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Today's rambling: Not my week
Written on Friday, Feb. 21, 2003 at 12:31 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

So last night, Amanda and I saw 'Peter Pan'. Oh but wait, let me start from earlier that day, since I didn't get to write an entry yesterday. After our History test (which she and I both aced, thanks to her terrific studying skills), we started walking up to the dining hall for breakfast. Kevin had to go into another building to hand in his Phi Eta Sigma application, and then Lauren veered off to go to her next class. At any rate, the dining hall had JUST closed so Amanda and I turned around to go to Main Street so we could buy carnations for Kevin and Lauren. Wouldn't you know it: just as we were passing by the building Kevin had ducked into, there he came out the door.

"Where're you going?" Kevin inquired.

"To the bank, so I can cash my checks," Amanda replied (and we were actually going there, too). A small pause, in which I held my breath hoping he'd just say 'see you later', and then:

"Oh, well I'll come with you, since I have time before class."

A much longer pause, as I wondered how to get him away without being rude. Finally, Amanda said (in a teasing tone), "You're not allowed to come."

Before Mr. Ego took over Kevin's mind, he would have asked why or teased back. Yesterday, however, he just shrugged, spun on his heel and left. When Amanda and I called out to him, we could tell he was being all pissy. We contemplated for like 3 seconds just not buying flowers anymore ('cause Lauren had been getting a little irritating too), but in the end we did.

"You realize," Amanda said, "that we are too nice." An ulterior motive to our flower-buying was to make Kevin feel guilty later for being mean to us. ;) See, we are not completely nice, though I'm sure all of you already know that about me. Bwa ha ha...

Okay, so to last night. Amanda and I decided that it would be nice if we got dressed up for the event...because despite the semi-jerk Kevin's been turning into since play practices began, this is still important to him. Went to dinner first, where Amanda told me that she thinks the other two are jealous of how much she and I have been hanging out together--what are we supposed to do, when both of them are always gone?--and then we went down to the theatre and got our seats. Blah blah, to the end...

All the cast members were in the lobby when we came out, and we immediately found Kevin. After gesturing for Lauren to come over, we handed over our flowers. Lauren was only on stage crew, but we figured it'd be a nice gesture, hehe...So yeah, I was thinking things were semi back to normal (other than the fact that Kevin was hardly paying attention to Amanda and I). Amanda and I waited around while they all went backstage again to get out of costume, and then the plan was to walk home together. Lauren came out, and then Kevin was off talking to this guy for AGES. When he finally finished, he started talking to this girl that he's like in love with. The minute he sat down next to her, he looked at the three of us and told us to go ahead and he'd meet up with us later in Lauren and Amanda's room.

He never showed up. Nor did he answer his cell phone.

A whole bunch of the cast members were going out to eat after the show, and Lauren had been invited but she declined because she'd already made plans with us. Our suspicion is that Kevin had no such compunctions and went to the restaurant with that girl and the rest of the cast. And y'know, that would have been fine...if he'd let us know. No, we're not his keepers, but we ARE his friends and deserved at the very least an "I'm sorry, I won't be able to come over tonight." Instead we were left sitting there wondering where he was and just getting generally pissed off at the way he's been acting.

All was not lost, however, as I exposed Lauren and Amanda to the wonderful fun of pants. :P Lauren had already been talking about Jason Isaacs and his pants, so I told her to take random quotes from "The Patriot" and substitute 'pants' for certain words. I couldn't believe neither of them had heard of this game before, but we were in hysterics. "Would you like a lesson in the rules of war, sir? Or perhaps your pants would." And, "before this war is over, I'm going to pants you." Oh yes, I may not have much interest/knowledge in LotR stuff, but after watching "The Patriot" so many times, I can quote that with ease. :P

So anyway, as far as the whole situation with Kevin goes...I'm not quite sure what to do about it. On the one hand, my natural instinct says "Just ignore the jerk until he gets over himself...but then I think, "He probably doesn't even KNOW that he's acting differently, so ignoring him would just put him on the defensive and this mess would get even bigger." So then I start thinking that maybe I should say something to him, but I get torn yet again by the thought that maybe his head will shrink after the play is over and such. It'll probably take awhile for that to happen, maybe, as his 'big sister', I should say something to him. Nicely, of course, because spitting at him wouldn't accomplish much.

My problem is that I have absolutely no tolerance for that kind of behavior. You treat me like I'm something less than everyone else just because I'm not a part of a certain group, and I immediately stop wanting to associate with you. Most people, while they dislike that kind of behavior, will be willing to give the subject a second chance. I'm not. I've been disrespected enough times in my life to be able to say "Hey, if you're not going to treat me in the way a friend deserves to be treated, then I don't need you." And especially when the reason for this behavior is due to a silly play that wasn't even all that great to begin with! I mean, he had Amanda and I thinking that he was as funny as the character Smee was, and it was a total letdown when we started watching and discovered that he was exactly what he'd been cast as: a random pirate in the chorus. Sure, Josh was like ten times worse, but Kevin was certainly no star. So he's getting a big head over nothing!

Go back to your education major, boy. Theatre is turning you into a diva.

In more cheerful news, I caved in and called Geoff last night. And got on his case for not calling me on Sunday like he'd said he would. Actually, I think one of the first things he said to me (after his greeting--he knows my number when it pops up on Caller ID, hehe) was something like, "I think Tim and I might come up to visit." I don't think they will, but it was so out of the blue that for a few moments I got all excited! :P

Anyway, that's about it this time around. My ears have actually been aching lately...not all the time, but they don't usually ache, either. It would be just my luck to get an earache, after seemingly evading all those other sicknesses that had been going around!

Kristen's boyfriend is coming up this weekend, and I'm not happy at all about it. I guess she figured that since I agreed to it once, it's okay if he wants to stay here whenever he comes up...because she didn't ask if it was okay. She just told me he was coming up, as though I'd be like, "Oh YAY! The big baby will be staying RIGHT HERE in this VERY ROOM!!!" Pam says I can stay in her room, and since Amanda's going home for the weekend she told me I could stay there as well. I might take up on Pam's offer. I hate being here when those two are together. I consider it very rude for two people to be all over each other when they're in the presence of friends or whatever, and these two are constantly touching and kissing and all this stuff. I have to sit here in a silent room and listen to the amplified smacking sound when their lips part. No, they're not making out, but y'know that annoying sound I'm talking about? Gah. Even if I was dating someone, I would still consider it to be in bad taste. I hate to be mean to Kristen, but this is just pathetic. I mean, she saw the moron like 2 weekends ago, and then our break starts in a WEEK. Why the heck does he feel the need to come up here now?

Oh, but wait. This is the boy who feels the need to call her every night and say "I love you" at least 100 times per conversation (and no, I'm not exaggerating). Of course he'd have to come see her. He's probably shriveling into nothing by now.

Augh, I have a headache...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!