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Today's rambling: Humanities Final(ly over!)
Written on Monday, May. 12, 2003 at 12:13 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

My Humanities Final went WAY way better than I thought it would. However, it didn't start off that way.

See, Professor Blake likes to give group Finals. The way it was done last semester, apparently, was by volunteerism. Thus, even though I'd read all the material for our recent section, I figured I'd be safe because if I didn't know the question, someone else would volunteer anyway. But no, of course he had to go and change it! This semester, he picked the people who came up to the front of the auditorium to answer. I was so sure he would end up picking me. That's just the way my luck runs. And if we got the question wrong? We were put in "The Box of Infamy". Total embarrassment (though I must say, I'd already decided I'd do a little disco jig in there if I ended up being picked).

Well. The first questions asked all had to do with the stuff we just finished studying, which were a couple of Wallace Stevens poems and a play by Thornton Wilder. I knew all of these questions. I was fairly jumping in my seat, wanting to be picked! But no, he was picking everyone else, and they kept getting them wrong...which was putting us in negative digits. I think we were at -4 by one point. I was going crazy with frustration.

Eventually, a girl got this one question wrong and I couldn't take it anymore. So when the professor asked for volunteers, my arm shot up. I probably looked like one of those annoying know-it-alls, actually, hehe...At any rate, he reasked that question and I got it right (obviously, or I wouldn't have volunteered!). However, I didn't get to sit down after that. Noooo, he decided to ask me another one! I think it was the "What is Henry's real name in the play" question. Having actually been interested in this play (if only because it's so WACKY that I could hardly understand it), I immediately gave the answer. I was feeling so smart! And because he apparently got the idea that I knew what I was talking about, he kept me up there for ANOTHER question. Unfortunately, I didn't get that one completely right. But I don't think there were any points taken off for it, so it was all good.

A funny side note about that question...Well actually, it's just something related to it. He mentioned that Atlantic City was also part of the setting of the play, which I'd forgotten to mention, and I wanted to slap my forehead because I'd spent quite a bit of time over that act of the play...only because they talk about "roller cars" that were being pushed by people, and George Antrobus remarked that everyone had to ride in them at least once (or something along those lines). These roller cars were the very same thing that I was so adamantly against riding in...the things that caused me to get very very irritated at Tim! So yeah, I was just amused by that. :P

Back to the Final...I think we would have gotten an A anyway, just because the professor was giving out points for all sorts of random things. One student, for example, said that he came from Staten Island...and Blake is from New York. We ended up getting several points just from that kid alone, lol! We also got some for cheeky answers (though not TOO cheeky, because he deducted points for that, hehe)...It ended up being a lot of fun.

And now I'm back here. And Kristen is here. And I'm back to being irritated by the very sight of her. This is why it's a good thing that I'm not rooming with any friends next year, because I would hate to feel this way about them!!!

All I want to do is take a nap. But she's here, and I usually like to start my naps before she walks in so that I don't have to say anything to her. :P I just can't wait to get home; I'm so tired of being here with her all the freakin' time. I know it's normal to get irritated with people you see on a constant basis, but that doesn't mean I'm equipped to handle it. :P

At any rate, that's all I wanted to say for this entry. I might take my nap, even if it means having to state the obvious so Kristen doesn't go, "What are you doing?" I get strangely irritated about the smallest things.

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!