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Today's rambling: Child corruption
Written on Saturday, Mar. 22, 2003 at 11:48 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

A less serious example of why I should never be a mother:

Tim's youngest kid (after prompting from Tim): What are you wearing?
Me: Nothing.

Keep in mind that the kid was only barely 5 years old. Hee hee...I could have been all wholesome and motherly and said (in that tone that mothers use), "I'm wearing a T-shirt and sweat pants." But no, I told him I was wearing nothing, and as he relayed the message to his two brothers (and the other two men in the room), they all started laughing. Geoff was the only one in the room with any sense, hehe...when Tim told his kid to ask that, I could hear Geoff go, "Don't ask her that!!!"

Apparently, the kids thought that I'm dating both Tim and Geoff. And later, the 5-year old said to Geoff, "I think she should marry you and my dad." Then he said something dirty. X_X The poor kid has been corrupted by his father! No wonder boys are such dirty creatures!

Geoff informed me that he was wearing boxer shorts and a shirt, and of course my imagination was just running with that one. :P

On a nicer note, right before that kid said the bit about me marrying them, I guess he asked who I was or something. Geoff said it was his mother at first, and then he was like, "It's my wife." 'Course, my logical response would have been, "Let's just get to the 'girlfriend' stage first!" but my automatic mental response was "Yeah, baby!"

It's 11:30 and I still have not done my laundry. Cat invited me out to the mall this afternoon, which was a welcome distraction as Kristen's boyfriend was up for the day. I had to fight the urge to start singing (to the tune of "I'm A Girl Watcher"): "I'm a porn watcher, I'm a porn watcher..." (I never told that story in here, since it's sort of bad form...I do have SOME scruples, hehe!) Didn't get to watch "Life of Brian" at all, so I'll definitely have to do that tomorrow after that silly induction ceremony. The movie's due back on Monday, so tomorrow's technically my last chance to watch it! LOL...Geoff told me that his friend used to rent that movie every Easter (and if you've ever seen it before, then you get the humor). :P Anyhoo, I'm looking forward to seeing it.

And now that I've said what I wanted to say, I'm going to leave. After posting the last bit of that conversation I had with "The Kid" (as I shall call him, since I don't know his name).

The Kid: Are you a nun?
Me: Yes, I am!
The Kid: Can you fly?
Me: Sometimes, yes.

The Kid: What kind of car do you drive?
Me: A scooter.
The Kid: (after much laughter, and a prompting from his older brother for a serious answer) No really, what kind of car do you drive?
Me: I don't have one.
The Kid: (After prompting from his father) What kind of horse do you ride?
Me: A Clydesdale.
The Kid: Do you keep it up there?
Me: I gave it to the dining hall for dinner.

Me: (Later, after rehashing the conversation with The Kid) I can't believe I told him I was wearing nothing.
Geoff: (Laughing) Yeah, I think that's the most disturbing part about the whole thing.

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!