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Today's rambling: Colllldness...
Written on Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003 at 1:23 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Do you still remember
December's foggy freeze?
When the ice that clings onto your beard
Was screaming agony...

My kingdom for a balmy breeze! Did I once say that I wanted to live in Alaska?

Forget that.

No, I have no desire to move somewhere that has a constantly heated climate, such as the south or far west--Pennsylvania is still just fine with me. But once my college career has ended, I am so staying out of the western half of the state. Damn depressing, it is.

The amusing bit is that for ages I've wanted a lot of snow, but despite the fact that it snows like every day up here, it hasn't accumulated a whole lot. There's probably about a foot or so on the ground, but that's not much considering that virtually every day this winter we've had snow showers. Back home, they got 22+ inches in one day yesterday. I find this amusing because I was originally all excited to be out here because of the massive amounts of snow I'd always heard about...but now that I'm here, it's my home that's getting all the snow! Mom and Geoffrey both joked about that.

Amanda and I got our tickets to the Thursday showing of 'Peter Pan'. This means that I'll be missing the second night of that hypnotist guy, and that was the show that I'd really wanted to see! I'm quite peeved about the poor planning on UAB's part. I really hope that guy ribs them at their "Pack the House" meeting, telling them that the best way to get their events filled is to schedule them when there are no other big events going on.

My sides are still sore, but it's shifted a bit in the type of pain. :P Whereas yesterday it only hurt if I moved, today there's a feverish spot on my right side that's been hurting all day. It's got that tender feeling like when you're sick and your skin is really sensitive...make sense? At any rate, it's a little weird. But of course, I'm going back to the Rec Center this afternoon. ;) But Amanda said she's keeping me away from the torso-twisty machine this time around, hehe...Instead, I'm going to have to try bench-pressing. Oh yes, the weight room activity that makes the "Inner Gorilla" (to use a Marn-ism) come out in all guys. "Hey, I benched 350 pounds yesterday, man!"

I'll be lucky to lift the bar. Forget putting any weights on the end, I'm just going to consider myself lucky to lift 45 pounds! X_X And oh yes, my ego will be squashed flat, but it's okay. I'm all about working muscles, and goodness knows my arms are weak little things. This is Project Buff, and if I have to start off on the lowest level, then so be it. You will all be totally envious of my svelte figure later on, bwa ha ha...

Boy, is THAT wishful thinking. Hee hee...

Mom, up until this point, has taken a laissez-faire approach to my 'relationship' with Geoff. Last night, though, as I told her about the phone thing and confessed that I still felt like crying (I actually did get a little teary while talking about it, heh), she was like, "Do you want me to yell at him?" She's said that before, but in the "I'm tired of listening to this, what do you expect ME to do?" tone. Last night, however, she was dead serious, hehe! I was like, "You've already told me that you're not getting involved!" and she replied that she was tired of him acting like this. :P But he's on vacation this week, and to be honest I don't really want her saying anything like that. I mean, how awkward and juvenile would THAT be? I appreciate the sentiment, of course, but I need to get all this settled on my own.

I know guys are notoriously bad with phones, but this is just pathetic. I don't care if he DOES have the memory of a blond! :P

So today in French class, we have to write our little essay thinger. My original intent was to write up another of my stories, but I'm just not feeling the creativity right now. Much of it has to do with this horrid weather, I know, but it's bothering me that I'm feeling so apathetic toward everything! I definitely need to invest money in one of those lights that people use for light therapy during the winter. I don't want to go back to being a mediocre student like I was in grade school! But anyway, back to this essay. I forget how many sentences I came up with, but it isn't many. The paragraph looks woefully thin--my first essay took up about half a page--and it's pretty boring, too. Definitely first-grader stuff. But it's hard to come up with anything creative when you have to use certain things! Our requirements were to use 5 verbs in the imperfect tense, and then use 3 reflexive verbs (or pronominal verbs, as they're called in this book). Kinda hard to do anything creative AND use all those things...well, without going on forever, anyway. The essay I had to write for the test went on forever because I couldn't figure out any other way to get in that number of verbs! But I still got an A, ha ha...

Can I pay anyone to read The Killer Angels and tell me what happens? I just looked over and saw it lying there, and I gave a mental groan. I'm only on page 97 (out of 345 pages), and it's just not capturing my attention at all. Amanda's only a few chapters away from the end! I wish I had her enthusiasm. Now, give me a Terry Brooks novel and I'd have been at least where Amanda is, if not completely finished. Hehe...

Okay, I guess since I've been complaining about it, I'll go read a little bit to assuage my conscience. Oh wait, it's 1:23! I have to leave at quarter 'til 2 for my French class! Aww, too bad. *cackles*

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!