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Today's rambling: Sickness abounds!
Written on Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2003 at 12:19 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Despite initial dislike, I actually enjoy listening to that song "Breathe In" (or whatever it's called) by Frou Frou. :-P I still get a kick out of saying their name though, hee hee...

Tyrone called me up this morning and initially said that he'd be in around 6:30 or 6:45, but then finally said, "Can I just see you tomorrow?" Oh yeah, he'd told me that he was sick before that, hehe...Anyway, I told him that I don't work on Mondays or Wednesdays anymore, but that he could stay at home if he wanted to. It wasn't as if I couldn't handle things on my own, and I know I wouldn't want to go anywhere (especially that early) if I was sick. Besides that--and here's the selfish reason--I didn't want to catch anything. ;) Everyone seems to be getting sick around here! I mean, I know this is prime time to get colds and things, but I never get sick until spring. Just you wait...I'm feeling all lucky right now because I seem to be evading things, but the moment warm weather comes back, I'll be struck down by a cold.

Just so long as it's nothing more serious than a cold, though, I'll be okay. I can handle any sort of sore throaty/head coldy thing thrown at me, but give me something that throws my stomach out of order and I am completely miserable. I can even last through headaches more easily than stomach aches. Well, I guess most people are rather intolerant of stomach problems, hehe...but yeah, I'm just hoping that this spring's usual sickness is restricted to a cold. No flu-ish stuff.

Sitting on a park bench
Eyeing little girls with bad intent...

Ha ha ha...Jethro Tull rocks. Anyway...

So remember my anxiety over whether or not all my friends were irritated at me for some unknown reason? As usual, I was worried over nothing. They were wondering what had happened to me, actually! So in a way yes, I'm a little miffed about that. Sure, at least they're not mad at me or whatever, but if they were wondering what had happened to me then why didn't they call or anything? See, this is one of the reasons why I'm never able to get really close to anybody. It's not that I want them to be glued to my side or anything, but the whole neglected feeling isn't all that fantastic either. I already feel like one of those people who never makes a real impression on people...y'know, one of those folks who's forgotten the moment she leaves the room? I don't see anything about myself that's particularly stand-outish, and I'm not saying that because I want pity or anything, LOL! At any rate, even though I didn't feel much like doing anything this weekend, it still would have been nice to have heard from them, you know? I'm sure I'm just being unreasonable. No, I know I am, because I know they all do enjoy hanging out with me...I just don't always feel that they consider me one of those people they'd like around ALL the time.

But maybe that's a good thing. Last semester, we were all getting irritated with each other because we were hanging out too much, so since I never really see them outside of classes and mealtimes I'll stay fresh. Ha ha... :P

Amanda still really wants me to go to the Rec Center. And for the most part (ill-fitting pants aside), I'm really into the idea of going. I put on my yellow zip-up sweatshirt today just to hide my stomach. X_X I seriously think it's growing. Something must be done about it. And so I'd like to go to the Rec Center to start burning off this excess baggage. However, there's that vicious circle I mentioned in one of my previous entries. And besides that, she's already athletic and such. She's not skinny--I mean, I think she has the perfect body, but she doesn't look like Britney Spears or anything like that--but she plays on the university tennis team, she's at the Rec Center nearly every other words, she definitely has a large head start on me. If I was going to go to the Rec Center, I'd much rather go with someone who's as out of shape as I am! I might stop by the bookstore tomorrow or something, though, and see if I can find a pair of workout pants (Jam has me all self-conscious about calling them 'windpants', hehe). Amanda wants to go out to Walmart this weekend to find some...and also to find me a 'body pillow', since I was complaining this morning about having a stiff neck from the pillow I have now. *chuckles*

I didn't find out how I did on my French exam yesterday...because my professor is sick. >_< She told us that she almost didn't come to class, but in the end she did because if she gets another interview or whatever this semester then we'll miss even more days. She even canceled her dental appointment for today because she was ill, which of course disappointed all the slackers in the class. Ha ha...actually, if it wasn't for my eagerness at finding out how I did, I'd have been disappointed too. Despite how much I enjoy learning French--I was all aquiver the other day when she told us we'd be learning the imperfect tense--I still get stressed out by it. Maybe she'll be less strict with us while she's sick.

Aaaiiiieeeeeee! Miranda just called me, and she's sick now! I mean, she really sounded bad...and yesterday she was fine. Or at least, she sounded fine. She didn't say anything about feeling bad, so I don't know exactly how sudden this all was. It was sudden for me, however! Here comes my paranoia again about getting sick. If Miranda was fine yesterday and all of a sudden sick, do you reckon she was contagious? I wouldn't care a whit about getting sick if I was back home...or in high school. But here, if I miss more than one class I'll be so far behind! Especially with the classes I'm taking this semester! It wouldn't matter so much for COM 100, since that class seems to be really easy thus far. But for Humanities and History, and especially French...augh. I just can't afford to miss any days. If all I get is a sore throat and runny nose or whatever, I'll still go to class. Stomach problems will be the only things keeping me away.

I'm going to imitate Michael Jackson and wear a surgical mask around campus. Bwa ha ha...Maybe I'll even put some masking tape on my nose, just to make it more fun.

Amanda was expressing her jealousy to this morning at brunch..."You have cute conversations with a guy, and I can't even get that," she complained, amongst other things (such as the fact that I "have a guy"...even though I don't, hehe). I pointed out that I was older than her, and so it wasn't as if I had any sort of head start on her. She's had boyfriends before, so she's technically ahead of me, if one is boy-crazy enough to care about such things! *chuckles* I don't consider my first/last boyfriend to have actually been a dating thing, as I've said before. So as far as I'm concerned, I've never really dated before. That doesn't bother me, but in satisfying Amanda's conscience, she is ahead of me. ;)

Okay, I should probably read the required stuff for French now. We're probably just going to spend this class going over the imparfait tense more, because the 'dumb half' of the class was really REALLY confused yesterday...but just in case they get it, we're going on to 'qui' and 'que', apparently. I never thought imparfait was all that hard, even when I learned it in high school. Honestly...this isn't meant to be condescending, but I just don't know how those people thought they could keep up in an intensive class when they're not even grasping the basic stuff. They might have done alright in a regular class, because they'd have more time to learn things, but not here! Oh well. At least I don't feel as retarded when I make mistakes in this class, hee hee... ;D

GAH! How could I forget? Last night while waiting for the other NBS members to arrive for our meeting, I saw Cynthia and a couple others come out of the TV studio...with a video camera and a microphone. Thinking they were just filming something random, I slipped into the radio station so I wouldn't get caught on film. Well, when Amber and Kristin arrived I came back out...and wouldn't you know it, Cynthia came up to me and asked if she could interview me for some Valentine's Day thing they were doing! X_X I ended up sounding SO retarded. I mean, first of all I hate this 'holiday', but to say so would make me sound like the bitter, shafted girl. Some of the questions asked were "What do you want for Valentine's Day?" ("A boyfriend might be nice..."); "What does Valentine's Day mean to you?" ("I think it's more of trying to find someone than actually having someone." While thinking: It means sitting at home hating everyone.); "What's your favorite pick-up line?" ("They're all pretty cheesy.")...and others. At least she laughed for the "A boyfriend might be nice" answer, heh...But I felt so inarticulate and dim-witted! It just had to be her interviewing me. Why couldn't it have been that nice-looking, tall guy I saw wander into the TV station? Maybe in response to the "What do you want for V-Day" question, I would have said, "I dunno...are you free?"

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!