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Today's rambling: I'm movin' on up!
Written on Saturday, May. 10, 2003 at 6:41 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

"Geoff's done work at 4:30, but he probably won't get out of there 'til 5:30," Mom informed me last night. "I think he was hinting for you to call him."

"Why," I asked, not about to immediately jump to elation, "Did he just bring that up spontaneously? Like, without you having to ask him what time he was done?"


Well alright. As long as he brought the subject up himself, I thought, I'll give him a call...even if he wasn't hinting at anything. It was nearly 8 o'clock by the time I called him, but no one picked up the phone. Thus, I decided to leave a message and reiterate what his brother had emailed him one day. Took my phone down with me to dinner, just in case he decided to call back, but I didn't get anything. So I had finally decided that I wouldn't try calling again 'til tomorrow when my phone started clucking like a chicken.

I got to talk 2 hours and 45 minutes with him, according to my cell phone counter thingy. ^_^ And guess what? Turns out, he had been planning on coming up to visit me on Sunday and Monday! Well, Monday wouldn't have been much of a visit since I have Finals, but yeah, he was going to come up Sunday! Until he was reminded that it's Mother's Day, that is. X_X Still, I was rather happy over the fact that he'd been planning on it...especially since I didn't even know, lol!

Speaking of Finals, however...I'm not sure if I wrote about this or not, but thanks to a miscommunication on my part, Mom won't be able to get up here 'til Friday. My last exam is on Wednesday, and you have to be out of the dorms 24 hours after your last exam...unless you have special permission to stay. I was dreading having to go downstairs and ask to stay, especially since my excuse wouldn't be deemed worthy enough. It was then that Pam suggested I just say I have a Final on Thursday. We have to sign our names on this sheet outside the restroom with the day and time of our last Final, and the day and time we're leaving. Neither Pam nor I think they actually check to make sure you're telling the truth, so I said I have a Final on Thursday at noon. Of course, not really liking the whole 'lying' thing, I'm all nervous and guilty about this and I'm just sure someone's going to find out. I'm not doing it out of bad intent, though, and not only will I be perfectly quiet (so as not to disturb anyone), but I'll actually leave my dorm to pretend I'm going to an exam at noon! *giggles* I'm just so sure someone will end up catching me, though, as if I have a neon sign above my head that blinks "Liar!"

Hee hee...Pam and I were talking about sororities this afternoon at her radio show, and she informed me that my soul has been signed to Phi Sigs for a whole year...Thus, no one is allowed to claim me until then. *smiggles* It just amuses me for some reason, knowing that I'm still property of the Phi Sigs. :P I should get a tattoo.

I can't wait 'til next year. I'm going to be on the Exec Board, I'll get my own key to the station, I'll have my own show...and of course, I'll still be VP of NBS. ^_^ I feel like such leadership material, LOL!

Y'know what kinda gets to me? All these "artists" who steal old songs and then just stick some rap in between the choruses. Eminem (I think) took the "Dream On" tune and put a little bit of rapping in the middle, then let the chorus play in between. Some other rapper guy took Phil Collins's "Take Me Home" and let the chorus go in between whatever the heck he was saying. Where is the talent in this?? Answer: there is none. I could do that. I could take some random song, make up some unintelligible lyrics, and stuff the chorus in between these lyrics (with the original song tune playing underneath everything). The worst of it is, people actually listen to this stuff...and half of them don't even realize what the original song was! I'm tellin' ya, with all this crap being put on the air, I could totally make a killing in the music business. I don't even have to come up with original material!

I may hate rap with a fiery passion, but I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for them if they made their own songs instead of using everyone else's.

Rant over.

But anyway, that's all I feel like talking about. It's humid and yucky outside, my poor little fan is having a hard time trying to keep things cool by itself (Kristen's fan died weeks ago), and I need to motivate myself to go study. And pack (though I might just do the packing stuff tomorrow, since I don't have a lot of boxes to put stuff in, hehe)...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!