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Today's rambling: Dreams & venting
Written on Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2003 at 1:07 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I had this dream that I suddenly discovered it was 2009, and the last time I remembered was 2003. "Oh my god," I kept saying, "I don't remember anything that happened!!! All I think I did was sleep!" It was like Rip Van Winkle, except I only slept through 6 years. :P Still, that was a really unsettling feeling! To have wasted so much time, to not know what happened while you were separated from the world...I remember Mom scolding me in it, saying I was too...something that started with an 's'. I don't even think it was a real word. You know how dreams have a tendency to come up with random things...though in that one dream I had awhile ago, I did somehow dredge up the word 'Jovian' even though I haven't seen it since 9th grade Earth & Space Science. :P

So now I'm thinking that that dream was probably some kinda worry that I'm having, or maybe a self-made warning that I'm just sleeping my life away. Whether literally speaking--I do sleep a lot--or figuratively, I dunno. But I thought it was interesting.

And I know you don't. ;)

I'm kind of curious to find out what happened with Mom at work today. She's convinced that Geoff is going to ask her what happened with me, and she keeps worrying and saying "I don't know what to say to him." I've repeatedly told her to just say that she doesn't know, and to ask me instead. I mean first of all, I don't want her getting any further involved. It's for me to get myself out of this stupid mess, and if she ended up telling the truth--that I didn't want him to drive me to uni--it would make things even worse. She stresses herself out over everything, and it's making her really unhealthy. The doctor finally ended up prescribing blood pressure pills for her, because her blood pressure is so high. I don't think it has so much to do with diet as it does with stress. I keep trying to suggest things for her, but she won't listen to any of it. Meditation, she said, would be self-destructive because if she sits down and starts to think then she'll get depressed and have a breakdown. We don't really have the money for her to go to a spa or whatever, but even if we did, that would only be a temporary thing. She needs to just learn how to relax, and I'm not quite sure how to get her to do that. I stress out over a good many things, but for the most part I like to think I'm a laid back sort of person. I let most things just go by...actually, it's usually the strangest of things that get me stressing out (like that episode over Easter break).

Hehe...The day we left for Easter break, Kristen had written this message on her white board that said "Happy Easter...remember who u celebrate." I had to restrain myself from writing "The Pagan fertility gods, since this IS technically a Pagan holiday." The only reason I didn't was because my motivation was just being an impudent ass. I mean, it's true that Easter was adopted from a Pagan holiday, but just because her behavior lately has been irking me doesn't mean I should go riling HER up.

I don't want to get into a huge religious rant, but I have to get this little bit out. First of all, I'm the sort of person who's pretty much 'pro-choice' as far as religions go. Whatever you pick (though atheists DO rile me up a bit), I'm not going to look down upon you for it. What I can't stand, however, are people trying to shove their morals and beliefs down my throat. My religion is a private thing to me, and while I have no problems talking about it with people (Kevin and I occasionally talk about those sorts of things), when you start telling me that I'm going to hell because I don't share your views...well, that just pisses me off. Lately, some group has been going around with sidewalk chalk writing all sorts of things on the sidewalk, and it's just getting to the point where I feel like they're trying to convert the campus or something. I've taken to reading the messages backwards just because it's more amusing that way. And Kristen's latest Easter message...I'm sorry, but not everyone celebrates Easter. Pam, for one, is Jewish. And I've stopped celebrating Easter as well. Not that I get offended by people who do, and I wouldn't have minded Kristen just writing "Happy Easter". But the whole "remember who u celebrate" addition was unnecessary.

Anyway, sorry about that. At least she hasn't tried to push her religion in my face at all. I think it's great that she goes to Bible study every week, even if I think the guy who's leading it is heading for a cult someday. There's being religious, and then there's fanaticism...and he's leaning toward the fanatical end. But I'm not going to get involved in that because my faith is firmly rooted and that's all that counts, right?

Now. Going back to today. I think--and my fingers are crossed on this one--that I'm going to be able to get all the classes I want next semester. The three main ones I'm going for are Writing For Media, Intro to Images, and French Conversation. The other one I'm hoping to get is volleyball, which is only 1 credit but that'll fill up my Phys Ed requirement. I just can't believe that the two Comm classes are still open!!! They're usually filled up immediately, and even my advisor was saying that it takes forever to get into them. But so long as everything stays open until 4 this afternoon, I'll be all set!!! Yay! :D

At any rate, I'm going to go now. Because it's lunch time. ^_^

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!