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Today's rambling: New leads
Written on Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003 at 5:06 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Which OS are You?
Which OS are You?

Yeah, I'm sure that describes me. �_�

I was a good student and emailed my French professor, asking if I'd be missing anything vital today, and I never got a response! : Sure, I could have called, but we all know Amber's Paranoia Of Phones. They are evi.

So Kristen went to the campus health center this afternoon, and came back with the announcement that she has bronchitis. As I'd been wondering about this for awhile, I looked on a medical website and discovered that yes, bronchitis is contagious. As I've been living with her since January, there was definitely ample opportunity for me to catch this insidious sickness. I've never had bronchitis before. I don't even know if that's what I have right now, as I haven't gone to the health center. As today has been designated as resting day, I'm not going to make an appointment until tomorrow. I wouldn't worry about it if I thought it was just a cold, but bronchitis could be bad.


Wouldn't it be nice if my friends brought me soup? Ha ha...Well, Lauren did it for Kevin! Then again, they both live in the same building. :P Oh well, it's one of those warm thoughts. ;) I'll have to borrow Pam'"hair dryer" (aka "contraband microwave") and make some ramen noodles for myself this evening. Yummmmmmm...

Those Listerine commercials crack me up, now that I have been enlightened. Have you ever seen them? There's one with a guy and one with a girl, but they're both the same. They're swishing Listerine (or pretending to), and this voiceover guy is like, "Come on! Just 30 seconds blah blah blah...sure it's a little...intense, but think of all the germs you're killing!"

The little pause before 'intense' is what gets me, because last night I was swishing Listerine in my mouth (just bought it at CVS) and I thought my gums were going to be flayed off. I definitely didn't make it the whole 30 seconds. My eyes were watering as though I was about to cry! So now that I know exactly how 'intense' this stuff is, I will never be able to look at that commercial in the same way. They obviously couldn't market the stuff by saying, "Sure it feels like you're burning off layers of delicate tissue, but think of all the germs you're killing!"

Mom called me and asked if I wanted her to come up and get me early. Of course I would have liked that, but at the same time I was like, "I can't leave! I have a test on Friday, and I can't afford to miss those other classes!" Granted, our test might be postponed, but I still can't afford to miss class. I'll have to be dying (or vomiting...but both words are practically synonymous) before I ask to go home.

She also told me that Geoff is working day shifts this week, and added, "He was so cute yesterday!" Then she was talking about how happy everyone was to see him again ('cause obviously they weren't seeing him while he was working night shifts) and I felt like puffing up all proudly, LOL!..."Yes, that's my guy! He's well-liked by all! I picked the right person!" ;)

The mystery of my tuition is solved. Mom and I had both been hoping that Dad had somehow found out where I was going to college and paid off the rest of this year's tuition, but it turns out that I got some kind of grant for $1600. Lovely, of course, because that means I don't have to pay anything else this year (and can start early on paying off my credit card before next year's fees get piled onto it)...but at the same time it's really disappointing. Even Mom said she was disappointed, because we were so hoping that Dad had been the one to do it. I was all ready to write him an email thanking him and such...But I should have expected that it wouldn't be him. He hasn't talked to me since a little after Christmas last year, so why would he just randomly do this for me? :(

I know I should be the bigger person and get in touch with him first. I'm just not up to it yet.

All my friends are suddenly trying to hit me up for alcohol. All the folks from work predicted this would happen, hehe! The difference is that Lauren, Kevin, and Amanda would never actually pressure me into doing it. They tease every now and then, but that's it. And to be honest, I would have no problem with it if I knew I wouldn't get caught. They're all adults now, and Kevin and Amanda, at least, are responsible enough to not go overboard. Alcohol in small amounts is not a bad thing. And since I'm the only one who could buy it for them, I could make sure I only got small amounts, so that even if they wanted to they couldn't drink too much. If people in Europe have no drinking laws and they've been doing alright with it, then I don't see what the big thing is here. Mind you, I'd never let my kids drink more than some champagne or something before they were 18, but if 18 is the legal adult age here in the US, why can't they have alcohol too? I think in Belgium it was like 16 for beer and wine, and then 18 for the other stuff. When you put restrictions on things, it just encourages kids to want to go out and be rebels. Alcohol really doesn't taste that great (well, 99% of it, anyway); how many kids would WANT to drink it if they knew they were allowed? That's just my thinking, anyway. But I was always different from the rest of society, so just because I wouldn't drink it doesn't mean no one else would!

Okay, Pam's IMing me a whole bunch about her crush (I find this to be cute, actually), so I'm going to go. I think I might call Mom back and inform her that I might have bronchitis, too. Ha ha ha... :P

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!