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Today's rambling: Last night
Written on Wednesday, May. 21, 2003 at 6:36 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

*salutes Tiff*

Your pirate name is Mad Anne Kidd! Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

Fun times, fun times! *giggles* And funnily enough, I'm wearing my Pirate's Booty shirt today, too! :P

So now that we've found out what I'd be called were I a pirate (I almost typed 'parrot'...squawk!), here's what happened yesterday. :P Because I know you're all dying to know, ha ha...

Geoff 'n Timmeh got up here around 9, or possibly after that. I can't remember. Anyway, Mom suggested we all go up to the Bistro (which is right up the hill from us), so we did that. Stayed there for an hour or so, then went over to this new place that her friends opened up a few months ago. Tim, by that point, was quite buzzed and was starting to get on my nerves (again). I don't know what it is about him, but every time he gets drunk he just gets really annoying! Though he was making fun of all the politicians and their wives, which was amusing. I didn't know those guys were trying to get the drinking age raised to 25! People in like every country BUT ours can drink when they're much younger, and I haven't heard of any major problems from that. Someone from another country, would you mind enlightening me if there ARE huge problems from drinking at a younger age? Because I don't see how raising the age limit here is going to do any good at all. That'll just make even MORE people get their parents and older friends to go out and buy alcohol for them! Woo hoo, yay Capitol Hill! You guys are SO smart.

I totally digressed there. So I'll come back on track. At this second bar, I moved a seat over to be next to Geoff, since Mom and Tim were playing one of those computer game thingies. At first, I was still in a bad mood because I was irritated with Tim, but thankfully I came out of that. I didn't want to do a repeat of Atlantic City! Anyway, I was sitting there for awhile just fidgeting on my barstool (because I'd stopped drinking at the first bar, so I was completely sober with nothing to do, hehe), and I glanced over and saw that Geoff was idly watching the computer card game. His feet were propped on one of the rungs on his barstool, so I draped one of my legs over his knee. LOL...I don't know why, I just wanted to try it. :P I get weird temptations, okay? ;) At any rate, Geoff grabbed my foot (which was flip-flop-less at the moment) and started tickling it. I very nearly fell off my barstool. >_< I had only anticipated him making some kind of face at me, not engaging himself in contact flirtation, hehe!

Once we got back home, I flopped down on the loveseat, my legs dangling over the arm, and Geoff and Tim were sitting on the couch. Geoff kept leaning over and tickling my feet...I was quite enjoying myself. ;) We had some food, and Mom and Tim were out on the porch chatting to each other (this was the first time she'd ever met Tim before, hehe...I'm glad she can tolerate him better than I'm able to most of the time!). That left Geoff and I in the livingroom by ourselves, and by that point I had moved over to sit next to him. Feeling sleepy from the alcohol, I sprawled on the couch and nestled my head quite firmly against his side. We just sat there and talked about all sorts of things, like when and how he'd quit smoking (it's been over 10 years now, yay), age-related things (brought up by a story from when I was 16, hehe), and then at one point I brought up my father. "I wonder if he even thinks of me anymore," I murmured wonderingly, staring out into nothing. Said a few other things, ending with how I still miss him, and Geoff was like, "Well, no matter how much of a jerk he's been, he's still your father. You'll always have that attachment to him." Then he asked if I had a picture of Dad, so I ran to my room to get one. I'd never realized before that Geoff had never seen him; I guess I took it for granted, since every time I speak about him, I can picture him so clearly in my mind. I forget that the other person can't see those pictures. :P

I have to say that that was the best part of the night, though, just laying there so companionably against him, listening to his heart beating and feeling his chest rise and fall with his breathing. I've never been able to do that before (excepting my parents, of course, 'cause I think every little kid at some point likes to rest against them, LOL). It was just the most relaxing, comforting thing. The best part was that he wasn't constantly being wacky, like he usually is. We were actually talking about somewhat serious things, which just felt more comfortable for some reason. He teased me at one point, and I cried "You're so mean!" and buried my face in his shirt. That was fun, too. ;)

But anyway, they left at about 3:40 in the morning (!) and I got to sleep in my own bed. I get so nervous sleeping at someone else's house, so I enjoyed being able to keep my bed for the night. Even if they do have a cot at their house now. *giggles*

Geoff just called about half an hour ago, so he's on his way up here to pick me up again. I thought he was teasing last night when he said he'd call at 5! X_X And the first thing he said when I answered was, "Are you awake?" I shall forever be known as The Girl Who Sleeps All Day.

"I've been up for a long time," I informed him. He kept denying it, so then I retorted, "I've been up since 2 o'clock!" LOL...yes, for me that's almost early. Well, early now that I've come home, anyway!

So now I guess I should post this and go wait. Actually, waiting sucks. Every little sound makes me jump, thinking that someone is coming down the stairs. I guess I'll just stay in here and listen to my lovely music, hehe!

Augh! I would just like to say that I HATE these stupid popup things that keep appearing! They're not actual popup ads, they're in the form of warning signs you get when your computer is freaking out. But they're ads! And they're PISSING ME OFF! *breathes deeply* There, I'm all better. I think.

I heard some disturbing stories regarding a certain sorority last night. I don't know whether to believe them or not, considering their source, but considering the bad feelings I've had about that sorority all through my pledging period...well, I can see where they'd be true. But I'm so saddened and sickened by the thought of them actually being real...It makes me glad that I'm not involved with any sort of Greek organization! Considering this sorority was the tamest one on campus, it really doesn't put much faith in me about the rest of them. I know, I know, I shouldn't judge. But why must people be so catty and deceitful???

To end on a high note, I got my hair cut yesterday. Lisa, the stylist I always ask for, was talking with me about various things. We got to talking about college, and I was telling her about my grades and honors and such. Lisa was just full of such praise, and I guess it was from reading Anne of Green Gables, but at that point for some reason I just felt like Anne, LOL! Like I was really smart and surprising people. I dunno, hehe, it was just nice. Lisa also told me that she's signed up for Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and I found myself actually interested in it. I don't mind kids so much once they're big enough to talk and fend for themselves (and hopefully past the tantrum stage), and I think it would be neat to do something like that. But I don't have a car or steady transportation, so that'll have to wait, hehe :P

Anyway, I'm going to go now, since I don't know exactly when Geoff will be here. We're going to rent more Monty Python stuff tonight! I can't wait! ^_^

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!