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Today's rambling: Random musings
Written on Sunday, May. 11, 2003 at 8:54 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

My weekend of self-imposed seclusion is over, now that my roommate's back. In a way, it's sort of nice to have someone here again...but on the other hand, I just can't wait to get back home where I can have my room all to myself. As has been said many a time, Berry is a solitary girl. She can only handle so much social activity.

Today was basically as uneventful as yesterday and Friday. I finished reading stuff for Health, and have become convinced that our book could substitute as mild pornography. Hehe...There was a picture of a female's nether regions, but instead of the usual diagrams you see in sex ed classes, this was drawn as though the woman had her legs apart. So you could see all the external stuff. They didn't do this for the guy's nether region...and while I didn't want to see that any more than I wanted to see the girly bits (why would I NEED to see them, when I have them??), I thought it was a little silly to only show one. The book was put together by a woman, so maybe she just focused on females because she knows more about them. But still, if the male diagram could be one of those funny outlines with all the internal organs drawn in different colors, why couldn't...well nevermind, you get the idea. :P

My fingers smell like greasy Gemmell pizza and it's grossing me out.

Kristen doesn't get my humor sometimes. Well, oftentimes, really. I was over here giggling over a diary banner I'd just seen ('Le Woof! Le Woof! "Freedom" Dog!' or something like that), but when I tried to explain it to her she just kinda gave one of those, "Oh, heh" sorts of laughs. Yeesh. She's now over there studying yet AGAIN, and it makes me want to tear my hair out. But I've already discussed her enough in other entries to give you and idea of my irritance, so we won't go any further. ;)

I posted the first two chapters of my newest Labyrinth fanfic. It's at FanFiction.Net which, granted, is oftentimes very unreliable. But I've been signed up there for years so it's sort of a loyalty issue. :P It's been at LEAST a year since I've posted fan fiction at that site, too! I've been working on this story for ages, and I'm only just starting Chapter 7 (the chapters aren't even long; 6 or 7 pages tops), but I got too anxious to post, hehe :P I've only gotten one review so far but that's alright, 'cause I'm used to not getting lots of reviews on my stories!

I think it's time for a new diary layout. As much as I liked the idea of this one at the time, it really isn't very me. What I really want to do is bring back my old daisy layout...anyone remember that one? I was just looking at it the other day and thinking how lovely it was. But I'll have to make some adjustments, because the links don't center over the second table anymore. I made that layout back when I was still on an 800x600 screen, and it worked there! But oh well, some fancy CSS work and everything should work out perfectly. ;) Thank goodness for Lola, showing me all those special CSS tricks!

Hmmm. I think I'll go look around Google for some pictures I could use. I ought to try my hand at drawing things again, instead of just using pictures, but where's the fun in that?? ;)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!