'need my independence' thing. ;)

72. What color of eyes do you prefer?:
Gray. I would love to have gray eyes!

73. Are you an active person?:
I am a very active sleeper and procrastinator. I'm procrastinating right now! Look at me go!

74. What medications do you take?:
I try not to take medicine whenever possible. I'm always paranoid I'll build up a tolerance and then when I really need it, it won't work. *giggles*

75. What does your bedroom look like?:
A huge MESS. My dream is to someday have a huge room where I have enough space for tons of storage thingies, and a great big closet, because in my mind that means that all my stuff will have a place to go. In reality, though, a huge room would just mean more floorspace for my junk to be thrown. :

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!