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Today's rambling: Annoyances
Written on Saturday, Apr. 12, 2003 at 8:39 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Tell me you'll love me for a million years...

Even though I should have waited for Kristen to be able to watch it with me, I finished "Anne of Avonlea" (or "Anne of Green Gables - The Sequel", as it's apparently called). I don't think there could be a more perfect story than this one. Everything about it is just so romantic! And at the same time, it makes my heart ache because I long for something like that.

It sounds silly, I know. I always feel this way after watching the movie or reading the books.


Have I mentioned that my roommate is so pathetically arrogant and "intellectual" sometimes that I would like to throw her out the window? Or worse? She's here talking with her friend about how "I could never get into the Harry Potter books. And I liked the first movie except they couldn't act." Imagine her with her nose in the air, and you've pretty much got it.

I CAN'T STAND HER ANYMORE!!!! I really can't! I'm so tired of her getting all hoity-toity about the most retarded things! She was reading over the little newspaper clipping about her induction into Phi Eta Sigma, and even the picture of her looks haughty! *weeps* Why, oh WHY did I get myself into this??

Seriously. I think I might talk things over with Amanda and just move into Ralston with her next year. Screw my honorable "Well, I already agreed to stick with Kristen, so I need to stay with her." I don't care anymore. My sanity is more important than this. Wonder how she'd react, though. I'm sure she wouldn't enjoy it, but she can find someone else to move in with.

Even her friend is annoying. She's telling Kristen to read "1984" for pleasure. No wonder she was complaining that there was too much fantasy in the Harry Potter books! Annoying wench.

Pleeeease, Amanda, get back from Walmart soon!

In happier news, I received a message on my answering machine yesterday. It was Dr. Kennedy, saying that I had gotten the Cole Scholarship (from the Communication Department)!!! It's only $220, but still! It's not the money I'm so excited about, it's the fact that those guys thought I was worthy of getting a scholarship! I feel like seeking out all 4 of the professors who interviewed me and thanking them profusely, hehe!

I met the sorority's sweetheart tonight. Yeah, he was quite lovely to look at. ^_^ And I got my first present from my "Teddy Buddy", who'll be giving me gifts up until initiation. *giggles* It's an anonymous sister, but today I got a little Care Bear (Bed-Time Bear) and one of the spifty water bottles that's become the new craze around here. It was so great! I love stuffed animals. ;)

Ali brought up a huge stack of scrapbooks and gave Amanda and I a mini history lesson. We got to see tons of pictures of "Hell Nights" from the 70's...those poor girls! Well sure, I guess they deserved it if they were silly enough to get into something like that, but still. They had to swallow live goldfish! It was like a scene out of some silly movie that involves fraternity guys! And they had to do all sorts of other stuff, too...I think I found it oddest that pictures of these nights were actually put into scrapbooks!

We're having a movie night once Amanda gets back from Walmart. I'll have to run back down to the house, and then we're going to watch "Newsies" and "Girl Interrupted" (though I'll be leaving at that movie because I've never had ANY interest in watching it). It'll be nice to get away, especially as I don't want to hang out here tonight. I'm definitely going to have to ask Amanda if she's willing to get rid of her "single room" status. She probably won't want to, though. I mean, I wouldn't want to get a roommate if I had a single room! Even though it would mean I could pay less!

I've decided that I'm going to ask Kevin to teach me how to swing dance. *chuckles* At the Relay For Life thing Pam and I DJed for last night, we played two swing songs and Pam was like, "If anyone knows how to swing dance, come up here and I'll give you a prize!" Two couples came up and danced for like a minute, but I was so jealous, lol! I kept thinking, "If Kev was here I'd be able to swing dance with him!" *laughs* I'll see if he can just teach me without the music first. He keeps trying to pull me up to dance when a swing song comes on, and I'm like, "I have no rhythm!"

Anyway, THANK GOODNESS Amanda just got back. So I'm off to the house! Woot!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!