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Today's rambling: Survey Addiction
Written on Tuesday, May. 20, 2003 at 1:02 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Curses, Lola! Just because I challenged you didn't mean you HAD to finish those surveys! Now I, because of the irresistable temptation of these things, will have to do them as well! ;)

1. Your name spelled backwards: Rebma

2. Where were your parents born? Mom - Virginia (woot!) Dad - Pennsylvania

3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? An episode of "Saved By The Bell", je crois...

5. Last time you swam in a pool? May of 2002. I don't do the swimsuit scene.

6. Have you ever been in a school play? Nope, 'cause I was always too shy. *sniffle*

7. How many kids do you want? *shudders* That would be a definite 'none'. Not only would I not be a good mother, but I tend to liken kids to little parasites...which could be WHY I wouldn't be a good mother, with that outlook... :P

8. Type of music you dislike most? Rap.

9. Are you registered to vote? Yup

10. Do you have cable? Yes, yes, we're one of those people still living in the stone age with our cable. STOP REMINDING ME!!!

11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? Nope.

12. Ever prank call anybody? Hee hee...Yes. Back in 8th grade I was part of 'band front' (aka Color Guard) and at practices all the girls would cluster around the payphone and call up Hooked On Phonics and Jenny Craig. Looking back on it, it was the silliest thing ever...but of course we thought we were being oh-so-funny. ;) And then, somehow, the advisors found out...and wouldn't let us use the phone without permission. XP

13. Ever get a parking ticket? You'd have to have a car to park in order to get one of those, right?

14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? I may like that dippy feeling in my stomach...but I also enjoy my life. And having all my limbs and organs in their proper places.

15. Furthest place you ever traveled: Brussels, Belgium

16. Do you have a garden? I never have, but Mom always had one (before we had to move). I'd love to have a garden of my own, but my actual gardening skills don't match up to my imagination, I'm afraid!

17. What's your favorite comic strip? Whenever I actually got to read them, I was always partial to Mutts. :P

18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? I'm not sure...but as Eddie Izzard says, it's only 10% of what you say that counts. :-P

19. Bath or shower, morning or night? Showers at night. Actually, I prefer them in the morning but that would require getting up even earlier. :P I'd take baths more often if people made tubs a little bit longer...

20. Best movie you've seen in the past month? That would require seeing a movie, wouldn't it?

22. Chips or popcorn? I'm a chips sort of person. But every once in awhile I don't mind popcorn...especially after Lola showed me the tastyness of putting parmesan cheese on top. If it wasn't so late, I'd go make some right now.

23. What color lipstick do you usually wear? It's a rare occasion that sees me wearing lipstick! But there's this dark-ish color that looks good on me, so long as I only use a little bit. Lighter reds just look whoreish on me.

24. Have you ever smoked peanut shells? Those are some good shells, maaan! (What the heck is this question about?)

25. Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? *scuffs toe awkwardly* Well, um...yes. I was put in the Miss Hemisphere pageant, and I'm pleased to say that at least I won for my age group...but it still seems rather silly. Especially when you look at photos of that horrible pink dress. X_X

26. Orange juice or apple? I'm completely with Lola on this one: I love fruit juices! Orange and apple are both lovely, but I'd probably be more apt to drink orange juice.

27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine? A couple nights before college ended, a bunch of girls and I went out to Eat 'n Park for a farewell dinner. It was a fun time! More fun than I had with the sorority girls the night Erin and Denise were initiated!

28. Favorite type chocolate bar? Snickers is, hands down, my favorite.

29. When was the last time you voted at the polls? The last presidential election. Figures that when I vote, all the problems occur. But did you know that this problem happened once before, in the late 1800's? The exact same states, too! I wonder if, in a past life, I voted then as well. 'Course, I would have had to've been a man, which is vaguely disturbing...

30. Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? That would require me to like tomatoes, right?

31. Have you ever won a trophy? For my Miss Hemisphere preliminary thinger! *laughs*

32. Are you a good cook? I can boil a mean pot of water.

33. Do you know how to pump your own gas? Seeing as I have no car or license or anything of that nature...

34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? Oh yes, I just buy from those things all the time. They're ever so helpful and inventive, those infomercials! Why, just the other day I bought this pasta maker, and I'm just SURE I'll use it at least once or twice! (No, I've never bought anything from an infomercial.)

35. Sprite or 7-up? Either. They taste subtly different, as I've discovered, but not enough so that I'll make a big fuss over which one to drink, hehe

36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Dress shirts and khakis at my lovely grocery store job. Oh yeah! And a black apron (if you're anywhere but food service), and a black hat (if you're in food service). I was so chic, I'm surprised no one offered me a modeling career.

37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy? *crickets chirp*

38. Ever throw up in public? Ugh, how wretched would THAT be?? I don't think I have!

39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love? Of course love would be nice, but I honestly wouldn't want to live my life out in a cardboard box over a heating vent.

40. Do you believe in love at first sight? Or do I need to walk by again? HA HA! I just couldn't help myself!

41. Ever call a 1-900 number? Yeah. Right. Like I'm gonna pay money to talk to someone I don't even know. I'm not THAT desperate!

42. Can exes be friends? From my limited experience--which is all of one boyfriend--I would say no. BUT, my idealistic nature still thinks that that's possible.

43. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital? My grandmother, I think. That was YEARS and years ago.

44. Did you have a lot of hair when you were a baby? No, thankfully I was bald!

45. What message is on your answering machine? At home, it's just some automated voice...but on my cell phone, it's me. ^_^

46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live character? I don't even watch that show, hehe...

47. What was the name of your first pet? Meecho. She was a gorgeous Siamese Persian kitty...

48. What is in your purse? My French Hello Kitty wallet, a lot of receipts and other scraps that ought to be thrown out, a pen and probably a cell phone if I'm going out somewhere (I used to have a cute French Hello Kitty cell phone case that matched my purse and wallet, but now that I've got my new sleek Sprint phone, the case doesn't work! *sniffles*)...

49. Favorite thing to do before bedtime? I usually talk to my friends a bit. If I have a book, my favorite thing to do is read, but I almost ALWAYS put on my headphones and listen to music as I drift off to sleep. For some reason, it's more comforting for me to have my headphones on rather than turn on the radio...

50. Favorite song? They're always changing. For the most part, I'd say "New Horizons" or "Never Comes The Day" by The Moody Blues. But I'm sure that'll change eventually!

51. Who is your best friend? MandyBear and Tiff ^_^

52. Worst? As Lola said, How can you have a worst friend? Unless you like pretending to be friends with your enemies so that they're always near (which would be a highly paranoid thing to do)

53. Favorite sibling / 54. Least favorite sibling: I'm an only child (*does a dance of pure joy*). I don't need to worry about that question.

55. Favorite class? French class. I'm not always good at it, but I still enjoy it!

56. Are you addicted to AIM? "Not AIM specifically, but instant messenging, yes, definitely." - Another Lola Answer that fits me just as well ;)

57. What made you happy today? Watching these wee brown birds sailing in to peck at the bread that Mom threw out in the yard...then later a groundhog came in, grabbed up the remaining pieces one by one, and sat on her hind legs as she ate, with the little bits clutched in her paws. It was so cute. ^_^

Okay, and I'll do this other one too, even though I don't have answers for all of them! :P


1. The Moody Blues (!!!)

2. Gary Puckett (who's not a band, true enough, but I still saw him live...if Epcot Center counts as 'live', hee hee)

3. The Buckinghams (again, at Epcot, hehe)

And um..yeah, that's it. But hey, I'll be seeing a couple more this summer! So let's put them down:

4. The Lovin' Spoonful (Yes, another Epcot production)

5. Jethro Tull







1. My Disney trip in a couple weeks

2. Spending time with Geoff (though at this point, I'm not sure I'll EVER see him, lol!)

3. Reading the rest of the Anne series again

4. Starting college again!

5. Getting involved with the TV station next year

6. Being on the Exec Board for WCUC

7. Umm...sleep. Sleep is good.

8. Moving out of the dorms to an apartment at some point

9. Spending time with friends! ^_^


1. Sleep

2. Shower

3. Eat

4. Go online

5. Read

6. Listen to music

7. Think about how boring my life seems much of the time

8. Hang out with friends (at college, anyway!)


1. People who think they're intellectually superior to their peers. I don't mind a smart person, but when they get arrogant because of that intelligence, it drives me nuts.

2. People who twist various parts of their religion so that it suits them. I can't really explain this one, but Kristen's a prime example. She reads the Bible every night, then twists the Scriptures around to fit her own beliefs. And now she's become so arrogant that she acts as though she's the perfect Christian, and that just BUGS me. Not that I'm perfect, but that's just the point: no one is! Anyway...yeah. That's another thing that bugs me.

3. Rap. Hee hee...I couldn't resist putting that one in. Yes, I'm a snob.

4. My father! He's enough to annoy anybody!

5. When my mom cleans my room while I'm gone...because she never remembers where she put anything X_X

6. Children. The wee ones who haven't yet learned volume control.

7. Leslie Nielson. That man should be sent off to the moon and left there.


1. Chapstick. I would wither and die without it.

2. One of those scrubby poofy things you use in the shower. And my body wash. Both of those together create an essential item.

3. Reese's Pieces. To me, they're like crack. Only legal.

4. My laptop. Well, any computer, really. I just need Internet access.

5. My spifty flares. Can you dig it?

6. My Moody Blues CDs! They're so lovely.


1. Milk (especially the chocolate variety, but I like plain a lot too)

2. Cereal

3. Some variety of fruit juice

4. A variety of junk foods

5. Umm...I don't know what to put here. :P


1. Slipper and the Rose

2. Labyrinth

3. Never Been Kissed

4. The 10th Kingdom (though not 'over and over'...'cause I'd be in front of the TV for a looooong time)


1. Lauren (not all the time)

2. "The Yeti of the Wood" (aka Josh)

3. And, as Lola said, "People in general." Because I'm solitary.


1. Any of The Moody Blues, but Justin Hayward especially. Le sigh...

2. Janette, 'cause I've known her FOREVER online but I'd love to meet her in person!!


Uh...well, it's a little too early in my life to say, hehe! I mean, the thought of such a commitment with ANYBODY pretty much terrifies me at this point!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!