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Today's rambling: Fairyland of Love
Written on Sunday, Mar. 30, 2003 at 7:41 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

So here I am, all dressed up and ready to go to the pinning ceremony. Am I making a mistake in going?

I don't know.

After going to Greek Sing today, I joked that I would stick with this just so that I could mingle with the Sig Pi's. *fans herself* Man oh man, are they all hot. Unfortunately, I'm not so sure that Phi Sigs ever really mingle, since we're considered one of the "ugly sororities" (from what I've heard) and the Sig Pi's are notorious for having many many hot boys. :P

The event itself, however, had the effect of many people scraping nails down a chalkboard. Obviously, people do not join Greek organizations because they can sing. One or two sororities were just terrible, and some of the fraternities weren't much better. One group totally butchered "Dust In The Wind", while the girls (during informal sing) killed both "Aquarius (Let the Sunshine In)" and "It's Raining Men." Now granted, the latter song isn't really all that great in its original form, but it just sounded terrible! I, at least, would try to find a song that kind of fit people's vocal abilities. One song went down so low that the girls went completely off key trying to hit the notes, and others went so high that again, keys were painfully off. Part of the problem was that they were shouting, but was just bad. I don't think very much of my voice, but my hearing's sensitive enough to be put through pain by something like this.

Still, it was fun. Long, but fun.

Now I'm sitting here listening to "Days of Future Passed" for the second time, shivering because it's cold as heck here, and waiting for 8:15 to roll around so Amanda and I can wander down to the Phi Sig house for pinning. At least, I think it's taking place at the house...wouldn't THAT be funny, the two of us missing our own ceremony...

Kristen bought me this adorable French Hello Kitty memo pad from the Sanrio store in New York. It's even got stickers, hehe! I should have asked her if they moved all the French stuff to some remote corner in the back of the store, since there's such a general feeling of..."booo" toward the French. :P Not like I care. I'll go on defiantly liking French stuff. *chuckles*

Anyway, I'm going to go play Solitaire now. Solitaire is fun.

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!