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Today's rambling: Bid party
Written on Tuesday, Mar. 25, 2003 at 10:41 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Amanda and I went to the Phi Sig bid party tonight, and it was SOOOOOO much fun! We walked down with Rosie and April, because they were at the door across the hall from me decorating the door (Erin's getting initiated on Friday). Cat also came with us, quiet as always, but she said she had a lot of fun too. ^_^

The best part was, everything was totally simple. We came in, were greeted by a whole bunch of sisters, got something to drink (nothing alcoholic!), and then went on a tour of the house. Upstairs, we stopped in one of the rooms because there were some sisters in there, so 3 of them got up to let us sit in their chairs and then we chatted for a bit. When the one girl told us we had to get going, I was all disappointed! But anyway, we went back down to the living room where we got into ANOTHER chat with some sisters, and then it was time to go downstairs to the chapter room. There, we played charades. *giggles*

I've never actually played charades before. My shyness gets in the way, so I always slink away from things like that. But tonight, of course, I was obliged to go up...and my team actually got what I was charading! :-P Poor Amanda got a hard one, so none of us got it. Hee hee...But that's alright, 'cause we all had fun. She's so social and personable around people, which makes me feel like the quiet, sort of awkward one! Hehe...I tried very hard to be sociable tonight, and it's not that I was UNpleasant, it was just very obvious how quiet I was. I think. But Cat was quieter (the poor dear was afraid that if she interrupted anyone, they'd scorn her forever!), so I'm alright. ;)

I technically didn't go to get a bid. Part of me at this point is like, "I WANT TO JOIN! RIGHT THIS VERY SECOND!" but at the same time, I don't want to get into anything without first assuaging my curiosity about the Tri Sigs. Tomorrow, I have to ask Sarah whether they'll be having any sorts of parties. It might turn out that those girls are nowhere near as friendly as the Phi Sigs are, and it won't be a difficult choice at all. The thing that's keeping me away from committing to the Phi Sigs is really stupid, too! See, the Tri Sig colors are purple and white. I love purple. And their flower is the purple violet! Aesthetically speaking, it's so ME! *laughs* But I'm not going to join something just for that, because it might turn out that the girls are super snobby. But that's why I need to GO to a party, so I can find out!!!

And then there's the best part, which is that Amanda was really psyched about it too. She's already practically like a sister to me, but now...I dunno, it would just be cool! We'd get to go to meetings together, and all this other fun stuff...Wheeeeee!!!

Then there's the downside, which is that our friends are pretty much against the idea. Of course my roommate is against it (I can't even gush about how much fun it was, because she's just like, "Oh, that's nice.." and "Oh, that's...interesting", even though she's the one asking me questions!), and apparently Kevin's not too keen on the idea, either. I'm not sure if it's because he's generally against Greek organizations, or because he thinks it'll mean he'll see less of Amanda and me. I sorely hope it's not for the former reason, because he got a bid to join Phi Mu, which is the music fraternity. And he would have joined had he had the money. So while I don't think he'd set such a double standard, ya never know! :P

At any rate, I'm not going to think about the negatives. Amanda and I had a blast, and if we want to join then we're gonna join! Our lives are our own, after all!

I have to go take a shower now. ;)

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!