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Today's rambling: He's your what?!
Written on Wednesday, Apr. 02, 2003 at 6:41 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

So guess what I found out? The DJ I was talking about in yesterday's entry? He's Amanda's tennis coach. Or one of them, anyway. X_X I was standing in line for something at dinner, and I looked up to see him standing there. He initiated the conversation, thank goodness (I'm horrible at starting things), but we were chatting a little bit when Amanda walked up. Thinking I'd be polite, I introduced them...and Amanda was like, "Hey, Coach!"

Oh, this has provided her with endless amusement. She's exaggerated the story to the point where now, I "want in his pants." *laughs* It's the farthest thing from the truth, but it's still funny. My only interest in him at this point was thinking he's cute. I honestly don't think I'd want to date him. I mean, first of all--I don't even KNOW the guy! LOL! But yeah, he just hasn't shown himself to be my type thus far. I wouldn't mind being friends with him...I'm always open to making new friends, but no, not interested in the dating scene. *giggles*

I skipped Health and Humanities (The Evil H's) again today. I know, it's bad. I feel like I'm slacking off big time, but come on: he talked about water for an entire 50 minutes in Health today. Can you blame me for wanting to skip? I know all about water's benefits. Listening to him lecture about it for an entire class period is not going to make me suddenly jump up and cry, "I have to go! I have 8 glasses of water to start on!" And as for Humanities...He probably just went over "Frankenstein" the entire time. Our test was supposed to be on Friday, but it's been bumped to Monday (no class Friday!) because there'll be wee ones invading our theatre on Friday. I may not like children, but they have spared me from Humanities. Therefore, they have a brief reprieve from my dislike.

I think I did well on my French test. There was no essay, so it would be WONDERFUL if I got a 100% (it would be the first 100 I've ever gotten on any of my French tests)...but I don't think I did that well. At any rate, hopefully we'll get them back tomorrow, so I can find out exactly how well (or badly) I did. Hehe...

My first "new member meeting" for the sorority is tonight. I'm wondering how that'll all turn out. My Big will be there, as will Amanda's...and so will Denise and Erin, even though they're already sisters. I guess it's just because they're in the same class as Amanda and I. Oh, but speaking of Denise...will you allow me to complain a bit, Diary?

Oh, I knew you'd say yes. You're so considerate and kind!

To give you some insight into her personality, Denise is one big bundle of pessimism. I've talked about that several times in this diary, though, I think, because I eat breakfast with her on MWF. She never has anything good to say! And whenever she's not outright complaining, her voice is dripping with sarcasm. It's very depressing to be around. I know I'm not a bright ray of sunshine all the time, but I'm more cheerful than she is! The only time you usually hear her laughing is when someone's getting teased! >_<

So part of the whole "new member" thing is that our class (which consists of 5 girls) has to do some kinda singing thing for the sisters. To me, this seems somewhat like hazing, but if all the sisters are forced to sing and dance in front of a theatre full of people, then I guess this isn't so bad. Anyway, I had the idea that if we have to embarrass ourselves by singing, why not make a whole revue out of it? Y'know, have short skits and other such things? The one skit I've made up is called "Lessons In Good-Gaming." If you don't know what good-gaming is, don't worry about it. Suffice it to say, that's what these girls enjoy doing, so I knew they'd get a huge kick out of seeing a skit about it. One of the 'characters' in this skit is a narrator, who in my mind would have the voice of the narrator in "The Meaning of Life". I decided that I really wanted to do that part, and I figured I was entitled to it since I was the one writing this thing.

Well, Amanda was enthusiastic about the idea, and surprisingly so was Denise. Well, enthusiastic for her, anyway. Anyway, last night we were sitting in the chapter room and Denise and I started talking softly about it while Rosie was talking to someone else (the sisters aren't allowed to know what we're doing). All of a sudden, Denise goes "I'll be the narrator, no question. I'll definitely add the humor" or something like that. I was so taken by surprise by this statement that I couldn't even come back with, "Well actually, that position's already been filled."

I know, this all sounds completely trivial and petty. Who cares what part goes to whom? It's just that I'm overall frustrated with Denise because she's been planning this whole thing without giving the rest of us ANY input. We're GOING to sing this song ("I Will Survive" *gag*), and we're GOING to recite a poem. The plaque (aka paddle) that we're going to decorate is GOING to have a teddy bear on top. The part that pisses me off about that is the fact that we're all expected to chip in on this plaque. Is it going to cost extra to have the top of it shaped like a teddy bear? If so, I'll be damned if she's going to get ME to pay any extra. She didn't even give me the opportunity to decide on it!

I wish they'd never let her into this sorority. If I don't feel that I fit in, then she most CERTAINLY doesn't.

But I'm not going to get myself into a tizzy about that. I have more important things to do right doing my laundry. :P

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!